Table 8. Hires levels and rates by industry and region, not seasonally adjusted

Table 8.  Hires levels(1) and rates(2) by industry and region, not seasonally adjusted

                                                    Levels (in thousands)                  Rates

              Industry and region                  Aug.     July     Aug.          Aug.     July     Aug.
                                                   2011     2012     2012p         2011     2012     2012p

Total...........................................  4,655    4,732    4,843           3.5      3.6      3.6


 Total private..................................  4,154    4,403    4,345           3.8      3.9      3.9
  Mining and Logging............................     28       32       34           3.4      3.8      4.0
  Construction..................................    319      425      295           5.5      7.4      5.1
  Manufacturing.................................    286      282      255           2.4      2.3      2.1
   Durable goods................................    153      159      149           2.1      2.1      2.0
   Nondurable goods.............................    132      123      106           2.9      2.7      2.3
  Trade, transportation, and utilities..........    842      872      931           3.4      3.4      3.7
   Wholesale trade..............................    132      141      150           2.4      2.5      2.6
   Retail trade.................................    566      569      613           3.9      3.9      4.2
   Transportation, warehousing, and utilities...    145      162      168           3.0      3.3      3.4
  Information...................................     67       68       77           2.5      2.6      2.9
  Financial activities..........................    168      192      200           2.2      2.5      2.6
   Finance and insurance........................     97      125      132           1.7      2.2      2.3
   Real estate and rental and leasing...........     71       67       68           3.6      3.4      3.4
  Professional and business services............    894      904      947           5.1      5.0      5.2
  Education and health services.................    620      584      636           3.2      2.9      3.2
   Educational services.........................    125       98      118           4.3      3.2      3.9
   Health care and social assistance............    495      487      518           3.0      2.9      3.0
  Leisure and hospitality.......................    768      806      799           5.5      5.6      5.6
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation..........    107      115       87           4.9      5.2      4.0
   Accommodation and food services..............    660      691      712           5.6      5.7      5.9
  Other services................................    162      238      171           3.0      4.4      3.2

 Government.....................................    501      329      498           2.4      1.6      2.4
  Federal.......................................     30       19       34           1.0       .7      1.2
  State and local...............................    471      310      464           2.6      1.7      2.6

                    REGION (3)

  Northeast.....................................    698      809      679           2.8      3.2      2.7
  South.........................................  1,852    1,788    1,965           3.9      3.7      4.1
  Midwest.......................................  1,066    1,035    1,157           3.6      3.4      3.8
  West..........................................  1,039    1,100    1,043           3.6      3.8      3.6

  1 Hires are the number of hires during the entire month.
  2 The hires rate is the number of hires during the entire month as a percent of total employment. 
  3 See footnote 8, table 1.
  p Preliminary

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Last Modified Date: October 10, 2012