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Region III

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Regional Administrator: Charles Casto
Deputy Regional Administrator: Cynthia Pederson

Executes established NRC policies and assigned programs relating to inspection, licensing, investigation, enforcement, emergency response, governmental liaison, agreement state activities and resource management within regional boundaries.

Office of Investigations Field Office

Director: Robert Goetz

Provides investigative support to the Region.

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Public Affairs Staff

Senior Public Affairs Officer: Viktoria Mitlyng
Field Public Affairs Officer: Prema Chandrathil

Implements NRC policies and programs for Public Affairs in the Region.

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Regional Counsel

Regional Counsel: Jared Heck

Advises the Regional Administrator on legal issues.

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State and Governmental Affairs

Regional State Liaison Officer: Allan Barker

Coordinates and carries out communications between NRC and the States and appropriate local governments within the Region regarding the regulation of nuclear materials and facilities.

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Enforcement and Investigation Coordination Staff

Enforcement/Investigations Officer (TL): Steven Orth

Implements enforcement policy in the region and coordinates allegation and investigation activities.

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Division of Reactor Projects

Director: Steven West
Deputy Director: Gary Shear

Provides implementation policy oversight and direction for the inspection and assessment programs for power reactors, including inspection program management, resident inspection, and allegation follow-up. Serves as the contact with licensees, headquarters office, and the public for power reactors in Region III. Provides for prompt onsite response to reactor events.

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Reactor Projects Branches 1-6

Performs project management for routine and reactive inspections of power reactors during all phases of testing and operation. Implements the inspection program for power reactors including maintaining the Reactor Planning System (RPS) and the Inspection Followup System (IFS), supporting the Plant Performance Review (PPR) process, and managing and participating in inspections. Performs licensee assessments and implements the Enforcement Policy. Responds to operating events. Develops generic correspondence. Coordinates Commission visits to reactor sites and responds to public inquiries.

Reactor Projects Branch 1

Chief: (Vacant)

Clinton Resident Office
Duane Arnold Resident Office
Quad Cities Resident Office

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 2

Chief: Ken Riemer

Kewaunee Resident Office
Prairie Island Resident Office
Monticello Resident Office

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 3

Chief: Eric Duncan

Byron Resident Office
Braidwood Resident Office

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 4

Chief: John Giessner

D.C. Cook Resident Office
Palisades Resident Office

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 5

Chief: Michael Kunowski

LaSalle Resident Office
Perry Resident Office
Point Beach Resident Office

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 6

Chief: Jamnes Cameron

Dresden Resident Office
Fermi Resident Office
Davis Besse Resident Office

Projects Branch description

Division of Reactor Safety

Director: Steven Reynolds
Deputy Director: Kenneth O'Brien

Performs inspections of operations, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, and human factor engineering, human performance, risk assessment and management, management of systems, facility operations, maintenance, radiation protection, emergency preparedness, and security for all power reactor programs. Conducts the operator licensing function for power reactor facilities. Reviews emergency preparedness and security program changes. Serves as the focal point for coordinating with technical counterparts and referring potentially generic insights to Headquarters. Manages enforcement and allegation followup. Maintains Region's incident response capability.

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Operations Branch

Chief: Hironori Peterson

Reviews operator licensing activities at power reactors including the administration of the initial and upgrade examinations for all operators. Assures that NRC examinations and the licensee's training and testing comply with the agency's guidelines. Inspects facility requalification programs, emergency and other operating procedures, and conducts operational evaluations.

Engineering Branch 1

Chief: David Hills

Performs inspection and technical evaluation of plant engineering, design and maintenance activities; supports response to occurrences at facilities and conducts assessments of licensee performance while primarily focusing on mechanical areas. Particular emphasis is placed in the areas of structural design, materials degradation, reactor pressure vessels, steam generators, piping, and related components, processes, and testing.

Engineering Branch 2

Chief: Ann Stone

Performs inspection and technical evaluation of plant engineering, design, and maintenance activities, supports response to occurrences at facilities, and conducts assessment of licensee performance while focusing on both mechanical and electrical areas including transients and integrated plant response. Particular emphasis is placed in the areas of mechanical systems and components including pumps, valves, heat exchangers, and ventilation equipment.

Engineering Branch 3

Chief: Robert Daley

Performs inspection and technical evaluation of plant engineering, design, and maintenance activities, supports response to occurrences at facilities, and conducts assessment of licensee performance while primarily focusing on electrical areas. Particular emphasis is placed in the areas of electrical systems and components, instrumentation, fire protection, and environmental qualification.

Plant Support Branch

Chief: Richard Skokowski

Performs inspection and technical reviews of physical protection and emergency preparedness programs. Interfaces with other NRC offices and federal and state agencies in the resolution of generic issues. Performs review of changes to emergency and security plans. Maintains Region's incident response capability. Supports reactive response to occurrences at facilities.

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety

Director: Anne Boland
Deputy Director: Patrick Louden

Provides implementation policy oversight and direction for the Materials Licensing and Inspection Programs, and Spent Fuel Storage Inspections. Manages and inspects site decommissioning activities. Maintains effective communications and working relationships between the NRC and the Agreement States. Provides for prompt onsite response to events at materials facilities and at sites in decommissioning. Manages enforcement and allegation follow-up. Serves as the focal point for coordinating with licensees, headquarters, and the public for these facilities in Region III.

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Materials Licensing Branch

Chief: Patricia Pelke

Performs safety and security oversight of nuclear materials licensees by licensing facilities (e.g., hospitals, medical clinics, universities, industrials, research development), activities, and personnel. Provides oversight and performs licensing and inspection activities for the Department of Veteran Affairs Master Materials License. Manages the Financial Assurance Program for materials licenses in Region III.

Materials Inspection Branch

Chief: Tamara Bloomer

Performs nuclear materials safety and security inspection activities for medical, industrial, and research and development licensees. Implements enforcement and allegations programs.

Materials Control, ISFSI and Decommissioning Branch

Chief: Christine Lipa

Performs project management and inspection of facilities and reactor sites in various stages of complex decommissioning activities. Performs inspections of initial dry fuel storage facility construction and loading as well as periodic routine inspections of operational ISFSIs. Implements enforcement and allegations programs.

Division of Resource Management and Administration

Director: Kostantina Sotiropoulos
Deputy Director: (Vacant)

Responsible for human resources management, budget and fiscal management, contract administration, IT equipment and services, space and property management, telecommunications, office security, regional health and safety, ADAMS implementation and general administrative services, including license fee management and FOIA processing.

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Human Resources Branch

Chief: Mark Rubic

Provides and coordinates regional human resources services, including training, staffing, employee benefits and labor relations.

Financial Resources Branch

Chief: Shirley Bayliff

Performs budgeting, accounting, procurement, contract administration, travel, property management, building maintenance and security.

Information Resources Branch

Chief: Roger Doornbos

Provides information technology/management services, regional computer support, LAN administration, telecommunications services, mail processing, and document reproductions. Coordinates records, files, FOIA activities, and ADAMS implementation.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, January 07, 2013