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Modifying Batch Jobs

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The batch scheduler provides a number of utility commands for managing submitted jobs. See each utilities’ man page for more information.

Removing and Holding Jobs

Jobs in the queue in any state can be stopped and removed from the queue using the command qdel.

$ qdel 1234

Jobs in the queue in a non-running state may be placed on hold using the qhold command. Jobs placed on hold will not be removed from the queue, but they will not be eligible for execution.

$ qhold 1234

Once on hold the job will not be eligible to run until it is released to return to a queued state. The qrls command can be used to remove a job from the held state.

$ qrls 1234
Modifying Job Attributes

Non-running jobs in the queue can be modified with the PBS qalter command. The qalter utility can be used to do the following (among others):

Modify the job’s name:

$ qalter -N newname 130494

Modify the number of requested cores:

$ qalter -l nodes=12 130494

Modify the job’s walltime:

$ qalter -l walltime=01:00:00 130494
Note: Once a batch job moves into a running state, the job’s walltime can not be increased.