
Marking Milestones in Social Media

December 9, 2010

Valeisha Butterfield is the Deputy Director of Public Affairs for the International Trade Administration

Today we mark a milestone in our social media channels with more than 1,000 followers on twitter/trade.gov, nearly 100 entries and 500 comments on our blog, blog.trade.gov and more than 1,000 fans on our face book page facebook.com/TradeGov. The conversations we’ve had in these areas are key to ensuring all of our customers are kept abreast of the amount of activity, requests for input and issues of importance to them and us.

Some of the more lively discussions we’ve had on the blog include our call for ideas for President Obama’s National Export Initiative, last year’s Green Build Road Show that took readers virtually to five cities in two weeks eventually reporting directly from the ground in Phoenix, AZ at the Green Build Conference and Expo, and the conversation on relief efforts and opportunities to help rebuild Haiti.

Moving forward, we will be keeping you up to date on the developments in the Korea-US Trade Agreement, the upcoming APEC meetings hosted by the United States in 2011 and some innovative videos that will teach you how to make international sales without leaving the U.S. We enjoy being in touch with our clients, customers, stakeholders, and international buyers in many ways and if you have suggestions on how we can be more innovative and interactive, we’d love to hear your suggestions.


  1. Social Media and Google….

    Is the the government a part of, or the main reason Google has gotten so big?

    Thank you

  2. I think we are just at the tip of the iceberg with social media. We have a lot more to learn.

  3. Great to see gov’t is joining in with “society’s conversation.” At least the gov’t won’t be left out…

  4. Social media is changing the world as we know it. Exciting and scary at the same time.

  5. milestones i thought that was for something that had been around for a while. 5 years ago facebook was an idea!!

  6. It’s excellent to see a government site making its way into the social media scene. Hopefully your numbers continue to grow and I hope you explore other social media sites as well.

  7. I think that Social media has changed the way we trade today and it gives us new opportunities every day.

  8. Are you marketing this at concerts, dirt bike rallies, boxing events, or any other kind of events that can get more attention than 1,000 followers?
    Would it be a good idea to do a market campaign to draw cognitive creation towards an intellectual cite that creates jobs?
    Is there a non online budget for marketing?
    Do you have interns that can also market at business schools via signs, flyers or other kinds of things?
    Is your website sponsoring any concerto’s or any other kind of opera house ideas?
    Should it be allowed to sponsor things to draw attention?
    What would it bring if government cites started sponsoring things to bring attention to their websites?
    Would it be worth the cost to create a cognitive creation of marketing outside of the enternet to draw attention to more than 1,000 watchers?
    Do I ask a lot of questions?
    Are my two tattos of question marks on my shoulders cool?
    What would be the audience for trade shows. Are we sponsoring anything at MIT? We means this is an entity I believe I pay taxes for.
    What abou college or high school text books?
    Is the idea of government trade help blogs in our intellectual studies?
    Should they be in our intellectual studies?
    Would this idea of international market cognition creation an new enthusiasm for new start ups?
    Do I spell bad or what?
    Just kidding sorry about that. Ok this looks really good. I am a very happy man.

    Rider I

  9. I agree with Rider1. 1000 Followers is garbage for a marketing campaign for the US Government. I know everyone had to start somewhere but Twitter might not be the best way to get the word out.


  10. A better method is to launch a campaign across multiple platforms. Also remember that you must engage on social media–it is not a platform to blast information.

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