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SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Technologies Available for Licensing

The mission of technology transfer at SLAC, as set by the Federal Government and in particular by DOE, is:

  1. to facilitate the conversion of research results at SLAC into novel applications which, when commercialized or otherwise placed into wide public use, lead to new products and services that:
    1. enhance America's quality of life,
    2. promote domestic economic activity, including job creation,
    3. support U.S. competitiveness in the global market place; and
  2. to leverage resources at SLAC, through appropriate technology partnerships, in support of DOE missions and objectives.

Core Competencies

  • Electron-based accelerator innovation, design and user operations.
  • Advanced instrumentation, diagnostics and systems integration.
  • Innovative techniques for large-scale data collection, theory, analysis, modeling, and simulation in Photon Science, Accelerator Physics, Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics.
  • Management of ultra-large data sets for users and collaborations distributed worldwide.


Marketing Summaries

To see what SLAC technologies are available for licensing, you can browse the SLAC marketing summaries.

Each marketing summary will provide you with a description of the SLAC technology including its benefits, applications and industries, and development stage.

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