Posts Categorized ‘Identity’

GSA OGP is proud to have its own Policy Inc blog be selected as one of the 50 must-read federal technology blogs by FedTech Magazine.

We are in good company with other GSA executives such as Casey Coleman and Mary Davie, agency blogs, CIO blogs, industry firms, and other news leaders and news makers.

If there is information that you would like to see in our blog, please let us know!  We want to hear from you!


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This week, OGP’s Office of Technology Strategy/Acquisition Systems Division released a Sources Sought notice on the Federal Business Opportunities site to measure availability of other agencies and industry members to provide a unique identification process in support of governmentwide acquisition systems. The goal is to provide these systems with necessary data and information on current and potential awardees. The capability to provide a unique identifier at registration to entities and individuals seeking to do business with the government is an important part of the acquisition process. OGP’s mission is supported by the ability to maintain integrity and efficiency throughout governmentwide processes. With a unique identification system, GSA can collect data regarding location, performance, and company hierarchical information that is necessary to tracking entities and individuals who receive contracts, grants, and loans from the government.

In order to maintain a competitive environment, this Sources Sought was released to explore options for attaining these services from one or a number of industry competitors. OGP is also interested in attaining responses from other agencies that may have their own unique identification systems, so that all viable options can be explored. Staying committed to saving tax-dollars while increasing efficiency and transparency is everyone’s priority at GSA. Through thorough data collection and operation of a quick and easy registration process for both existing and potential awardees, the acquisition process supports both of these priorities.

This Sources Sought asks for responses by Monday, November 7, 2011 and a team led by Chris Fornecker in the Acquisition Systems Division will then work on compiling analysis and recommendations for further action to ensure that GSA continues to be committed to the goals and missions of the Executive Branch. The Sources Sought notice can be found on by searching for “IAE-0002.”

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The OGP blog is on the move – literally – this week I am at the FedFleet Training Conference in Orlando, Florida.  We are listening, learning and collaborating with agencies across the federal government on fleet management for vehicles, aircraft and boats.  With us is Administrator Martha Johnson; Steve Kempf, Commissioner of GSA FAS; our R4 RA Shaym Reddy; Jan Dobbs, our OGP Director for Asset Management, Travel, and Transportation; and the fleet policy staff.   This is the 11th annual FedFleet Conference representing the best and latest in motor vehicle, boat, and aviation technologies.  We have almost 1800 attendees at this year’s conference and sold out all vendor exhibit space for a total of 482 exhibits!   We even have a helicopter on the show floor — a first for FedFleet!

Our focus this week is on transformation and change management to drive operational efficiency and strategic management within the federal fleet.   With federal budgets being reduced, agencies have all come to us over the last month or so and said “we need your expertise.”  They are discovering that we have something important to offer:  a clear vision to help them face down their challenges.  The fleet community is right in the middle of this issue and offering policy solutions.

To build our nation’s innovation muscle and reduce our dependence on foreign oil, President Obama set us on a course to put one million advanced vehicles on the road by 2015 and cut oil imports by one-third by 2025.  And, recognizing that our federal government is the owner of one of the largest vehicle fleets in the world, last May the President issued a Presidential Memorandum that directed agencies to implement smart, government-wide fleet practices.  

These include:

  • Moving to the 100 percent purchase of alternative fuel vehicles by 2015,  
  • Developing an allocation methodology for agencies to optimize and right-size their fleets, and
  • Establishing a goal for the optimal size and composition of the federal fleet overall.

We are hearing more at FedFleet about right-sizing, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, biofuel-based, alternative fuel vehicles, and as you will hear more from OGP, about the Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM) as we assist the agencies in their fleet management.   

Be sure to follow GSA OGP on Twitter at @gsa_ogp and @fedfleet as well as my own @ktturco.  If you attended, I hope you will let me know how you enjoyed FedFleet 2011 and how you like my blog as well.

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