United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Speeches and Testimony by Commissioner Apostolakis

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2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

Date Topic
01/29/2013 Importance of Risk-Informed, Performance Based Regulations, Workshop on Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment, NRC, Rockville, MD – Slides
12/04/2012 A Risk Management Regulatory Framework Workshop on Forging A New Nuclear Safety Construct – ASME, Washington, DC– Slides
11/12/2012 Risk-Informing the Regulatory System:  An Uphill Climb ANS Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA – Slides
11/12/2012 NRC Near- and Long-Term Regulatory Changes After Fukushima ANS Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA – Slides
09/21/2012 Application of Risk Assessment and Management to Nuclear Safety, DOE Nuclear Safety Workshop, Bethesda, MD – Slides
09/04/2012 Role of PRA in Enhancing External Events Safety – the Past, Present, and Future, International Experts Meeting on Protection Against Extreme Earthquakes and Tsunamis, IAEA, Vienna – Slides
07/17/2012 Summer Forum on Risk and Emergency Preparedness, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin – Slides
06/27/2012 Options for a More Holistic Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulatory Approach, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), Helsinki, Finland – Slides
06/27/2012 U.S. NRC Activities in Human Reliability Analysis, Safety Culture, and Regulatory Framework Improvements, VTT Technical Research Centre, Helsinki, Finland – Slides
06/11/2012 Risk-Informed Operations, Nuclear Plant Safety Course, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA – Slides
06/11/2012 Recent Commission Issues: Power Reactors, Nuclear Plant Safety Course, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam bridge, MA – Slides
05/22/2012 Regulatory Implications of Fukushima for Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S., Center for International Security and Cooperation Seminar Stanford University (CISAC) Stanford, CA – Slides
05/22/2012 Managing Uncertainties in the Regulation of Nuclear Facilities and Materials Center for International Security and Cooperation Seminar Stanford University (CISAC) Stanford, CA – Slides
04/17/2012 Opportunities and Challenges for Accident Risk Assessment and Management, American Nuclear Society - DC Section Meeting, NRC, Rockville, MD – Slides
04/09/2012 A Regulator’s Perspective on Nuclear Power Plant Safety for the Future, International Forum on Safe Nuclear Power Plants, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea – Slides
03/13/2012 A Proposed Risk Management Regulatory Framework and Implementation Options for Power Reactors
NRC’s 23rd Annual Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, MD – Slides
03/06/2012 Regulatory Implications of Fukushima for Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S., Carnegie Nuclear Policy Program Conference Washington, DC – Slides
01/09/2012 Regulatory Implications of Fukushima for Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S., 3rd Annual Doomsday Clock Symposium, Washington, DC – Slides
12/09/2011 Recent Developments in Probabilistic Risk Assessment and the NRC Response to North Anna and Fukushima, Atomic Energy Council, Taipei, TaiwanSlides
12/07/2011 Managing Uncertainties in the Regulation and Licensing of U. S. Nuclear Reactors, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan Slides
11/07-08/2011 Operating Safely in the Long Term: Lessons Learned from Fukushima, Eurosafe 2011, Paris, FranceSlides
10/04/2011 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mandate and Responsibilities, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Oslo, Norway Slides
10/02/2011 Why We Need to Risk-inform the Regulatory Framework, Halden Program Group Meeting, Sandefjord, Norway Slides
09/20/2011 Managing Uncertainties in the Regulation and Licensing of Nuclear Facilities University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Slides
08/03/2011 Evolving Nuclear Technology and Regulation:  Lessons Learned from Fukushima, Bipartisan Policy Center (Senator Domenici), Washington, DCSlides
07/15/2011 The Fukushima Nuclear Accident U.S.NRC Response, Integrated Disaster Risk Management Conference (IDRiM) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA – Slides
07/15/2011 Regulatory Implications of Fukushima for Nuclear Power in the U.S., Integrated Disaster Risk Management Conference (IDRiM) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CASlides
06/29/2011 MIT/UVA Summer Intern Event, Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, Washington, DC Slides
06/13/2011 Current Commission Issues: Power Reactors, Nuclear Plant Safety Course, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Slides
06/13/2011 Risk-Informed Operations, Nuclear Plant Safety Course, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Slides
06/02/2011 Post Fukushima: NRC Response, Harvard Electricity Policy Group, Sixty-Third Plenary Session, Washington, DC Slides
05/26/2011 Post Fukushima: NRC Response, The National Academies, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, Washington, DC Slides
05/03/2011 Risk-Informed Licensing, 2011 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), Nice, France Slides
04/21/2011 Managing Uncertainties in the Regulation and Licensing of Nuclear Facilities, Hochreiter Distinguished Lecture, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineer, Penn State, State College, PA Slides
03/30/2011 Approaches for Efficient Licensing, Nuclear Energy in 2050 Symposium, Cambridge, MA Slides
03/15/2011 The First Year..., Probabilistic Safety Analysis International Topical Meeting (PSA 2011), Wilmington, NC
03/09/2011 The First Year..., NRC’s 23rd Annual Regulatory Information Conference, Bethesda, MD
03/03/2011 Risk-Informed Regulatory Decision Making, Berkeley Technology and Regulation Annual Symposium, Berkeley, CA Slides
01/27/2011 Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Standards, IEEE Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ Slides
12/16/2010 Remarks: Regulatory PerspectiveNuclear Strategic Issues Advisory Committee Steering Group (NSIAC), Washington, DC
11/01/2010 Uncertainties, NEI Licensing Forum, Arlington, VA Slides
10/21/2010 Systems Issues in Nuclear Reactor Safety, System Design and Management Conference on Systems Thinking for Contemporary Challenges, Cambridge, MA Slides
09/07/2010 Greek Atomic Energy Commission, Athens, Greece
09/06/2010 Managing Uncertainties in the Regulation of Nuclear Facilities: The Issues of Unknown Unknowns, ESREL Conference, Rhodes, Greece Slides
08/30/2010 Remarks:  Region IV, Arlington, TX
07/19/2010 Managing Uncertainties in the Regulation of Nuclear Facilities and Materials, 6th International Conference on Sensitivity of Model Output (SAMO), Milan, Italy Slides
06/23/2010 Current Commission Issues, National Academy for Nuclear Training, Cambridge, MA Slides
06/21/2010 Current Commission Issues, Nuclear Plant Safety, Cambridge, MA Slides
06/21/2010 Risk-Informed Operations, Nuclear Plant Safety, Cambridge, MA Slides
06/15/2010 Approach to Effective and Efficient Nuclear Power Regulation, 2010 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), San Diego, CA Slides
06/07/2010 Safety Culture:  A Regulatory Perspective, 10th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM), Seattle, WA Slides

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2012 | 2011 | 2010

Date Topic
02/28/2013 Statement Before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Environment and the Economy, Washington, DC
09/12/2012 Statement Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, Washington, DC
03/15/2012 Statement Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, Washington, DC
02/09/2012 Affirmation of the Commission’s Vogtle 3 and 4 Mandatory Hearing Decision, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD
12/15/2011 Statement Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, Washington, DC
12/14/2011 Statement Before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Washington, DC
08/02/2011 Statement before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, Washington, DC
06/16/2011 Statement Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, Washington, DC
05/05/2010 Statement before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, Washington, DC

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Site Visits

2012 | 2011 | 2010

Date Topic
11/20/2012 Zion Nuclear Power Plant, Zion, IL
11/19/2012 Region III, Lisle, IL
10/26/2012 Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant, Southport, NC
10/25/2012 Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant, Waynesboro, GA
06/10-12/2012 The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico
09/21-22/2011 Region III, Lisle, IL
09/12-13/2011 Oconee Nuclear Power Plant, Seneca, South Carolina
08/04-05/2011 Region I, King of Prussia, PA
06/16-17/2011 Region IV, Arlington, TX
05/16-17/2011 Region II, Atlanta, GA
05/06/2011 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Spring Hill, TN
05/05/2011 Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
05/05/2011 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee
03/22/2011 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, San Clemente, CA
03/16/2011 GE Hitachi fuel facility, Wilmington, NC
12/07/2010 mPower facility, Lynchburg, VA
12/06/2010 Shearon Harris facility, New Hill, NC
11/19/2010 Sellafield facility, United Kingdom
11/16/2010 EDF Flamanville-3 Evolutionary Power Reactor construction site, France
11/15/2010 AREVA at La Hague facility, France
09/01/2010 Louisiana Energy Services and Waste Control Specialists, Eunice, NM and Andrews, TX
08/31/2010 South Texas Project facility, Bay City, TX
08/25/2010 NuScale facility, Corvallis, OR
06/22/2010 QSA Global Inc. facility, Burlington, MA
06/10/2010 Cedar Sinai Hospital and JL Shepherd and Associates facilities, San Diego, CA
05/19/2010 BWXT and AREVA fuel cycle facilities, Lynchburg, VA

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, February 28, 2013