Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Building 67 at the Denver Federal Center, home of the TSC.Welcome to Reclamation's Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado

We are a world-class engineering, science, research, and support center for projects related to water resources. We provide specialized expertise to Reclamation's programs, regions, and area offices, to other Federal agencies, and to international customers.

For more information about where we are, how we operate, and how to get in touch with us, see About the TSC.

Check out our expertise in:

TSC Directory of Services:

Our 5 million pound testing machine

The 5-million-pound testing machine in TSC's Materials Engineering and Research Lab.

Technical Service Center Mission and Vision

The mission/vision of the TSC is to be Reclamation’s preferred provider of science and engineering services.

Videos of the TSC

We're crushing concrete, thwarting invasive mussels, ensuring that fish are not stressed out, finding low-cost ways to deliver water, and using robots to check pipes. See five short videos of TSC research to find out more.

TSC's Award-Winning Employees

Meritorious Service Award for Fred Nibling

Photo of Fred Nibling.Fred has led Reclamation’s efforts to deal with invasive species for over 30 years. He conducted research to address invasive species issues and developed integrated pest management plans for numerous Reclamation projects.

Read more.


Our Invasive Mussel Research Laboratory Has the Highest Impact Research

Photo of award presentation

This lab won the Colorado Labs 2012 Governor’s Award for High Impact Research for the improving early detection and DNA testing methods. Read more.

Meritorious Service Award for Pimley; Superior Service Awards for Crutchfield, Edwards, Lender, Murphy, and Romansky

Composite photo of award winners Pimley, Crutchfield, Edwards, Lender, and Murphy.

Read more. 

See our previous award winners


Please contact a client liaison (303) 445-2561 to help you get the most efficient services for your needs.