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Physical Sciences


This list provides a broad range of scientific publications of note in the chemical and materials sciences field, as selected by Bruce Garrett, Physical Sciences Division Director. Many of the links on this page are provided through paid subscription services, so you many not be able to access these articles. Please contact your institution's library for assistance in obtaining these documents.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Amonette JE, JL Barr, LM Dobeck, K Gullickson, and SJ Walsh. 2010. "Spatio-temporal Changes in CO2 Emissions During the Second ZERT Injection, August-September 2008." Environmental Earth Sciences 60(2):263-272. doi:10.1007/s12665-009-0402-0

Armstrong CR, AR Felmy, and SB Clark. 2010. "Solubility of Triuranyl Diphosphate Tetrahydrate (TDT) and Na Autunite at 23 and 50 Degrees C." Radiochimica Acta 98(9-11):549-554. doi:10.1524/ract.2010.1752


Badireddy AR, S Chellam, PL Gassman, MH Engelhard, AS Lea, and KM Rosso. 2010. "Role of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in Bioflocculation of Activated Sludge Microorganisms under Glucose-Controlled Conditions." Water Research 44(2010):4505-4516. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2010.06.024

Baer DR, MH Engelhard, AS Lea, P Nachimuthu, T Droubay, J Kim, B Lee, C Mathews, RL Opila, LV Saraf, WF Stickle, R Wallace, and BS Wright. 2010. "Comparison of the Sputter Rates of Oxide Films Relative to the Sputter Rate of SiO2." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A-Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 28(5):1060-1072. doi:10.1116/1.3456123

Baer DR, AE Grosz, ES Ilton, KM Krupka, J Liu, RL Penn, and A Pepin. 2010. "Separation, Characterization and Initial Reaction Studies of Magnetite Particles from Hanford Sediments." Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 35(6-8):233-241. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2010.04.010

Baer M, CJ Mundy, TM Chang, FM Tao, and LX Dang. 2010. "Interpreting Vibrational Sum-Frequency Spectra of Sulfur Dioxide at the Air/Water Interface: A Comprehensive Molecular Dynamics Study." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(21):7245-7249 doi:10.1021/jp100310s

Baer DR, AE Grosz, ES Ilton, KM Krupka, J Liu, RL Penn, and A Pepin. 2010. "Separation, Characterization and Initial Reaction Studies of Magnetite Particles from Hanford Sediments." Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 35(6-8):233-241. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2010.04.010

Bagus PS, CJ Nelin, ES Ilton, M Baron, H Abbott, E Primorac, H Kuhlenbeck, S Shaikhutdinov, and HJ Freund. 2010. "The Complex Core Level Spectra of CeO2: An Analysis in Terms of Atomic and Charge Transfer Effects." Chemical Physics Letters 487(4-6):237-240. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2010.01.041

Bakalbassis EG, E Malamidou-Xenikaki, S Spyroudis, and SS Xantheas. 2010. "Dimerization of Indanedioneketene to Spiro-oextanone: A Theoretical Study." Journal of Organic Chemistry 75(16):5499-5504. doi:10.1021/jo100500u

Bateman AP, S Nizkorodov, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "High-Resolution Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Water-Soluble Organic Aerosols Collected with a Particle into Liquid Sampler." Analytical Chemistry 82(19):8010-8016. doi:10.1021/ac1014386

Beck KM, AG Joly, and WP Hess. 2010. "Effect of Surface Charge on Laser-induced Neutral Atom Desorption." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 101(1):61-64. doi:10.1007/s00339-010-5758-1

Boily JF, PL Gassman, T Peretyazhko, J Szanyi, and JM Zachara. 2010. "FTIR Spectral Components of Schwertmannite." Environmental Science & Technology 44(4):1185-1190.

Bowden ME, DJ Heldebrant, AJ Karkamkar, TE Proffen, GK Schenter, and T Autrey. 2010. "The Diammoniate of Diborane: Crystal Structure and Hydrogen Release." Chemical Communications 46(45):8564-8566. doi:10.1039/C0CC03249B

Bruemmer SM, and LE Thomas. 2010, "Insights into Stress Corrosion Mechanisms from High Resolution Measurements of Crack-Tip Structures and Compositions." In 2010 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Vol 1264.

Bruns E, V Perraud, A Zelenyuk, MJ Ezell, SN Johnson, Y Yu, D Imre, BJ Finlayson-Pitts, and ML Alexander. 2010. "Comparison of FTIR and Particle Mass Spectrometry for the Measurement of Particulate Organic Nitrates." Environmental Science & Technology 44(3):1056-1061. doi:10.1021/es9029864

Buchko GW, BJ Tarasevich, J Roberts, ML Snead, and WJ Shaw. 2010. "A Solution NMR Investigation into the Murine Amelogenin Splice-Variant LRAP (Leucine-Rich Amelogenin Protein)." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 1804(9):1768-1774.

Burling I, RJ Yokelson, DWT Griffith, TJ Johnson, P Veres, J Roberts, C Warneke, S Urbanski, J Reardon, D Weise, WM Hao, and J Gouw. 2010. "Laboratory Measurements of Trace Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning of Fuel Types from the Southeastern and Southwestern United States." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10(22):11115-11130. doi:10.5194/acp-10-11115-2010

Bylaska EJ, KR Glaesemann, AR Felmy, M Vasiliu, DA Dixon, and PG Tratnyek. 2010. "Free Energies for Degradation Reactions of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane from ab initio Electronic Structure Theory." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(46):12269-12282. doi:10.1021/jp105726u


Cabrera ML, DE Kissel, JR Craig, N Qafoku, N Vaio, JA Rema, and LA Morris. 2010. "Relative Humidity Controls Ammonia Loss from Urea Applied to Loblolly Pine." Soil Science Society of America Journal 74(2):543-549.

Catalano JG, P Fenter, C Park, Z Zhang, and KM Rosso. 2010. "Structure and Oxidation State of Hematite Surfaces Reacted with Aqueous Fe(II) at Acidic and Neutral pH." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(5):1498-1512. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.12.018

Cauet E, SA Bogatko, JH Weare, JL Fulton, GK Schenter, and EJ Bylaska. 2010. "Structure and Dynamics of the Hydration Shells of the Zn2+ Ion from ab initio Molecular Dynamics and Combined ab initio and Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations." Journal of Chemical Physics 132(19):Article 194502. doi:10.1063/1.3421542

Chambers SA. 2010. "Epitaxial Growth and Properties of Doped Transition Metal and Complex Oxide Films." Advanced Materials 22(2):219-248. doi:10.1002/adma.200901867

Chambers SA, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, T Droubay, L Qiao, PV Sushko, T Feng, HD Lee, T Gustafsson, E Garfunkel, AB Shah, JM Zuo, and QM Ramasse. 2010. "Instability, Intermixing and Electronic Structure at the Epitaxial LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) Heterojunction." Surface Science Reports 65(10-12):317-352. doi:10.1016/j.surfrep.2010.09.001

Chang TM, LX Dang, R Devanathan, and M Dupuis. 2010. "Structure and Dynamics of N, N-diethyl-N-Methylammonium Triflate Ionic Liquid, Neat and with Water, from Molecular Dynamics Simulations." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(48):12764-12774. doi:10.1021/jp108189z

Chellappa RS, T Autrey, M Somayazulu, VV Struzhkin, and RJ Hemley. 2010. "High-Pressure Hydrogen Interactions with Polyaminoborane and Polyiminoborane." Chemphyschem 11(1):93-96. doi:10.1002/cphc.200900829

Chen D, F Gao, W Hu, SY Hu, D Terentyev, X Sun, HL Heinisch, CH Henager, Jr, and MA Khaleel. 2010. "Migration of Cr-Vacancy Clusters and Interstitial Cr in a-Fe using the Dimer Method." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 81(6):Article Number: 064101. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.064101

Chen S, S Raugei, RJ Rousseau, M Dupuis, and RM Bullock. 2010. "Homogeneous Ni catalysts for H2 Oxidation and Production: An Assessment of Theoretical Methods, from Density Functional Theory to Post Hartree-Fock Correlated Wave-Function Theory." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(48):12716-12724. doi:10.1021/jp106800n

Cheng TY, DJ Szalda, JA Franz, and RM Bullock. 2010. "Structural and Computational Studies of Cp(CO)2(PCy3)MoFBF3, a Complex with a Bound BF4- Ligand." Inorganica Chimica Acta 363(3):581-585. doi:10.1016/j.ica.2009.02.028

Cheng Y, C Lambert, DH Kim, JH Kwak, SJ Cho, and CHF Peden. 2010. "The Different Impacts of SO2 and SO3 on Cu/Zeolite SCR Catalysts." Catalysis Today 151(3-4):266-270. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2010.01.013

Chi F, YN Guo, J Liu, Y Liu, and Q Huo. 2010. "Size-Tunable and Functional Core-Shell Structured Silica Nanoparticles for Drug Release." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(6):2519-2523. doi:10.1021/jp910460j

Cho HM, WA De Jong, and CZ Soderquist. 2010. "Probing the Oxygen Environment in UO22+ by Solid-State 17O Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Relativistic Density Functional Calculations." Journal of Chemical Physics 132(8):084501. doi:10.1063/1.3308499
Research Highlight

Cho HM, WA De Jong, AP Sattelberger, F Poineau, and K Czerwinski. 2010. "Comprehensive Solid-State NMR Characterization of Electronic Structure in Ditechnetium Heptoxide." Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(38):13138-13140.

Choi D, D Wang, IT Bae, J Xiao, Z Nie, W Wang, VV Viswanathan, YJ Lee, J Zhang, GL Graff, Z Yang, and J Liu. 2010. "LiMnPO4 Nanoplate Grown via Solid-State Reaction in Molten Hydrocarbon for Li-ion Battery Cathode." Nano Letters 10(8):2799-2805. doi:10.1021/nl1007085
Research Highlight

Choi D, D Wang, VV Viswanathan, IT Bae, W Wang, Z Nie, J Zhang, GL Graff, J Liu, Z Yang, and TQ Duong. 2010. "Li-ion Batteries from LiFePO4 Cathode and Anatase/Graphene Composite Anode for Stationary Energy Storage." Electrochemistry Communications 12(3):378-381. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2009.12.039

Chouyyok W, Y Shin, JD Davidson, WD Samuels, NH LaFemina, RD Rutledge, GE Fryxell, T Sangvanich, and W Yantasee. 2010. "Selective Removal of Copper (II) from Natural Waters by Nanoporous Sorbents Functionalized with Chelating Diamines." Environmental Science & Technology 44(16):6390-6395.

Chua YS, G Wu, Z Xiong, AJ Karkamkar, J Guo, M Jian, MW Wong, T Autrey, and P Chen. 2010. "Synthesis, Structure and Dehydrogenation of Magnesium Amidoborane Monoammoniate." Chemical Communications 46(31):5752-5754.

Chun CL, DR Baer, DW Matson, JE Amonette, and RL Penn. 2010. "Characterization and Reactivity of Iron Nanoparticles Prepared with Added Cu, Pd, and Ni." Environmental Science & Technology 44(13):5079-5085.

Craig NC, MC Leyden, MC Moore, AK Patchen, T van den Heuvel, TA Blake, T Masiello, and RL Sams. 2010. "A Reevaluation of the Assignment of the Vibrational Fundamentals and the Rotational Analysis of Bands in the High-Resolution Infrared Spectra of trans- and cis- 1,3,5-hexatriene." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 262(1):49-60. doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.05.002


Dai Y, L Yang, SM Peng, XG Long, F Gao, and XT Zu. 2010. "Ab Initio Study of He Stability in hcp-Ti." Chinese Physics Letters 27(12):123102. doi:10.1088/0256-307X/27/12/123102

Daschbach JL, X Sun, PK Thallapally, BP McGrail, and LX Dang. 2010. "Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Studies of CO2 and CH4 Adsorption in p-tert-Butylcalix[4]Arene." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(17):5764-5768. doi:10.1021/jp9101465

Deng H, X Xiang, WG Zheng, XD Yuan, SY Wu, XD Jiang, F Gao, XT Zu, and K Sun. 2010. "Theory of Absorption Rate of Carriers in Fused Silica under Intense Laser Irradiation." Journal of Applied Physics 108(10):103116. doi:10.1063/1.3512963

Deskins NA, RJ Rousseau, and M Dupuis. 2010. "Defining the Role of Excess Electrons in the Surface Chemistry of TiO2." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(13):5891-5897. doi:10.1021/jp101155t

Devanathan R, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Simulation of Collision Cascades and Thermal Spikes in Ceramics." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268(19):2857-2862. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2010.05.047

Devanathan R, A Venkatnathan, RJ Rousseau, M Dupuis, T Frigato, W Gu, and VH Helms. 2010. "Atomistic Simulation of Water Percolation and Proton Hopping in Nafion Fuel Cell Membrane." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(43):13681-13690. doi:10.1021/jp103398b
Research Highlight

Devanathan R, L Van Brutzel, A Chartier, C Gueneau, AE Mattsson, V Tikare, T Bartel, TM Besmann, M Stan, and P Van Uffelen. 2010. "Modeling and Simulation of Nuclear Fuel Materials." Energy & Environmental Science 3(10):1406-1426. doi:10.1039/C0EE00028K
Research Highlight

Devanathan R, WJ Weber, and JD Gale. 2010. "Radiation Tolerance of Ceramics-Insights from Atomistic Simulation of Damage Accumulation in Pyrochlores." Energy & Environmental Science 3(10):1551-1559. doi:10.1039/C0EE00066C
Research Highlight

Devi VM, CP Rinsland, DC Benner, RL Sams, and TA Blake. 2010. "Multispectrum Analysis of the v9 band of 12C2H6: Positions, Intensities, Self- and N2-Broadened Half-Width Coefficients." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111(9):1234-1251. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2009.10.017

Dohnalek Z, I Lyubinetsky, and RJ Rousseau. 2010. "Thermally-Driven Processes on Rutile TiO2(110)-(1x1): A Direct View at the Atomic Scale." Progress in Surface Science 85(5-8):161-205. doi:10.1016/j.progsurf.2010.03.001
Research Highlight

Droubay T, L Qiao, TC Kaspar, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, and SA Chambers. 2010. "Non-Stoichiometric Material Transfer in the Pulsed Laser Deposition of LaAlO3." Applied Physics Letters 97(12):124105. doi:10.1063/1.3487778

Du D, W Chen, W Zhang, D Liu, H Li, and Y Lin. 2010. "Covalent Coupling of Organophosphorus Hydrolase Loaded Quantum Dots to Carbon Nanotube/Au Nanocomposite for Enhanced Detection of Methyl Parathion." Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25(6):1370-1375.

Du D, M Wang, Y Qin, and Y Lin. 2010. "One-Step Electrochemical Deposition of Prussian Blue-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite Thin-Film: Preparation, Characterization and Evaluation for H2O2 Sensing." Journal of Materials Chemistry 20:1532-1537. doi:10.1039/b919500a

Du Y, NA Deskins, Z Zhang, Z Dohnalek, M Dupuis, and I Lyubinetsky. 2010. "Formation of O Adatom Pairs and Charge Transfer upon O2 Dissociation on Reduced TiO2(110)."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics  12(24):6337-6344. doi:10.1039/C000250J
Research Highlight

Du D, Z Zou, Y Shin, J Wang, H Wu, MH Engelhard, J Liu, IA Aksay, and Y Lin. 2010. "Sensitive Immunosensor for Cancer Biomarker Based on Dual Signal Amplification Strategy of Graphene Sheets and Multi-Enzyme Functionalized Carbon Nanospheres." Analytical Chemistry 82(7):2989-2995. doi:10.1021/ac100036p

Du Y, NA Deskins, Z Zhang, Z Dohnalek, M Dupuis, and I Lyubinetsky. 2010. "Water Interactions with Terminal Hydroxyls on TiO2 (110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40):17080-17084. doi:10.1021/jp1036876


Ebata T, N Hontama, Y Inokuchi, T Haino, E Apra, and SS Xantheas. 2010. "Encapsulation of Arn Complexes by Calix[4]arene: Endo- vs. Exo-Complexes." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(18):4569-4579. doi:10.1039/b927441c

Ellis PD, JA Sears, Jr, P Yang, M Dupuis, T Boron, V Pecoraro, T Stich, RD Britt, and AS Lipton. 2010. "Solid-State 55Mn NMR Spectroscopy of bis(μ-oxo)dimanganese(IV) [Mn2O2(salpn) 2], a Model for the Oxygen Evolving Complex in Photosystem II." Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(47):16727-16729. doi:10.1021/ja1054252

Ewing RG, Q Hu, and C Liu. 2010. "Scale Dependence of Intragranular Porosity, Tortuosity, and Tortuosity." Water Resources Research 46:Art. No. W06513. doi:10.1029/2009WR008183
Research Highlight

Ezell MJ, SN Johnson, Y Yu, V Perraud, E Bruns, ML Alexander, A Zelenyuk, D Dabdub, and BJ Finlayson-Pitts. 2010. "A New Aerosol Flow System for Photochemical and Thermal Studies of Tropospheric Aerosols." Aerosol Science and Technology 44(5):329-338. doi:10.1080/02786821003639700


Fagan PJ, MH Voges, and RM Bullock. 2010. "Catalytic Ionic Hydrogenation of Ketones by {[Cp*Ru(CO)2]2( -H)}+." Organometallics 29(4):1045-1048. doi:10.1021/om901005k

Fang HC, JQ Zhu, LJ Zhou, HY Jia, SS Li, X Gong, SB Li, YP Cai, PK Thallapally, J Liu, and GJ Exarhos. 2010. "pH-Dependent Assembly and Conversions of Six Cadmium(II)-Based Coordination Complexes." Crystal Growth & Design 10(7):3277-3284. doi:10.1021/cg1004598

Fernandez CA, PK Thallapally, RK Motkuri, SK Nune, JC Sumrak, J Tian, and J Liu. 2010. "Gas-Induced Expansion and Contraction of a Fluorinated Metal-Organic Framework." Crystal Growth & Design 10(3):1037-1039. doi:10.1021/cg9014948

Fernandez CA, PK Thallapally, J Liu, and CHF Peden. 2010. "Effect of Produced HCl during the Catalysis on Micro- and Mesoporous MOFs." Crystal Growth & Design 10(9):4118-4122. doi:10.1021/cg100796e

Fernandez CA, SK Nune, RK Motkuri, PK Thallapally, CM Wang, J Liu, GJ Exarhos, and BP McGrail. 2010. "Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Metal Organic Framework Nanostructures." Langmuir 26(24):18591-18594. doi:10.1021/la103590t

Fifield LS, and JW Grate. 2010. "Hydrogen-Bond Acidic Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) with Covalently-Bound Hexafluoroisopropanol Groups." Carbon 48(7):2085-2088. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2010.02.019

Flaud JM, WJ Lafferty, RL Sams, and VM Devi. 2010. "High Resolution Analysis of the Ethylene-1-13C Spectrum in the 8.4-14.3 μm Region." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 259(1):39-45. doi:10.1016/j.jms.2009.10.003

Fulton JL, and M Balasubramanian. 2010. "Structure of Hydronium (H3O+)/Chloride (Cl-) Contact Ion Pairs in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Solution: A Zundel-like Local Configuration." Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(36):12597-12604. doi:10.1021/ja1014458

Fulton JL, GK Schenter, M Baer, CJ Mundy, LX Dang, and M Balasubramanian. 2010. "Probing the Hydration Structure of Polarizable Halides: A Multi-Edge XAFS and Molecular Dynamics Study of the Iodide Anion." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(40):12926-12937. doi:10.1021/jp106378p


Gao F, D Chen, W Hu, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Energy Dissipation and Defect Generation for Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81(18):Article No.184101. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.184101

Garten, Jr CT, JL Smith, DD Tyler, JE Amonette, VL Bailey, DJ Brice, HF Castro, RL Graham, CA Gunderson, RC Izaurralde, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, MK Kerley, R Matamala, MA Mayes, FB Metting, RM Miller, KK Moran, WM Post, RD Sands, CW Schadt, JR Phillips, AM Thomson, T Vugteveen, TO West, and SD Wullschleger. 2010. "Intra-Annual Changes in Biomass, Carbon, and Nitrogen Dynamics at 4-Year Old Switchgrass Field Trials in West Tennessee, USA." Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 136(1-2):177-184.

Gibbs GV, AF Wallace, R Zallen, RT Downs, NL Ross, DF Cox, and KM Rosso. 2010. "Bonded Paths and van der Waals Interactions in Orpiment, As2S3." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(23):6550-6557.

Glezakou VA, RJ Rousseau, LX Dang, and BP McGrail. 2010. "'Structure, Dynamics and Vibrational Spectrum of Supercritical CO2 /H2O Mixtures from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics as a Function of Water Cluster Formation." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(31):8759-8771. doi:10.1039/B923306G

Glezakou VA, ST Elbert, SS Xantheas, and K Ruedenberg. 2010. "Analysis of Bonding Patterns in the Valence Isoelectronic Series O3, S3, SO2 and OS2 in Terms of Oriented Quasi-Atomic Molecular Orbitals." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(33):8923-8931.

Golovchak R, O Shpotyuk, JS McCloy, BJ Riley, CF Windisch, Jr, SK Sundaram, AP Kovalskiy, and H Jain. 2010. "Structural Model of Homogeneous As-S Glasses Derived from Raman Spectroscopy and High-Resolution XPS." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 90(34):4489-4501. doi:10.1080/14786435.2010.510455

Grate JW, C Zhang, TW Wietsma, MG Warner, NC Anheier, Jr, BE Bernacki, G Orr, and M Oostrom. 2010. "A Note on the Visualization of Wetting Film Structures and a Nonwetting Immiscible Fluid in a Pore Network Micromodel Using a Solvatochromic Dye." Water Resources Research 46:W11602. doi:10.1029/2010WR009419

Grate JW, RM Ozanich, MG Warner, CJ Bruckner-Lea, and JD Marks. 2010. "Advances in Assays and Analytical Approaches for Botulinum Toxin Detection." Trends in Analytical Chemistry. TrAC 29(10):1137-1156. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2010.07.005

Greskowiak J, H Prommer, C Liu, V Post, R Ma, C Zheng, and JM Zachara. 2010. "Comparison of Parameter Sensitivities between a Laboratory and Field Scale Model of Uranium Transport in a Dual Domain, Distributed-Rate Reactive System." Water Resources Research 46:Article No. W09509. doi:10.1029/2009WR008781

Gu ZG, YP Cai, HC Fang, ZY Zhou, PK Thallapally, J Tian, J Liu, and GJ Exarhos. 2010. "Conversion of Nonporous Helical Cadmium Organic Famework to a Porous Form." Chemical Communications 46(29):5373-5375.


Hammond JR, N Govind, K Kowalski, J Autschbach, and SS Xantheas. 2009. "Accurate Dipole Polarizabilities of Water Clusters N=2-12 AT THE Coupled-Cluster Level of Theory and Benchmarking of Various Density Functional." Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 214103.
Research Highlight

He T, J Wang, G Wu, HJ Kim, TE Proffen, A Wu, W Li, T Liu, Z Xiong, C Wu, H Chu, J Guo, T Autrey, T Zhang, and P Chen. 2010. "Growth of Crystalline Polyaminoborane through Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane on FeB Nanoalloy." Chemistry - A European Journal 16(43):12814-12817.

Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2010. "Atomic-scale Modeling of Interactions of Helium, Vacancies and Helium-vacancy Clusters with Screw Dislocations in a-Iron." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 90(7-8):885-895. doi:10.1080/14786430903294932

Heldebrant DJ, PK Koech, and CR Yonker. 2010. "A Reversible Zwitterionic SO2-Binding Organic Liquid." Energy & Environmental Science 3(1):111-113. doi:10.1039/B916550A

Heldebrant DJ, PK Koech, T Ang, C Liang, JE Rainbolt, CR Yonker, and PG Jessop. 2010. "Reversible Zwitterionic Liquids, the Reaction of Alkanol Guanidines, Alkanol Amidines, and Diamines with CO2." Green Chemistry 12(4):713-721. doi:10.1039/b924790d

Henderson MA. 2010. "Low Temperature Oxidation of Fe2+ Surface Sites on the (2x1) Reconstructed Surface of α- Fe2O3(0112)." Surface Science 604(13-14):1197-1201. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2010.04.002

Henderson MA. 2010. "Oxygen Plasma Activation of Cr(CO)6 on α-Fe2O3(0001)." Surface Science 604(17-18):1502-1508. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2010.05.015

Henderson MA. 2010. "Photochemistry of Methyl Bromide on the α-Cr2O3(0001) Surface." Surface Science 604(19-20):1800-1807. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2010.07.008

Henderson MA, CHF Peden, JA Rodriguez, J Szanyi, JT Yates, JR, and F Zaera. 2010. "Preface to the Festschrift in Honor of Professor D. Wayne Goodman." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40):16861-16862. doi:10.1021/jp105968e

Hixon AE, YJ Hu, DI Kaplan, RK Kukkadapu, H Nitsche, O Qafoku, and BA Powell. 2010. "Influence of Iron Redox Transformations on Plutonium Sorption to Sediments." Radiochimica Acta 98(9-11):685-692. doi:10.1524/ract.2010.1769

Hontama N, Y Inokuchi, T Ebata, C Dedonder-Lardeau, C Jouvet, and SS Xantheas. 2010. "The Structure of the Calix[4]arene-(H2O) Cluster: The World's Smallest Cup of Water." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(9):2967-2972. doi: 10.1021/jp902967q
Research Highlight

Hu SY, Y Li, X Sun, F Gao, R Devanathan, CH Henager, Jr, and MA Khaleel. 2010. "Application of Phase-field Method in Predicting Gas Bubble Microstructure Evolution in Nuclear Fuels." International journal of materials research 10(4):515-522.

Hu JZ, JH Kwak, Z Yang, X Wan, and LD Shaw. 2010. "Detailed Investigation of Ion Exchange in Ball Milled LiH+MgB2 System using Ultra-High Field NMR Spectroscopy." Journal of Power Sources 195(11):3645-3648. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.12.033

Hu D, and G Orr. 2010. "Nanometer Resolution Imaging by Single Molecule Switching." Nano Reviews 1:5122. doi:10.3402/nano.v1i0.5122

Hu Q, P Wang, and J Laskin. 2010. "Effect of the Surface on the Secondary Structure of Soft Landed Peptide Ions." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(39):12802-12810. doi:10.1039/C0CP00825G


Icenhower JP, N Qafoku, JM Zachara, and WJ Martin. 2010. "The Biogeochemistry of Technetium: A Review of the Behavior of an Artificial Element in the Natural Environment." American Journal of Science Vol. 310(8):721-752. doi:10.2475/08.2010.02

Idupulapati NB, R Devanathan, and M Dupuis. 2010. "Ab Initio Study of Hydration and Proton Dissociation in Ionomer Membranes. " Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(25):6904-6912.

Ilton ES, JF Boily, EC Buck, FN Skomurski, KM Rosso, CL Cahill, JR Bargar, and AR Felmy. 2010. "Influence of Dynamical Conditions on the Reduction of UVI at the Magnetite-Solution Interface." Environmental Science & Technology 44(1):170-176. doi: 10.1021/es9014597

Ilton ES, JM Zachara, DA Moore, JP McKinley, AD Eckberg, CL Cahill, and AR Felmy. 2010. "Dissolution Study of Metatorbernite: Thermodynamic Properties and the Effect of pH and Phosphate." Environmental Science & Technology 44(19):7521-7526. doi:10.1021/es101619f

Istok JD, MM Park, MM Michalsen, AM Spain, LR Krumholz, C Liu, JP McKinley, PE Long, EE Roden, AD Peacock, and BR Baldwin. 2010. "A Thermodynamically-Based Model for Predicting Microbial Growth and Community Composition Coupled to System Geochemistry: Application to Uranium Bioreduction." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 112:1-14. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2009.07.004


Jaffe JE, TC Kaspar, T Droubay, T Varga, ME Bowden, and GJ Exarhos. 2010. "Electronic and Defect Structure of CuSCN." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(19):9111-9117. doi:10.1021/jp101586q

Jiang W, H Wang, I Kim, Y Zhang, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Amorphization of Nanocrystalline 3C-SiC Irradiated with Si+ Ions." Journal of Materials Research 25(12):2341-2348. doi:10.1557/JMR.2010.0311

Johnson TJ, SD Williams, NB Valentine, and YF Su. 2010. "The Hydration Number n of Calcium Dipicolinate Trihydrate, CaDPnH2O, and its Effect on the IR Spectra of Sporulated Bacillus Bacteria." Vibrational Spectroscopy 53(1,Sp.Iss.SI):28-33. doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2010.02.009

Johnson GE, and J Laskin. 2010. "Preparation of Surface Organometallic Catalysts by Gas-Phase Ligand Stripping and Reactive Landing of Mass-Selected Ions." Chemistry - A European Journal 16:14433-38.

Johnson TJ, LTM Profeta, RL Sams, DWT Griffith, and RL Yokelson. 2010. "An Infrared Spectral Database for Detection of Gases Emitted by Biomass Burning." Vibrational Spectroscopy 53(1):97-102. doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2010.02.010

Johnson GE, M Lysonski, and J Laskin. 2010. "In Situ Reactivity and TOF SIMS Analysis of Surfaces Prepared by Soft and Reactive Landing of Mass Selected Ions." Analytical Chemistry 82(13):5718-5727. doi:10.1021/ac100734g
Research Highlight

Johnson CA, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers, GM Salley, and DR Gamelin. 2010. "Sub-Band-Gap Photoconductivity in CO2+-doped ZnO."Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 81(12):Article Number: 125206. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.125206

Johnson CA, KR Kittilstved, TC Kaspar, T Droubay, SA Chambers, GM Salley, and DR Gamelin. 2010. "Mid-Gap Electronic States in Zn1-xMnxO." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 82(11):Art. No. 115202.

Johnson GE, and J Laskin. 2010. "Preparation of Surface Organometallic Catalysts by Gas-Phase Ligand Stripping and Reactive Landing of Mass-Selected Ions." Chemistry - A European Journal 16(48):14433-14438. doi:10.1002/chem.201002292

Johs A, L Shi, T Droubay, JF Ankner, and L Liang. 2010. "Characterization of the Decaheme c-Type Cytochrome OmcA in Solution and on Hematite Surfaces by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry." Biophysical Journal 98(12):3035-3043.

Joseph S, M Camps-Arbestain, Y Lin, PR Munroe, CH Chia, JM Hook, L Van Zweiten, SW Kimber, AL Cowie, BP Singh, JC Lehmann, N Foidl, R Smernik, and JE Amonette. 2010. "An Investigation into the Reactions of Biochar in Soil." Australian Journal of Soil Research 48(7):501-515. doi:10.1071/SR10009


Kang X, J Wang, H Wu, J Liu, IA Aksay, and Y Lin. 2010. "A Graphene-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Sensitive Detection of Paracetamol." Talanta 81(3):754-759.

Kaspar TC, T Droubay, and SA Chambers. 2010. "Atomic Oxygen Flux Determined by Mixed-Phase Ag/Ag2O Deposition." Thin Solid Films 519(2):635-640. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2010.08.081

Kaspar TC, T Droubay, SA Chambers, and PS Bagus. 2010. "Spectroscopic Evidence for Ag(III) in Highly Oxidized Silver Films by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(49):21562-21571. doi:10.1021/jp107914e

Kerisit SN, KM Rosso, Z Yang, and J Liu. 2010. "Computer Simulation of the Phase Stabilities of Lithiated TiO2 Polymorphs." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(44):19096-19107. doi:10.1021/jp103809s

Kerisit SN, and C Liu. 2010. "Molecular Simulation of the Diffusion of Uranyl Carbonate Species in Aqueous Solution." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(17):4937-4952. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.06.007

Kim J, BD Kay, and Z Dohnalek. 2010. "Formaldehyde Polymerization on (WO3) 3/ TiO2(110) Model Catalyst." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40):17017-17022. doi: 10.1021/jp102710m

Kim S, J Yan, B Schwenzer, J Zhang, L Li, J Liu, Z Yang, and MA Hickner. 2010. "Cycling Performance and Efficiency of Sulfonated Poly(Sulfone) Membranes in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries." Electrochemistry Communications 12(11):1650-1653. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2010.09.018

Kolb CE, RA Cox, JPD Abbatt, M Ammann, EJ Davis, DJ Donaldson, BC Garrett, C George, T Griffiths, DR Hanson, M Kulmala, G McFiggans, U Poschl, I Riipinen, M Rossi, Y Rudich, PE Wagner, PJ Winkler, DR Worsnop, and CD O'Dowd. 2010. "An Overview of Current Issues in the Uptake of Atmospheric Trace Gasses by Aerosols and Clouds." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10(21):10561-10605. doi:10.5194/acp-10-10561-2010

Kouzes RT, JH Ely, LE Erikson, WJ Kernan, AT Lintereur, ER Siciliano, DL Stephens, Jr, DC Stromswold, RM Van Ginhoven, and ML Woodring. 2010. "Neutron Detection Alternatives to 3He National Security Applications." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 623(3):1035-1045. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.08.021

Krupka KM, KJ Cantrell, HT Schaef, BW Arey, SM Heald, WJ Deutsch, and MJ Lindberg. 2010. "Characterizing Solids in Residual Wastes from Single-Shell Tanks at the Hanford Site." Radwaste Solutions 17(2):64-75.

Kukkadapu RK, N Qafoku, BW Arey, CT Resch, and PE Long. 2010. "Effect of Extent of Natural Subsurface Bioreduction on Fe-mineralogy of Subsurface Sediments." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 217(1):012047 1-8. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/217/1/012047

Kusaka R, Y Inokuchi, SS Xantheas, and T Ebata. 2010. "Structures and Encapsulation Motifs of Functional Molecules probed by Laser Spectroscopic and Theoretical methods." Sensors 10(4):3519-3548. doi:10.3390/s100403519

Kwak JH, JZ Hu, DW Hoyt, JA Sears, Jr, CM Wang, KM Rosso, and AR Felmy. 2010. "Metal Carbonation of Forsterite in Supercritical CO2 and H2O Using Solid State 29Si, 13C NMR Spectroscopy." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(9):4126-4134. doi:10.1021/jp1001308

Kwak JH, RG Tonkyn, DH Kim, J Szanyi, and CHF Peden. 2010. "Excellent Activity and Selectivity of Cu-SSZ-13 in the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3." Journal of Catalysis 275(2):187-190. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2010.07.031


Laskin J, P Wang, and O Hadjar. 2010. "Soft-Landing of CoIII(salen)+ and MnIII(salen)+ on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(12):5305-5311. doi:10.1021/jp904384q

Laskin J, Z Yang, DC Ng, and IK Chu. 2010. "Fragmentation of a-Radical Cations of Arginine-Containing Peptides." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 21(4):511-521. doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2009.12.021

Laskin J, A Laskin, PJ Roach, GW Slysz, GA Anderson, S Nizkorodov, DL Bones, and L Nguyen. 2010. "High-Resolution Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Chemical Characterization of Organic Aerosols." Analytical Chemistry 82(5):2048-2058. doi:10.1021/ac902801f
Research Highlight

Laskin J, Z Yang, T Song, C Lam, and IK Chu. 2010. "Effect of the Basic Residue on the Energetics, Dynamics and Mechanisms of Gas- Phase Fragmentation of Protonated Peptides." Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(45):16006-16016. doi:10.1021/ja104438z

Lei C, P Liu, B Chen, Y Mao, HE Engelmann, Y Shin, J Jaffar, I Hellstrom, J Liu, and KE Hellstrom. 2010. "Local Release of Highly Loaded Antibodies from Functionalized Nanoporous Support for Cancer Immunotherapy." Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(20):6906-6907.
Research Highlight

Li D, Z Wang, and F Gao. 2010. "First-Principles Study of the Electronic Properties of Wurtzite, Zinc-Blende, and Twinned InP Nanowires." Nanotechnology 21:Art. No. 505709.

Li G, D Hu, G Xia, and ZC Zhang. 2010. "Catalyst Structure-Performance Relationship Identified by High-Throughput Operando Method: New Insight for Silica-Supported Vanadium Oxide for Methanol Oxidation." Topics in Catalysis 53(1-2):40-48.

Li G, DM Camaioni, JE Amonette, ZC Zhang, TJ Johnson, and JL Fulton. 2010. "[CuCln]2-n Ion-Pair Species in 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride Ionic Liquid-Water Mixtures: Ultraviolet-Visible, X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, and Density Functional Theory Characterization." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(39):12614-12622. doi:10.1021/jp106762b

Li Y, Z Sun, L Ma, X Zhang, M Yao, AG Joly, Z Liu, and W Chen. 2010. "Synthesis and Luminescence of CePO4:Tb/LaPO4 Core/Sheath Nanowires." Nanotechnology 21(12):125604.

Li J, SM Kathmann, HS Hu, GK Schenter, T Autrey, and MS Gutowski. 2010. "Theoretical Investigations on the Formation and Dehydrogenation Reaction Pathways of H(NH2BH2)nH (n=1-4) Oligomers: Importance of Dihydrogen Interactions (DHI)."Inorganic Chemistry 49(17):7710-7720.

Li Y, SY Hu, X Sun, F Gao, CH Henager, Jr, and MA Khaleel. 2010. "Phase-field Modeling of Void Migration and Growth Kinetics in Materials under Irradiation and Temperature Field." Journal of Nuclear Materials 407(2):119-125.

Li J, J Liu, D Wang, R Guo, X Li, and WN Qi. 2010. "Interfacially Controlled Synthesis of Hollow Mesoporous Silica Spheres with Radially Oriented Pore Structures." Langmuir 26(14):12267-12272. doi:10.1021/la101225j

Li Z, S Wang, Z Wang, XT Zu, F Gao, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Mechanical Behavior of Twinned SiC Nanowires under Combined Tension-Torsion and Compression-Torsion Strain." Journal of Applied Physics 108(1):Art. No. 013504. doi:10.1063/1.3456002

Li Z, Y Wang, J Wang, Z Tang, JG Pounds, and Y Lin. 2010. "Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Protein Biomarker Using a Portable Fluorescence Biosensor based on Quantum Dots and a Lateral Flow Test Strip." Analytical Chemistry 82(16):7008-7014. doi:10.1021/ac101405a

Li D, Z Wang, and F Gao. 2010. "First-Principles Study of the Electronic Properties of Wurtzite, Zinc-Blende, and Twinned InP nanowires." Nanotechnology 21(50):Art. No. 505709. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/21/50/505709

Li DF, ZC Guo, HY Xiao, XT Zu, and F Gao. 2010. "Stability of S and Se Induced Reconstructions on GaP(001)(2×1) Surface." Physica B Condensed Matter 405(20):4262-4266. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2010.07.021

Liao H, H Wu, J Wang, J Liu, Y Jiang, S Sun, and Y Lin. 2010. "Direct Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis of Myoglobin Immobilized on Graphene-CTAB-Ionic Liquid Nanocomposite Film." Electroanalysis 22(19):2297-2302. doi:10.1002/elan.201000044

Lin SSY, DH Kim, MH Engelhard, and SY Ha. 2010. "Water-induced Formation of Cobalt Oxides over Supported Cobalt/Ceria-Zirconia Catalysts under Ethanol-Steam Conditions." Journal of Catalysis 273(2):229-235. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2010.05.016

Liu C, L Zhong, and JM Zachara. 2010. "Uranium(VI) Diffusion in Low-Permeability Subsurface Materials." Radiochimica Acta 98(9-11):719-726. doi:10.1524/ract.2010.1773

Luedtke AT, and T Autrey. 2010. "Hydrogen Release Studies of Alkali Metal Amidoboranes." Inorganic Chemistry 49(8):3905-3910.

Lyubinetsky I, NA Deskins, Y Du, EK Vestergaard, DJ Kim, and M Dupuis. 2010. "Adsorption States and Mobility of TMAA Molecules on Reduced TiO2(110) Surface." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(23):5986-5992.


Ma R, C Zheng, H Prommer, J Greskowiak, C Liu, JM Zachara, and ML Rockhold. 2010. "A Field-Scale Reactive Transport Model for U(VI) Migration Influenced by Coupled Multirate Mass Transfer and Surface Complexation Reactions." Water Resources Research 46:Art. No. W05509. doi:10.1029/2009WR008168

Maki A, A Weber, JW Nibler, T Masiello, TA Blake, and RW Kirkpatrick. 2010. "High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of [1.1.1]Propellane: The Region of the v9 Band." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 264(1):26-36. doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.08.008

Malathy Devi V, DC Benner, CP Rinsland, MAH Smith, RL Sams, TA Blake, JM Flaud, K Sung, LR Brown, and AW Mantz. 2010. "Multispectrum Measurements of Spectral Line Parameters Including Temperature Dependences of N2- and Self-Broadened Half-Width Coefficients in the Region of the v9 band of 12C2H6." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111(17-18):2481-2504. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.07.010

Martin MA, AJ Perry, T Masiello, KD Schwartz, JW Nibler, A Weber, A Maki, and TA Blake. 2010. "High-Resolution Infrared Spectra of Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 262(1):42-48. doi:10.1016/j.jms.2010.04.010

Matson DW, GL Graff, JL Male, BR Johnson, Z Nie, AG Joly, and LC Olsen. 2010. "Synthesis and Screening of Thin Films in the CeCl3-CeBr3 System for Scintillator Applications." Thin Solid Films 518(12):3194-3198. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2009.09.015

Matthiesen J, RS Smith, and BD Kay. 2010. "Measuring Diffusivity in Supercooled Liquid Nanoscale Films using Inert Gas Permeation: II. Diffusion of AR, KR, Xe, and CH4 through Methanol." Journal of Chemical Physics 133(17):174505-11. doi:10.1063/1.3497648

McCloy JS, JV Ryan, T Droubay, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers, and D Look. 2010. "Magnetotransport Properties of High Quality Co:ZnO and Mn:ZnO Single Crystal Pulsed Laser Deposition Films: Pitfalls Associated with Magnetotransport on High Resistivity Materials." Review of Scientific Instruments 81(6):Art. No. 063902. doi:10.1063/1.3436648

McGrath MJ, JN Ghogomu, CJ Mundy, IFW Kuo, and JI Siepmann. 2010. "First Principles Monte Carlo Simulations of Aggregation in the Vapor Phase of Hydrogen Fluoride." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(27):7678-7687. doi:10.1039/b924506e

Mei D. 2010. "Density Functional Theory Study of Surface Carbonate Formation on BaO(001)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(4):1867-1874. doi:10.1021/jp907765e

Mei D, RJ Rousseau, SM Kathmann, VA Glezakou, MH Engelhard, W Jiang, CM Wang, MA Gerber, JF White, and DJ Stevens. 2010. "Ethanol Synthesis from Syngas Over Rh-based/SiO2 Catalysts: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Modeling Study." Journal of Catalysis 271(2):325-342.

Mei D, JH Kwak, J Szanyi, Q Ge, and CHF Peden. 2010. "Catalyst Size and Morphological Effects on the Interaction of NO2 with BaO/γ-Al2O3 Materials."  Catalysis Today 151(3-4):304-313. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2010.01.005

Mei D, J Du, and M Neurock. 2010. "First-principles-based Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Nitric Oxide Reduction over Platinum Nanoparticles under Lean-Burn Conditions." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 49(21):10364-10373. doi:10.1021/ie100999e

Mei D, JH Kwak, JZ Hu, SJ Cho, J Szanyi, L Allard, and CHF Peden. 2010. "The Unique Role of Anchoring Penta-coordinated Al3+ Sites in the Sintering of γ-Al2O3 -Supported Pt Catalysts." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1:2688-2691. doi:10.1021/jz101073p

Moreira PA, R Devanathan, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Atomistic Simulation of Track Formation by Energetic Recoils in Zircon." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 22:Art. No. 395008.

Mudiyanselage K, CW Yi, and J Szanyi. 2010. "Reactions of NO2 with Ba(OH) 2 on Pt(111)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40):16955-16963. doi:10.1021/jp101589z

Mudiyanselage K, D Mei, CW Yi, JF Weaver, and J Szanyi. 2010. "Formation, Characterization and Reactivity of Adsorbed Oxygen on BaO/Pt(111)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(47):20195-20206.

Murdachaew G, CJ Mundy, and GK Schenter. 2010. "Improving the Density Functional Theory Description of Water with Self-Consistent Polarization." Journal of Chemical Physics 132(1):164102. doi:10.1063/1.3385797


Neiner D, AT Luedtke, AJ Karkamkar, WJ Shaw, J Wang, N Browning, T Autrey, and SM Kauzlarich. 2010. "Decomposition Pathway of Ammonia Borane on the Surface of Nano-BN." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(32):13935-13941.

Ney A, M Opel, TC Kaspar, V Ney, S Ye, K Ollefs, T Kammermeier, S Bauer, KW Nielsen, ST Goennenwein, MH Engelhard, S Zhou, K Potzger, J Simon, W Mader, SM Heald, JC Cezar, F Wilhelm, A Rogalev, R Gross, and SA Chambers. 2010. "Advanced Spectroscopic Synchrotron Techniques to Unravel the Intrinsic Properties of Dilute Magnetic Oxides: the Case of Co:ZnO." New Journal of Physics 12:Art. No. 013020. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/1/013020

Ney A, T Kammermeier, K Ollefs, S Ye, V Ney, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers, F Wilhelm, and A Rogalev. 2010. "Anisotropic Paramagnetism of Co-doped ZnO Epitaxial Films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 81(5):Art. No. 054420. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.054420

Ney V, S Ye, T Kammermeier, K Ollefs, A Ney, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers, F Wilhelm, and A Rogalev. 2010. "Tuning the Magnetic Properties of Zn1-xCoxO Films." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322(9-12):1232-1234. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.04.024

Ney A, V Ney, S Ye, K Ollefs, T Kammermeier, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers, F Wilhelm, and A Rogalev. 2010. "Magnetism of Co doped ZnO with Al Codoping: Carrier Induced Mechanisms Versus Extrinsic Origins." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82(4):041202. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.82.041202

Ng DC, T Song, SO Siu, CK Siu, J Laskin, and IK Chu. 2010. "Formation, Isomerization, and Dissociation of a-Carbon-Centered and π-Centered Glycylglycyltryptophan Radical Cations." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(6):2270-2280. doi:10.1021/jp908599a

Nguyen TB, AP Bateman, DL Bones, S Nizkorodov, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "High-Resolution Mass Spectroscopic Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Generated by Ozonolysis of Isoprene." Atmospheric Environment 44(8):1032-1042. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.12.019

Nixon CA, RK Achterberg, NA Teanby, PG Irwin, JM Flaud, I Kleiner, A Dehayem-kamadjeu, LR Brown, RL Sams, B Bezard, A Coustenis, TM Ansty, A Mamoutkine, S Vinatier, GL Bjoraker, DE Jennings, PN Romani, and FM Flasar. 2010. "Upper Limits for Undetected Trace Species in the Stratosphere of Titan." Faraday Discussions 147:65-81. doi:10.1039/C003771K

Nune SK, PK Thallapally, A Dohnalkova, CM Wang, J Liu, and GJ Exarhos. 2010. "Synthesis and Properties of Nano Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks." Chemical Communications 46(27):4878-4880.
Research Highlight


Ohsawa T, MA Henderson, and SA Chambers. 2010. "Epitaxial Growth and Orientational Dependence of Surface Photochemistry in Crystalline TiO2 Rutile Films Doped with Nitrogen." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(14):6595-6601. doi:10.1021/jp1002726


Paesani F, S Yoo, HJ Bakker, and SS Xantheas. 2010. "Nuclear Quantum Effects in the Reorientation of Water." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1(15):2316-2321. doi:10.1021/jz100734w

Palumbo O, A Paolone, P Rispoli, R Cantelli, and T Autrey. 2010. "Decomposition of NH3BH3 at Sub-Ambient Pressures: A Combined Thermogravimetry-Differential Thermal Analysis-Mass Spectrometry Study." Journal of Power Sources 195(6):1615-1618.

Pan Y, C Liu, D Mei, and Q Ge. 2010. "Effects of Hydration and Oxygen Vacancy on CO2 Adsorption and Activation on β-Ga2O3(100)." Langmuir 26(8):5551-5558. doi:10.1021/la903836v

Pan A, D Liu, X Zhou, BB Garcia, S Liang, J Liu, and G Cao. 2010. "Enhanced Lithium-Ion Intercalation Properties of Coherent Hydrous Vanadium Pentoxide-Carbon Cryogels Nanocomposites." Journal of Power Sources 195(12):3893-3899. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.12.120

Pan A, J Zhang, Z Nie, GH Cao, BW Arey, G Li, S Liang, and J Liu. 2010. "Facile Synthesized Nanorod Structured Vanadium Pentoxide for High-Rate Lithium Batteries." Journal of Materials Chemistry 20(41):9193-9199. doi:10.1039/C0JM01306D

Pan A, J Liu, J Zhang, GH Cao, W Xu, Z Nie, J Xiao, D Choi, BW Arey, CM Wang, and S Liang. 2010. "Template Free Synthesis of LiV3O8 Nanorods as a Cathode Material for High-Rate Secondary Lithium Batteries." Journal of Materials Chemistry 21(4):1153-1161. doi:10.1039/c0jm02810j

Pan A, J Liu, J Zhang, W Xu, GH Cao, Z Nie, BW Arey, and S Liang. 2010. "Nano-Structured Li3V2(PO4)3 /Carbon Composite for High Rate Lithium Ion Batteries." Electrochemistry Communications 12(12):1674-1677. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2010.09.014

Pandelov S, JC Werhahn, BM Pilles, SS Xantheas, and H Iglev. 2010. "An Empirical Correlation Between The Enthalpy of Solution of Aqueous Salts and their Ability to Form Hydrates." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(38):10454-10457. doi:10.1021/jp106050r
Research Highlight

Paolone A, O Palumbo, P Rispoli, R Cantelli, and T Autrey. 2010. "An Investigation of the Structural Phase Transition of Ammonia Borane." Materials Science and Engineering. A. Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing 521-22:169-171.

Parkinson GS, Z Dohnalek, RS Smith, and BD Kay. 2010. "Reactivity of Fe0 Atoms with Mixed CCI4 and D2O Films Over FeO (111)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40):17136-17141. doi:10.1021/jp103896k

Peretyazhko T, JM Zachara, DW Kennedy, JK Fredrickson, BW Arey, JP McKinley, CM Wang, A Dohnalkova, and Y Xia. 2010. "Ferrous Phosphate Surface Precipitates Resulting from the Reduction of Intragrain 6-line Ferrihydrite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(13):3751-3767. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.008
Research Highlight

Petrik NG, and GA Kimmel. 2010. "Photoinduced Dissociation of O2 on Rutile TiO2(110)." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1(12):1758-1762. doi:10.1021/jz100513e

Petrik NG, and GA Kimmel. 2010. "Off-normal CO2 Desorption from the Photooxidation of CO on Reduced TiO2(110)." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1(17):2508-2513. doi:10.1021/jz100884w

Pierce EM, LR Reed, WJ Shaw, BP McGrail, JP Icenhower, CF Windisch, Jr, EA Cordova, and JW Broady. 2010. "Experimental Determination of the Effect of the Ratio of B/Al on Glass Dissolution Along the Nepheline (NaAlSiO4) - Malinkoite (NaBSiO4) Join." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74:2634-2654. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.09.006
Research Highlight

Pinwattana K, J Wang, CT Lin, H Wu, D Du, Y Lin, and O Chailapakul. 2010. "CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Based Electrochemical Immunoassay for the Detection of Phosphorylated Bovine Serum Albumin." Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26(3):1109-1113. doi:10.1016/j.bios.2010.08.021

Piper LFJ, ARH Preston, SW Cho, A DeMasi, B Chen, J Laverock, KE Smith, LJ Miara, JN Davis, S Basu, UB Pal, S Gopalan, LV Saraf, TC Kaspar, AY Matsuura, PA Glans, and J Guo. 2010. "Soft X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of Dense Strontium-Doped Lanthanum Manganite Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 158(2):B99-B105. doi:10.1149/1.3519075

Potter RG, DM Camaioni, M Vasiliu, and DA Dixon. 2010. "Thermochemistry of Lewis Adducts of BH3 and Nucleophilic Substitution of Triethylamine on NH3BH3 in Tetrahydrofuran." Inorganic Chemistry 49(22):10512-10521. doi:10.1021/ic101481c

Punckt C, MA Pope, J Liu, Y Lin, and IA Aksay. 2010. "Electrochemical Performance of Graphene as Effected by Electrode Porosity and Graphene Functionalization." Electroanalysis 22(23):2834-2841.


Qafoku N, PE Dresel, ES Ilton, JP McKinley, and CT Resch. 2010. "Chromium Transport in an Acidic Waste Contaminated Subsurface Medium: The Role of Reduction." Chemosphere 81(11):1492-1500. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.08.043

Qiao L, T Droubay, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, PV Sushko, and SA Chambers. 2010. "Thermodynamic Instability at the Stoichiometric LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) Interface." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 22(31):Art. No. 312201. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/22/31/312201


Rai D, DA Moore, AR Felmy, KM Rosso, and H Bolton, Jr. 2010. " PuPO4(cr, hyd.) Solubility Product and Pu3+ Complexes with Phosphate and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid." Journal of Solution Chemistry 39(6):778-807. doi:10.1007/s10953-010-9541-x

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Reardon CL, A Dohnalkova, P Nachimuthu, DW Kennedy, D Saffarini, BW Arey, L Shi, Z Wang, DA Moore, JS Mclean, DM Moyles, MJ Marshall, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson, and AS Beliaev. 2010. "Role of Outer-Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA in the Biomineralization of Ferrihydrite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1." Geobiology 8(1):56-68. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4669.2009.00226.x
Research Highlight

Roach PJ, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization: an Ambient Method for Liquid-Extraction Surface Sampling in Mass Spectrometry." Analyst 135(9):2233-2236.
Research Highlight

Roach PJ, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "Molecular Characterization of Organic Aerosols Using Nanospray Desorption/Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry."Analytical Chemistry 82(19):7979-7986. doi:10.1021/ac101449p
Research Highlight

Roberts JM, P Veres, C Warneke, A Neuman, R Washenfelder, S Brown, M Baasandroj, J Burkholder, I Burling, TJ Johnson, RL Yokelson, and JA de Gouw. 2010. "Measurement of HONO, HNCO, and Other Inorganic Acids by Negative-ion Proton-Transfer Chemical-Ionization Mass Spectrometry (NI-PT-CIMS):Application to Biomass Burning Emissions." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3(4):981-990. doi:10.5194/amt-3-981-2010

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Rustad JR, EJ Bylaska, VE Jackson, and DA Dixon. 2010. "Calculation of Boron-Isotope Fractionation Between B(OH)3(aq) and aq) ." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(10):2843-2850. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.02.032


Samuels WD, NH LaFemina, V Sukwarotwat, W Yantasee, XS Li, and GE Fryxell. 2010. "Chloromethylated Activated Carbon: A Useful New Synthon for Making a Novel Class of Sorbents for Heavy Metal Separations." Separation Science and Technology 45(2):228-235. doi:10.1080/01496390903423550

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Shang J, C Liu, Z Wang, H Wu, K Zhu, J Li, and J Liu. 2010. "In-Situ Measurements of Engineered Nanoporous Particle Transport in Saturated Porous Media." Environmental Science & Technology 44(21):8190-8195. doi:10.1021/es1015586

Shao Y, S Zhang, R Kou, X Wang, CM Wang, S Dai, VV Viswanathan, J Liu, Y Wang, and Y Lin. 2010. "Noncovalently Functionalized Graphitic Mesoporous Carbon as a Stable Support of Pt Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction." Journal of Power Sources 195(7 SP ISS):1805-1811.

Shao Y, J Wang, MH Engelhard, CM Wang, and Y Lin. 2010. "Facile and Controllable Electrochemical Reduction of Graphene Oxide and its Applications." Journal of Materials Chemistry 20(4):743-748.

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Research Highlight

Shin Y, A Dohnalkova, and Y Lin. 2010. "Preparation of Homogeneous Gold-Silver Alloy Nanoparticles using the Apoferritin Cavity as a Nanoreactor." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(13):5985-5989. doi:10.1021/jp911004a

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Skomurski FN, KM Rosso, KM Krupka, and BP McGrail. 2010. "Technetium Incorporation into Hematite (α-Fe2O3)."Environmental Science & Technology 44(15):5855-5861.

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Sushko PV, KM Rosso, and IV Abarenkov. 2010. "Interaction of Intercalated Li+ Ions with Oxygen Vacancies in Rutile TiO2." ECS Transactions 28(11):299-306.

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Tang Z, H Wu, JR Cort, GW Buchko, Y Zhang, Y Shao, IA Aksay, J Liu, and Y Lin. 2010. "Constraint of DNA on Functionalized Graphene Improves its Biostability and Specificity." Small 6(11):1205-1209. doi:10.1002/smll.201000024
Press Release

Tang Z, H Wu, D Du, J Wang, H Wang, W Qian, DJ Bigelow, JG Pounds, RD Smith, and Y Lin. 2010. "Sensitive Immunoassays of Nitrated Fibrinogen in Human Biofluids." Talanta 81(4-5):1662-1669.

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Research Highlight

Tian J, P Thallapally, J Liu, GJ Exarhos, and JL Atwood. 2010. "Gas-Induced Solid State Transformation of an Organic Lattice: From Nonporous to Nanoporous." Chemical Communications 2011 47:701-703. doi:10.1039/C0CC04260A.
Research Highlight


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Research Highlight

Vaden TD, DG Imre, J Beranek, MKB Shrivastava, and A Zelenyuk. 2010. "Evaporation Kinetics and Phase of Laboratory and Ambient Secondary Organic Aerosol." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(6):2190-2195. doi:10.1073/pnas.1013391108

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Research Highlight

Wiedner ES, JY Yang, WG Dougherty, WS Kassel, RM Bullock, M Rakowski DuBois, and DL DuBois. 2010. "Comparison of Cobalt and Nickel Complexes with Sterically Demanding Cyclic Diphosphine Ligands: Electrocatalytic H2 Production by [Co(PtBu2NPh2)(CH3CN)3](BF4) 2."Organometallics 29(21):5390-5401. doi:10.1021/om100395r

Willingham TW, C Zhang, CJ Werth, AJ Valocchi, M Oostrom, and TW Wietsma. 2010. "Using Dispersivity Values to Quantify the Effects of Pore-Scale Flow Focusing on Enhanced Reaction along a Transverse Mixing Zone." Advances in Water Resources 33(4):525-535. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.02.004

Wilson AD, AJ Miller, DL DuBois, JA Labinger, and JE Bercaw. 2010. "Thermodynamic Studies of [H2Rh(diphosphine) 2]+ and [HRh(diphosphine) 2 (CH3CN)] 2+ Complexes in Acetonitrile." Inorganic Chemistry 49(8):3918-3926. doi: 10.1021/ic100117y

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Xia Y, L Rao, JI Friese, DA Moore, and PP Bachelor. 2010. "Complexation of Plutonium (IV) with Fluoride at Variable Temperatures." Radiochimica Acta 98(2):65-69. doi:10.1524/ract.2010.1690

Xiao J, D Wang, W Xu, D Wang, RE Williford, J Liu, and J Zhang. 2010. "Optimization of Air Electrode for Li/Air Batteries."  Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157(4):A487-A492. doi:10.1149/1.3314375

Xiao HY, F Gao, XT Zu, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Structural Transformation in Zinc Blende GaN under High Pressure." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 490(1-2):537-540. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.10.076

Xiao HY, XD Jiang, G Duan, F Gao, XT Zu, and WJ Weber. 2010. "First-Principles Calculations of Pressure-Induced Phase Transformation in AlN and GaN." Computational Materials Science 48(4):768-772. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2010.03.028

Xiao J, W Xu, D Wang, D Choi, W Wang, X Li, GL Graff, J Liu, and J Zhang. 2010. "Stabilization of Silicon Anode for Li-Ion Batteries." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157(10):A1047-A1051. doi:10.1149/1.3464767
Research Highlights

Xiao J, D Choi, L Cosimbescu, PK Koech, J Liu, and JP Lemmon. 2010. "Exfoliated MoS2 Nanocomposite as an Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries." Chemistry of Materials 22(16):4522-4524.

Xiao HY, FX Zhang, F Gao, M Lang, RC Ewing, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Zirconate Pyrochlores under High Pressure." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(39):12472-12477. doi:10.1039/c0cp00278j

Xiao HY, F Gao, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Threshold Displacement Energies and Defect Formation Energies in Y2Ti2O7." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 22(41):Article No.: 415801. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/22/41/415801

Xiong Z, YS Chua, G Wu, L Wang, MW Wong, ZM Kam, T Autrey, T Kemmitt, and P Chen. 2010. "Interaction of Ammonia Borane with Li2NH and Li3N." Dalton Transactions 39(3):720-722. doi:10.1039/B916994F

Xiong G, R Shao, SJ Peppernick, AG Joly, KM Beck, WP Hess, M Cai, J Duchene, JY Wang, and W Wei. 2010. "Materials Applications of Photoelectron Emission Microscopy." The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 62(12):90-93. doi:10.1007/s11837-010-0189-1

Xu K, YW Zhang, B Tang, J Laskin, PJ Roach, and H Chen. 2010. "Study of Highly Selective and Efficient Thiol Derivatization using Selenium Reagents by Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 82(16):6926-6932. doi:10.1021/ac1011602


Yoo S, and SS Xantheas. 2010. "Lowest-Energy Structures of Water Clusters (H2O)16 and (H2O)17 from High-Level Ab Initio Calculations." Journal of Chemical Physics Letters 1:3122-27.

Yan S, B Hua, Z Bao, J Yang, C Liu, and B Deng. 2010. "Uranium(VI) Reduction by Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron in Anoxic Batch Systems." Environmental Science & Technology 44(20):7783-7789. doi:10.1021/es9036308

Yang JY, RM Bullock, WG Dougherty, WS Kassel, B Twamley, DL DuBois, and M Rakowski DuBois. 2010. "Reduction of Oxygen Catalyzed by Nickel Diphosphine Complexes with Positioned Pendant Amines." Dalton Transactions 39(12):3001-3010. doi:10.1039/B921245K

Yang L, XT Zu, F Gao, SM Peng, HL Heinisch, XG Long, and RJ Kurtz. 2010. "Dynamic Interactions of Helium-Vacancy Clusters with Edge Dislocations in a-Fe." Physica B Condensed Matter 405(7):1754-1758. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2010.01.034

Yang L, SM Peng, XG Long, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and XT Zu. 2010. "Ab Initio Study of Intrinsic, H and He Point Defects in hcp-Er." Journal of Applied Physics 107(5):Article Number: 054903.

Yang Z, J Liu, S Baskaran, CH Imhoff, and JD Holladay. 2010. "Enabling Renewable Energy and the Future Grid with Advanced Electricity Storage." The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 62(9):14-23.

Yang JY, S Chen, WG Dougherty, WS Kassel, RM Bullock, DL DuBois, S Raugei, RJ Rousseau, M Dupuis, and M Rakowski DuBois. 2010. "Hydrogen Oxidation Catalysis by a Nickel Diphosphine Complex with Pendant tert-Butyl Amines." Chemical Communications 46:8618-8620. doi:10.1039/C0CC03246H

Yang Y, CA Mims, RS Disselkamp, JH Kwak, CHF Peden, and CT Campbell. 2010. "(Non)formation of Methanol by Direct Hydrogenation of Formate on Copper Catalysts." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40):17205-17211. doi:10.1021/jp104068k

Yao M, AG Joly, and W Chen. 2010. "Formation and Luminescence Phenomena of LaF3:Ce3+ Nanoparticles and Lanthanide-Organic Compounds in Dimethyl Sulfoxide." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(2):826-831. doi:10.1021/jp9092173

Yao M, X Zhang, L Ma, W Chen, AG Joly, J Huang, and Q Wang. 2010. "Luminescence Enhancement of CdTe Nanostructures in LaF3:Ce/CdTe Nanocomposites." Journal of Applied Physics 108(10):207-213. doi:10.1063/1.3506416

Yoo S, E Apra, XC Zeng, and SS Xantheas. 2010. "High-Level Ab Initio Electronic Structure Calculations of Water Clusters (H2O)16 and (H2O)17: A New Global Minimum for (H2O)16." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1(20):3122-3127. doi:10.1021/jz101245s

Yu Z, R Devanathan, W Jiang, P Nachimuthu, V Shutthanandan, LV Saraf, CM Wang, SVNT Kuchibhatla, and S Thevuthasan. 2010. "Integrated Experimental and Modeling Study of Ionic Conductivity of Scandi-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films." Solid State Ionics 181(8-10):367-371. doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2010.01.024
Research Highlight

Yu XY, JP Cowin, MJ Iedema, and HM Ali. 2010. "Fast Time-Resolved Aerosol Collector: Proof of Concept." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3:1377-1384. doi:10.5194/amt-3-1377-2010


Zarzycki PP, and KM Rosso. 2010. "Nonlinear Response of the Surface Electrostatic Potential Formed at Metal Oxide/Electrolyte Interfaces. A Monte Carlo Simulation Study." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 341(1):143-152. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2009.09.002

Zarzycki PP, SN Kerisit, and KM Rosso. 2010. "Molecular Dynamics Study of the Electrical Double Layer at Silver Chloride Electrolyte Interfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(19):8905-8916.

Zarzycki PP, and KM Rosso. 2010. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the AgCl/Electrolyte Interfacial Capacity." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(21):10019-10026. doi:10.1021/jp100074h

Zarzycki PP, KM Rosso, SME Chatman, T Preocanin, N Kallay, and W Piasecki. 2010. "Theory, Experiment and Computer Simulation of the Electrostatic Potential at Crystal/Electrolyte Interfaces." Croatia Chemica Acta 83(4):457-474.

Zehr RT, NA Deskins, and MA Henderson. 2010. "Photochemistry of 1,1,1-Trifluoroacetone on Rutile TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40):16900-16908.

Zehr RT, and MA Henderson. 2010. "Thermal Chemistry and Photochemistry of Hexafluoroacetone on Rutile TiO2 (110)." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(28):8084-8091.

Zelenyuk A, MJ Ezell, V Perraud, SN Johnson, E Bruns, Y Yu, D Imre, ML Alexander, and BJ Finlayson-Pitts. 2010. "Characterization of Organic Coatings on Hygroscopic Salt Particles and their Atmospheric Impacts." Atmospheric Environment 44(9):1209-1218. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.11.047

Zelenyuk A, D Imre, M Earle, RC Easter, Jr, A Korolev, WR Leaitch, P Liu, AM MacDonald, M Ovchinnikov, and W Strapp. 2010. "In-Situ Characterization of Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Interstitial, and background Particles using Single Particle Mass Spectrometer, SPLAT II." Analytical Chemistry 82(19):7943-7951. doi:10.1021/ac1013892

Zhang J, J Liu, D Wang, D Choi, LS Fifield, CM Wang, G Xia, Z Nie, Z Yang, LR Pederson, and GL Graff. 2010. "Vapor-Induced Solid-Liquid-Solid Process for Silicon-based Nanowire Growth." Journal of Power Sources 195(6 SP ISS):1691-1697.

Zhang S, Y Shao, G Yin, and Y Lin. 2010. "Facile Synthesis of PtAu Alloy Nanoparticles with High Activity for Formic Acid Oxidation." Journal of Power Sources 195(4):1103-1106. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.08.054

Zhang S, Y Shao, X Li, Z Nie, Y Wang, J Liu, G Yin, and Y Lin. 2010. "Low-Cost and Durable Catalyst Support for Fuel Cells: Graphite Submicronparticles." Journal of Power Sources 195(2):457-460. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.08.012

Zhang S, Y Shao, G Yin, and Y Lin. 2010. "Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Pt Nanoparticles Via Electrostatic Self-Assembly: A Highly Active Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst." Journal of Materials Chemistry 20(15):2826-2830. doi:10.1039/b919494k

Zhang Y, J Jagielski, IT Bae, X Xiang, L Thome, G Balakrishnan, DM Paul, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Damage Evolution in Au-Implanted Ho2Ti2O7 Titanate Pyrochlore."Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268(19):3009-3013. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2010.05.029

Zhang J, M Lang, RC Ewing, R Devanathan, WJ Weber, and M Toulemonde. 2010. "Nanoscale Phase Transitions under Extreme Conditions within an Ion Track." Journal of Materials Research 25(7):1344-1351.
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Zhang XY, HP Li, XL Cui, and Y Lin. 2010. "Graphene/ TiO2Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Hydrogen Evolution from Water Photocatalytic Splitting." Journal of Materials Chemistry 20(14):2801-2806.

Zhai HJ, and LS Wang. 2010. "Probing the Electronic Structure of Early Transition Metal Oxide Clusters: Molecular Models Towards Mechanistic Insights into Oxide Surfaces and Catalysis." Chemical Physics Letters 500:185-95.

Zhang Y, J Jagielski, I-T Bae, X Xiang, L Thome, G Balakrishnan, DM Paul, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Damage Evolution in Au-Implanted Ho2Ti2O7 Titanate Pyrochlore." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268:3009-13.

Zhang Y, W Jiang, CM Wang, F Namavar, PD Edmondson, Z Zhu, F Gao, J Lian, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Grain Growth and Phase Stability of Nanocrystalline Cubic Zirconia under Ion Irradiation." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 82:184105:1-7.

Zhang S, Y Shao, G Yin, and Y Lin. 2010. "Electrostatic Self-Assembly of Pt-around-Au Nanocomposite with High Activity towards Formic Acid Oxidation." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49(12):2211-2214. doi:10.1002/anie.200906987
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Zhang Y, M Ishimaru, J Jagielski, W Zhang, Z Zhu, LV Saraf, W Jiang, L Thome, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Damage and Microstructure Evolution in GaN under Au Ion Irradiation." Journal of Physics D. Applied Physics 43(8):085303. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/43/8/085303

Zhang C, Q Kang, X Wang, JL Zilles, RH Muller, and CJ Werth. 2010. "Effects of Pore-Scale Heterogeneity and Transverse Mixing on Bacterial Growth in Porous Media." Environmental Science & Technology 44(8):3085-3092.

Zhang Y, Z Tang, J Wang, H Wu, A Ma Ham, and Y Lin. 2010. "Hairpin DNA Switch for Ultrasensitive Spectrophotometric Detection of DNA Hybridization Based on Gold Nanoparticles and Enzyme Signal Amplification." Analytical Chemistry 82(15):6440-6446. doi:10.1021/ac1006238

Zhang C, KJ Dehoff, NJ Hess, M Oostrom, TW Wietsma, AJ Valocchi, BW Fouke, and CJ Werth. 2010. "Pore-Scale Study of Transverse Mixing Induced CaCO3 Precipitation and Permeability Reduction in a Model Subsurface Sedimentary System." Environmental Science & Technology 44(20):7833-7838. doi:10.1021/es1019788
Research Highlight

Zhang Y, W Jiang, CM Wang, F Namavar, PD Edmondson, Z Zhu, F Gao, J Lian, and WJ Weber. 2010. "Grain Growth and Phase Stability of Nanocrystalline Cubic Zirconia under Ion Irradiation." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 82(18):184105:1-7. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.82.184105

Zhao N, Y He, X Mao, Y Sun, X Zhang, CZ Li, Y Lin, and G Liu. 2010. "Electrochemical assay of Active Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) using Ferrocene-Functionalized Peptide Probes." Electrochemistry Communications 12(3):471-474.

Zhou Y, X Jiang, G Duan, F Gao, and XT Zu. 2010. "Spin and Band-Gap Engineering in Copper-Doped BN Sheet." Chemical Physics Letters 491(4-6):203-207. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2010.03.085

Zhou Y, J Xiao-Dong, Z Wang, HY Xiao, F Gao, and XT Zu. 2010. "Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Metal-Doped BN Sheet: A First-Principles Study." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(27):7588-7592. doi:10.1039/B918183K

Zhou Y, XT Zu, P Yang, HY Xiao, and F Gao. 2010. "Oxygen-Induced Magnetic Properties and Metallic Behavior of a BN Sheet." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22(46):Paper No. 465303. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/22/46/465303

Zou Z, D Du, J Wang, JN Smith, C Timchalk, YQ Li, and Y Lin. 2010. "Quantum Dot-Based Immunochromatographic Fluorescent Biosensor for Biomonitoring Trichloropyridinol, a Biomarker of Exposure to Chlorpyrifos." Analytical Chemistry 82(12):5125-5133. doi:10.1021/ac100260m

Zhou Y, XT Zu, P Yang, HY Xiao, and F Gao. 2010. "Oxygen-Induced Magnetic Properties and Metallic Behavior of a BN Sheet." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 22:Paper No. 465303.

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