Reps. Lewis and Reichert Lead Charitable/Exempt Organizations Tax Reform Working Group

Feb 20, 2013 Issues: Tax Relief

WASHINGTON—Earlier this week, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) announced the formation of a Tax Reform Working group, naming Reps. John Lewis (D-GA), co-chair of the Philanthropy Caucus and ranking member of the W&M Oversight Committee, and Rep. David Reichert (R-WA) to lead the effort.  The working groups will be responsible for compiling public commentary from stakeholders, academics and think tanks, practitioners, the general public and House colleagues.

“While most people think only of charities when they hear the term ‘tax-exempt organizations,’ the reality is that these organizations encompass much more than that,” Lewis said.  “Charities and foundations are wide in scope and breadth, and they play many roles in our society.  I look forward to working with Rep. Reichert, the public and organizations to develop a complete record of how this sector works today.  He will bring a unique law enforcement perspective to this working group, and together we hope to better identify and examine their issues as we move toward tax reform.”

“Bi-partisan collaboration is essential to developing a real plan for comprehensive tax reform,” said Reichert.  “I know Rep. Lewis will be a true asset to this group, and I look forward to working with him.  The charitable community plays an important and active role in the life of many Americans, and we must develop a plan for ensuring that tax exempt status is not abused while making certain that no one who wishes to will be discouraged from giving.”

The Charitable/Exempt Organizations Working Group will deal with all sections of the Internal Revenue Code that deal with charitable giving and tax exempt status.

