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Common Batch Options to PBS

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The following table summarizes frequently-used options to PBS:

Option Use Description
-A #PBS -A <account> Causes the job time to be charged to <account>. The account string, e.g. pjt000, is typically composed of three letters followed by three digits and optionally followed by a subproject identifier. The utility showproj can be used to list your valid assigned project ID(s). This option is required by all jobs.
-l #PBS -l nodes=<value> Maximum number of compute nodes. Jobs cannot request partial nodes.
#PBS -l walltime=<time> Maximum wall-clock time. <time> is in the format HH:MM:SS.
#PBS -l gres=<filesystem> Associate batch job with one or more Lustre filesystems. Valid options are widow1, widow2, and widow3. Include multiple filesystems like widow2%widow3. Useful to omit associations in the event of file system outages.
-o #PBS -o <filename> Writes standard output to <name> instead of <job script>.o$PBS_JOBID. $PBS_JOBID is an environment variable created by PBS that contains the PBS job identifier.
-e #PBS -e <filename> Writes standard error to <name> instead of <job script>.e$PBS_JOBID.
-j #PBS -j {oe,eo} Combines standard output and standard error into the standard error file (eo) or the standard out file (oe).
-m #PBS -m a Sends email to the submitter when the job aborts.
#PBS -m b Sends email to the submitter when the job begins.
#PBS -m e Sends email to the submitter when the job ends.
-M #PBS -M <address> Specifies email address to use for -m options.
-n #PBS -N <name> Sets the job name to <name> instead of the name of the job script.
-S #PBS -S <shell> Sets the shell to interpret the job script.
-q #PBS -q <queue> Directs the job to the specified queue.This option is not required to run in the default queue on any given system.
-V #PBS -V Exports all environment variables from the submitting shell into the batch job shell.

Further details and other PBS options may be found through the qsub man page.