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Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


Fate and Behavior of Pharmaceuticals in Treated Wastewaters, Sludge and River Waters

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and L'Institut d'Investigacions Químiques de Barcelona (Chemical and Environmental Research Institute of Barcelona (IIQAB), Barcelona, Spain -- Now called the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research) cosponsored the special session "Fate and Behavior of Pharmaceuticals in Treated Wastewaters, Sludge and River Waters" at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 30th Annual Meeting--Human-Environment Interactions: Understanding Change in Dynamic Systems, in New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 19-23, 2009. The following topics were presented at the special session:

  • Identification of pharmaceutical residues and environmental transformation Products,
  • Fate and transport of antimicrobials compounds, such as triclosan, in the environment, and
  • Measurement of indicators of human waste in aquatic environments.


  • Damià Barceló, IIQAB,
  • Edward T. Furlong, USGS,

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