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ORI Newsletter Focuses on Plagiarism

The topic of plagiarism seems to have gained popularity in the recent past.  More and more companies are offering online plagiarism detection services, and several universities are adopting these services to catch academic dishonesty.  Last year, ORI closed four cases involving plagiarism, and the module for Avoiding Plagiarism continues to be one of the most visited resources on the ORI website.

With this much attention on plagiarism, ORI felt that it would be fitting to allow respected members of the research community discuss this topic in ORI's newsletter.    Headlines from the newsletter include:

  • Plagiarism in the Digital Age
  • Plagiarism: The Human Solution
  • Plagiarism Among Undergraduate Students in an Online Course
  • Textual Plagiarism: How Should It Be Regarded?
  • Coping with Plagiarism in the Croatian Medical Journal
  • Preventing and Correcting Plagiarism in the Serbian Biomedical Literature


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