ROK Marines visit 3rd MLG

By Cpl. Erik S. Brooks Jr. | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | November 29, 2012

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Eddie J. Dunn shows leaders of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps Amphibious Support Group small arms protective inserts during a visit from the ROK Marines to the Individual Issue Facility Nov. 19 at Camp Kinser. The ROK Marines were interested to see the system IIF uses to issue equipment to the Marines of 3rd Marine Logistics Group. Dunn is the site manager for IIF, 3rd MLG, III Marine Expeditionary Force.

Eddie J. Dunn shows leaders of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps Amphibious Support Group small arms protective inserts during a visit from the ROK Marines to the Individual Issue Facility Nov. 19 at Camp Kinser. The ROK Marines were interested to see the system IIF uses to issue equipment to the Marines of 3rd Marine Logistics Group. Dunn is the site manager for IIF, 3rd MLG, III Marine Expeditionary Force. (Photo by Cpl. Erik S. Brooks Jr.)

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CAMP KINSER, Okinawa, Japan -- Leaders of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps Amphibious Support Group discussed logistics with key leaders and toured 3rd Marine Logistics Group facilities here Nov. 19.

The tour was part of the ROK Marines' four-day trip to Okinawa. During the trip, the ROK Marines visited many facilities and spoke with key leaders to gain insight into the mission and activities of 3rd MLG, a part of III Marine Expeditionary Force.

"The purpose of our visit was to get a better understanding of the processes and procedures 3rd MLG uses to operate," said ROK Marine Col. Hyun Dal Lee, the commanding officer of the ROKMC ASG. "Getting a better understanding of these will help our two Marine Corps during our bilateral training exercises, resulting in smoother and more effective exercises."

The tour started with an office call to Brig. Gen. Niel E. Nelson, the commanding general of 3rd MLG, and his command staff.

During the office call, the logistics leaders discussed each other's capabilities and what they not only hope to accomplish from the visit, but also in the future.

"In the future, we hope to stand up our own aviation combat element logistics group," said Lee. "Our interest in the MLG is how they do maintenance for the ACE."

Increasing readiness with a new electronic supply chain management process that will improve parts management is a current project for 3rd MLG, according to Nelson.

"The aircraft wing does the same thing. They have a different supply requirement, but all of us work on the same venue of supply and support," said Nelson. "To us, the critical part of logistics is maintaining a solid understanding of money and supplies available to ensure we can apply parts and people in the right place."

After the meeting, the ROK leaders started their tour of 3rd MLG's facilities.

The leaders first visited the supply management storage unit, which is part of 3rd Supply Battalion, Combat Logistics Regiment 35, 3rd MLG. While there, they were able to see all of the equipment being distributed to Marines throughout Okinawa.

"I was able to become more familiar with the supply procedures and systems the Marines use," said ROK Lt. Col. Jo Hoon Han, the ROKMC ASG supply officer. "I was able to see the type of equipment the U.S. Marines use to support their logistical operations."

After visiting the supply warehouse, the tour continued to Medical Logistics Company, which is part of 3rd Medical Battalion, CLR-35. While at the company's warehouse, the ROK Marines were able to view all the medical supplies needed to facilitate III MEF operations and exercises.

"I was impressed with their capability to deploy rapidly," said Han. "All of their medical equipment was packed and ready to go."

Next, the ROK Marines toured the individual issue and food service facilities.

"We have a very familiar system to the individual issue facility in the Republic of Korea," said Han. "I hope in the future we can run a model system similar to the one 3rd MLG uses."

To end the tour, the ROK Marines had the opportunity to visit Electronic Maintenance Company, which is part of 3rd Maintenance Battalion, CLR-35. The Marines of the company demonstrated their capabilities, including calibration of tools and fixing field radios.

"This tour was very informative and helpful," said Han. "Seeing how they operate will help us in our future exercises together."

Nelson appreciates the ongoing exchange between the two countries. Nelson said he has developed a good relationship working with the ROK Marines during visits to Okinawa and wants to make sure 3rd MLG reciprocates in the Republic of Korea.

"This visit is critical for us. It helps and allows for the ROK Marines to understand our system as we come together and better support each other," said Nelson.
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