For Immediate Release:

February 15, 2013


Katie GrantStephanie Young, 202-225-3130

House Meets At: First Vote Predicted: Last Vote Predicted:

9:00 a.m.: Legislative Business

Five “One Minutes” per side

10:30 – 11:00 a.m. 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Suspension (1 Bill)

  1. H.Res. 65 – Condemning the Government of North Korea for its flagrant and repeated violations of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions, for its repeated provocations that threaten international peace and stability, and for its February 12, 2013, test of a nuclear device (Rep. Royce – Foreign Affairs)

Complete Consideration of H.R. 273 – To eliminate the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for Federal employees (Rep. DeSantis – Oversight and Government Reform)  (One Hour of Debate).  This bill would freeze federal employees’ salaries for the third consecutive year. It also would also extend the Member pay freeze that was signed into law as part of the “fiscal cliff” legislation by 3 months, through the end of the calendar year.

Already, middle-class federal workers have contributed $103 billion toward deficit reduction through pay freezes and changes to retirement benefits. House Republicans once again will ask federal employees to give up their hard-earned pay because Congress cannot reach a balanced solution to reduce our deficit.

Moreover, as of January 1, newly hired employees will take home 2.3% less in compensation compared to federal employees hired before the new year as a result of a change that was enacted to the federal pension system last winter. This change will yield an additional $15 billion in deficit reduction over ten years. 

The House has only been in session for 12 legislative days so far this year and has failed to address the looming sequester and other critical issues facing our nation. This bill is more of the same time-wasting, short-sighted, and counterproductive campaign against federal employees that we saw last Congress. Members are urged to VOTE NO.

Bill Text for H.R. 273:
PDF Version

The Daily Quote

“[Rep. Duncan] Hunter [R-CA], a member of the House Armed Services Committee, says he’s ‘concerned’ some of the Pentagon’s recent cost-cutting decisions were made ‘for the purpose of adding drama to the sequester debate.’ In a sharply worded letter to Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, Hunter raised questions about several recent decisions, including the delayed deployment of the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman to the Persian Gulf. ‘One of the reasons that sequestration is not being frowned upon by a lot of my colleagues is because they’ve seen all of the wasteful spending,’ Hunter explained in an interview. ‘They say, ‘You can waste all this money and then all the sudden, even though it’s been a slow-moving train wreck, Ash Carter and the service chiefs are on Capitol Hill screaming fire.’”

-     Politico, 2/14/13