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Press Releases 2011

UNSCR 1988 De-listing Vote by United Nations Security Council

The U.S. government welcomes the July 15 decision by the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1988 Sanctions Committee to remove 14 individuals from the sanctions list, including four members of the High Peace Council.  The Security Council decision reflects the opportunity that the June 17 division of the UNSCR 1267 sanctions regime presents for the Taliban to seek reconciliation with the Afghan government.

This action, requested by the Government of Afghanistan, also serves as an important signal that reconciliation with the Afghan Government can pay immediate dividends. 

We recognize and welcome the efforts made by the High Peace Council to work towards peace, stability and reconciliation generally and its contributions to the July 15 decision. 

The delisting by the United Nations Security Council demonstrates the international community’s support for Afghan government efforts to engage reconciled Taliban who break ties with Al Qaida, abandon violence and abide by the Afghan Constitution, including its provisions on respect for the rights of all Afghans, including women.