Responsible information sharing is at the forefront of collaboration between industry and government. The reason for this is simple: government and industry must work together to develop specific IT standards that will simplify and speed up the acquisition process, while ensuring that different systems have the ability to exchange data.

To this end, GSA and the Office of the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment collaborated with the American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) to develop a white paper on proposed interoperability standards in an effort to drive both government and industry to define and adopt standards to be used in acquisition.   The paper provides a roadmap towards this goal and asks industry and government to work together to develop standards that will:

- Guide adherence to government regulations and policy

- Reduce government duplication and spending

- Reduce vendor development and marketing costs

 The responsible sharing of information – whether intelligence, financial, or other data — extends to all levels of government, including federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments, along with private sector partners. The federal government is now poised to standardize the sharing of information and must determine specific standards upon which all can agree.    By working together to share information, we can all work toward a more collaborative partnership in the future.  Join the conversation by reading the report and providing your comments via email to

On Twitter? Follow @GSA_OGP and @ACTIAC and use #infosharing for  instant updates. For more ways to join the discussion, visit the Information Sharing Environment’s blog.


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