United States Election Assistance Comittee

The EAC Official Blog

Grants Awarded to State & Local Governments

from: EAC Staff on May 26, 2011

EAC just awarded a total of $1.4 million to 12 jurisdictions under the Pre-election Testing and Post-election Audit grant program. Pre-election testing, also called Logic and Accuracy (L&A) testing, is the act of evaluating every ballot style and every component of the voting system before the election. Sounds like a lot of work? It is, but it’s necessary to help detect and prevent problems BEFORE they occur on Election Day. The post-election audit is a documented review of all aspects of the conduct of an election from beginning to end.

Voters will be the ultimate benefactors of these grants, and EAC looks forward to collecting best practices and procedures about pre- and post-election activities from the grant winners and sharing them with election officials throughout the nation. The grant winners are:

  • California Secretary of State, Sacramento, CA
  • Orange County Registrar of Voters, Santa Ana, CA
  • County of Humboldt, Eureka, CA
  • County of Santa Cruz, CA, Santa Cruz, CA
  • Colorado Department of State, Denver, CO
  • State of Connecticut, Secretary of the State, Hartford, CT
  • Office of the Cook County Clerk, Chicago, IL
  • State of Indiana, Secretary of State, Indianapolis, IN
  • City of Takoma Park, Takoma Park, MD
  • County of Boone, Columbia, MO
  • New York State Board of Elections, Albany, NY
  • Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, Cleveland, OH

Go here for grant amounts and program summaries. To learn more about pre-election and post-election activities, visit our Election Management Guidelines section.


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Comments (1)

Sep 26, 2011

Very useful information on Grants Awarded to State & Local Governments..awesome post...

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5/26/2011 4:23:00 PM
Grants Awarded to State & Local Governments

Details matter in elections, and that’s why it is important to thoroughly...