Monthly Archives: July 2011

U.S. Working with Canada to Improve Trade Statistics!

By Melissa In my previous post, The United States – Canada Data Exchange, we went over the agreement between the U.S. and Canada to exchange import statistics. Let’s now talk briefly about the operations involved in the data exchange that help … Continue reading

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Can the U.S. Customs Broker be the USPPI?

By Melannie Did you know that the U.S. Customs Broker can be listed as the USPPI when reporting export information  in the AES? Well, as Sean mentioned in his October 13, 2010 blog entitled “Who is the USPPI Anyway?“  the U.S. … Continue reading

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Want to learn how to be compliant with the FTR and AES?

By: Melannie The U.S Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division (FTD) conducts AES Compliance Seminars along with AESPcLink workshops in various areas of the United States. The objective of the AES Compliance Seminars/Workshops is to help companies and individuals understand their … Continue reading

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Trade deficit increases to $50.2 billion in May

by Janet The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $50.2 billion in May from $43.6 billion (revised) in April, as exports decreased and imports increased.  May exports of goods and services declined $1.0 billion to $174.9 … Continue reading

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