Motivational Posters

The Federal Voting Assistance Program produces a motivational voting poster every election year. This poster is designed to brighten up any Voting Assistance Officer's office and inspire citizens to register and vote absentee.

Voting Assistance Officers may order posters through their regular distribution channels (see How to Order Materials) or by contacting their Service or State Department Voting Action Officer. Other overseas citizens may obtain supplies of the poster by contacting the FVAP directly at

The current poster features the winning slogan: It’s a freedom that you defend-Vote! The winning slogan was submitted by SGM Bob Pitman, U.S. Army (Retired).

2012 Motivational Poster

2012-2013 Motivational Poster

(Includes space for your contact information)

2012-2013 Motivational Poster

(Includes fillable space for your contact information)

Other Motivational Posters and Handouts

2010-2011 Motivational Poster

(Includes space for your contact information)

2010-2011 Motivational Poster

2008-2009 Motivational Poster

(Includes space for your contact information)

2008-2009 Motivational Poster

Frequently Asked Questions Handout

(Includes space for your contact information)

U.S. Embassy and Consulate Email Addresses Handout

2012 Voting Monthly Planner

2012 Election Dates Poster

(All files open in a new window and requires Adobe Reader 7)

Last updated: 01.14.2013