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Project Allocation Requests

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The OLCF grants (3) different types of project allocations. The type of allocation you should request depends on a few different factors. The table below outlines the types of project allocations available at the OLCF and the some general policies that apply to each:

INCITE Director’s Discretion ALCC
Allocations Large Small Large
Call for Proposals Once per year At any time Once per year
Closeout Report Required Required Required
Duration 1 year 1 year 1 year
Job Priority High Medium High
Quarterly Reports Required Required Required
Apply for INCITE Apply for DD Apply for ALCC
Project Type Details

INCITE – The Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program invites proposals for large-scale, computationally intensive research projects to run at the OLCF. The INCITE program awards sizeable allocations (typically, millions of processor-hours per project) on some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers to address grand challenges in science and engineering. There is an annual call for INCITE proposals and awards are made on an annual basis. For more information or to apply for an INCITE project, please visit the DOE INCITE page.

ALCC – The ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) is open to scientists from the research community in national laboratories, academia and industry. The ALCC program allocates computational resources at the OLCF for special situations of interest to the Department with an emphasis on high-risk, high-payoff simulations in areas directly related to the Department’s energy mission in areas such as advancing the clean energy agenda and understanding the Earth’s climate, for national emergencies, or for broadening the community of researchers capable of using leadership computing resources. For more information or to submit a proposal, please visit the DOE ALCC page.

DD – Director’s Discretion (DD) projects are dedicated to leadership computing preparation, INCITE and ALCC scaling, and application performance to maximize scientific application efficiency and productivity on leadership computing platforms. The OLCF Resource Utilization Council, as well as independent referees, review and approve all DD requests. Applications are accepted year round via the OLCF Director’s Discretion Project Application page.

After Project Approval

Once a project is approved, an OLCF Accounts Manager will notify the PI, outlining the steps (listed below) necessary to create the project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the OLCF Accounts Team at accounts@ccs.ornl.gov.

Steps for Activating a Project Once the Allocation is Approved

  1. A signed Principal Investigator’s PI Agreement must be submitted with the project application.
  2. Export Control: The project request will be reviewed by ORNL Export Control to determine whether sensitive or proprietary data will be generated or used. The results of this review will be forwarded to the PI. If the project request is deemed sensitive and/or proprietary, the OLCF Security Team will schedule a conference call with the PI to discuss the data protection needs.
  3. ORNL Personnel Access System (PAS): All PI’s are required to be entered into the ORNL PAS system. An OLCF Accounts Manager will send the PI a PAS invitation to submit all the pertinent information. Please note that processing a PAS request may take 15 or more days.
  4. User Agreement/Appendix A or Subcontract: A User Agreement/Appendix A or Subcontract must be executed between UT-Battelle and the PI’s institution. If our records indicate this requirement has not been met, all necessary documents will be provided to the applicant by an OLCF Accounts Manager.

Upon completion of the above steps, the PI will be notified that the project has been created and provided with the Project ID and system allocation. At this time, project participants may apply for an account via the OLCF User Account Application page.