NOAA Office of the General Counsel
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picture of noaa logo, whales, boat, fish, lobster, turtles Enforcement Section

Enforcement Section Offices

Enforcement Administrative Decisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Penalty Policy and Schedules

Procedural Regulations

Enforcement Charging Information

Enforcement Section

Observer (Courtesy of NOAA/IFE/URI).
Photo 1: Observer checks the dimensions of a net and its catch.
(NOAA Photo Library)

The Enforcement Section coordinates and implements the NOAA General Counsel’s delegated authority as NOAA’s civil prosecutor.

The office prosecutes civil penalty cases, permit sanctions, and administrative forfeitures; provides support to the U.S. Department of Justice in prosecution of law enforcement cases in Federal courts and formulates NOAA’s position in such cases; establishes national law enforcement policy in conjunction with NOAA Fisheries Enforcement and NOAA program offices; provides legal support to NOAA Fisheries Enforcement and other NOAA offices, including the Sustainable Fisheries Division and Protected Resources Division; and advises NOAA officials on specific enforcement cases and general enforcement trends and issues.

The office has thirteen attorneys, one paralegal specialist, and one support staff. James Landon is the Section Chief and he is supported by two Deputy Section Chiefs — Charles Green and Alexa Cole.

Contact Information:

Enforcement Section
NOAA, Office of General Counsel
1315 East West Highway
SSMC3, Rm. 15405
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Telephone: 301-427-2202
Fax: 301-427-2211