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Species Recovery Grants to Tribes


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· NOAA Grants Management Division

· Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund

· Species Recovery Grants to States

· Species of Concern Grant Program

· USFWS Tribal Wildlife Grant Program

· ESA Permits Information


The Species Recovery Grants to Tribes Program supports tribally led recovery efforts that directly benefit the following eligible species under NMFS or joint NMFS-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service jurisdiction:

Recovery efforts supported by the program may involve management, research, outreach activities, and any combination thereof.

*Proposals focusing on listed Pacific salmon or steelhead will not be considered for funding under this grant program; such projects may be supported through Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.

A list of previously funded projects can be found in the tribal grants archive. This grant program will continue on an annual basis provided funding is available.

A printable, color fact sheet [pdf] of the program is available for download.

Can I Apply?
Eligible applicants are federally recognized tribes and organizations of federally recognized tribes, such as the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission, that have delegated authority to represent a federally recognized tribe on matters relating to listed, candidate, or proposed species.

How Do I Apply?
Proposals should be submitted through, the online portal to all Federal grant opportunities. More information about and NOAA Grants is available on the NOAA Grants Management Division website.

For applicants without internet access, hard copies may be submitted (by postal mail or commercial delivery) to:

NMFS Office of Protected Resources
Attn: Heather Coll
1315 East-West Highway, SSMC3
Silver Spring, MD 20910

See the Federal Funding Opportunity [pdf] for further requirements for hard copy submissions.

Detailed guidance on how to prepare proposals is provided in the Federal Funding Opportunity [pdf]. This document should be read carefully to ensure that proposals meet eligibility requirements and are complete upon submission. Complete instructions for preparing and submitting proposals are also available through

When Should I Apply?
The deadline for the 2013 application is September 13, 2012.

For further information about this funding opportunity, please contact:

You may also contact one of the following people in the NMFS Regions for further guidance:

Updated: September 7, 2012