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March 31, 2010


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I like the rule of no texting while driving. I wish there was some way to keep all drivers from holding a cell phone and driving. I see so many people holding a cell phone to their ear while driving and that is dangerous to the rest of the public.

We're so glad to see this action. Yes, it's a hard job and can be a very lonely one too, but it has to be taken seriusly. Seriusly enough to keep in mind, that one distracted moment can reslut in a fatal mistake. Texting while driving a large truck is a gamble that can be irreversable!
If anyone driver reads this,Please do what you already know is the right thing....KEEP THOSE HANDS AND MIND ON THE ROAD.

Carol L. Roy

Banning Texting is great, but what about Laptop's. There are Millions of mobiel professionals that are driving around, "not texting" but sending a email off to their boss. Laptop's should be banned from being used while driving just like cell phones. Stop, pull over, then send the email.

This will be a major step in making the roads safer for everyone. It sounds like it will be hard to enforce unless bus and truck companies do what OCTA did a year or 2 ago and put cameras in the bus or truck cab. OCTA banned use of cell phones by the drivers and put the cameras in so now you never see an OCTA driver talking or texting on the phone while driving the bus. Now, they only talk on the phone when the bus gets to the end of the line and stops. This new regulation will be an important step in making freeways and rural roads, and hopefully mining operations, too, much safer operations. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

The measures taken to make traffic even safer is fantastic. The "do not drink and bicycle" law is also to be enforced which is great since no one will think it is ok to use and vehicle to transport themselves when drunk.

Texting or laptopping is exactly the same and it should be evident for everybody that laptopping is illigal too.

I personaly text while driving all the time. I know it isn't safe, but I do tend to intentionaly pay more attention to the road while I'm doing it. It is a big part of my job to communicate by any means possible, my paycheck depends on it. I can honestly say that a ban on texting would go a long way to make me think twice about doing it, however. I'm not against the ban, fasirly indifferent I guess. I would like to know what the consequences are if caught doing this, though?

It sounds like it will be hard to enforce unless bus and truck companies do what OCTA did a year or 2 ago and put cameras in the bus or truck cab. OCTA banned use of cell phones by the drivers and put the cameras in so now you never see an OCTA driver talking or texting on the phone while driving the bus.

Thank you i would just like you to know that this is extremely appreciated by at least one American. I think texting is so very distracting and so very disconnected from the human element.

Banning Texting is great, but what about Laptop's. There are Millions of mobiel professionals that are driving around, "not texting" but sending a email off to their boss. Laptop's should be banned from being used while driving just like cell phones. Stop, pull over, then send the email.


I think this is a very good proposed law. I hope this one can be enacted by. Texting is one cause of accident in all areas in the America. The best way to stop this kind of accident is just to stop texting, if you really cannot wait to text or even use your laptop, then you should pull it over to the side.

This is a great move, it's about time. This should apply to all drivers, trucks or not, they should be ban from texting while driving.

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