Monthly Archives: September 2010

Are you reporting the correct Country of Destination?

By: Josephine When filing your shipment, it is very important to report the correct country of ultimate destination because this affects our monthly publication of the US export trade statistics. To report where your shipment is destined, you must provide … Continue reading

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Understanding Your Compliance Report – Part 2

By: Eric Last time I explained the importance of the Automated Export System (AES) Compliance Report to your company and what you need to do to address it. The AES Compliance Report includes your company’s Compliance Alerts for the last … Continue reading

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How do I get a Schedule B?

By Justin How easy is it to purchase a car? There are so many kinds of cars and options available. First you have to decide whether you want a coupe, sedan, van, or SUV. Then you have to choose between … Continue reading

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Trade deficit decreases in July; new data tool online

By Joe The U.S. international trade deficit decreased to $42.8 billion in July 2010, as exports increased and imports decreased. Exports increased $2.8 billion to $153.3 billion and imports decreased $4.2 billion to $196.1 billion. The $7.0 billion drop in … Continue reading

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Visit the Census Bureau at ASBDC 2010

By: Joe If you are lucky enough to be attending the Association of Small Business Development Centers San Antonio on September 21 – 24, you will have a chance to visit with several members of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign … Continue reading

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Stories from the Real Export Emergencies: Episode: 4 How does this “policy” work?!?!?

By Cindy Scene: Storm clouds were forming all over the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area. It was rush hour,  which means the storm would just further impair the traffic. Just as members of the AES staff entered the building the torrential … Continue reading

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