Author Archives: rosannatorres

Gold Key: The of Exporting

By: Iris Kapo,  International Trade Specialist  U.S. Commercial Service Philadelphia Are you interested in exporting to a new market? Need help finding the best overseas business partner? The U.S. Commercial Service’s Gold Key business matchmaking service does exactly that. The … Continue reading

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Nature Strikes Again. What Does That Mean for Trade?

By: Stephen It is incredible to see the impact that a single storm can make on an area. What might be just as impressive is the immediate effect it can have on Trade. It will inevitably take some time before … Continue reading

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Trade Term: Harmonized System

By: John Winston Sperry Though I joined the Foreign Trade Division in July, I still find myself exposed to new trade terms. During my first assignment to learn how to use USA Trade Online (UTO), I was introduced to this … Continue reading

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Getting Your Trade Data Sooner!!!

By: Melissa The U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division is pleased to announce that you will be getting your trade data sooner! Beginning in March 2013 with the January 2013 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (FT-900) report, monthly … Continue reading

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Trade Term: Schedule B

You went to mail a shipment and your carrier asked you to provide them a Schedule B number. What is that? A Schedule B number is a 10-digit number used in the United States to classify physical goods for export … Continue reading

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Survey Says…

Tell Us What You Think! Just a few weeks ago we sent out the 2012 Foreign Trade Division Customer Service Survey. Through this survey, we find out what you think about our customer support tools and services. Your responses gives … Continue reading

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Survey of Business Owners, Meet the Profile.

By: Ryan Just recently I learned that in 2007, out of a sample of 198,081 exporting firms (there were 268,526 identified exporters that year), 81.1 percent of the total export value by Hispanic-owned firms within this sample was accounted for … Continue reading

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What Is A Used Vehicle?

By: Eric It is always a great moment when you buy a car. It does not matter if it’s used or the dream car that you always wanted since you were a kid. Even if it has over 100,000 miles, … Continue reading

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A Tool for Foreign Trade Zones

By: Archie If you want to know why Foreign-Trade Zone programs are important to the U.S. economy, try OFIS. OFIS stands for Online Foreign-Trade Zone Information System. The program was demonstrated at the 2012 National Association of Foreign Trade Zones … Continue reading

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Mobile Application: America’s Economy

Snapshots of the Economy Download the America’s Economy mobile application! Get quick access to key indicators about the health of the U.S. economy via your mobile device. The app combines statistics from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Economic Analysis and … Continue reading

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