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Coal and Power Systems
Gasification Systems

U.S. Economic Competitiveness U.S. Economic Competitiveness U.S. Economic Competitiveness
U.S. Economic Competitiveness U.S. Economic Competitiveness U.S. Economic Competitiveness
Global Environmental Benefits Global Environmental Benefits Global Environmental Benefits
Global Environmental Benefits Global Environmental Benefits Global Environmental Benefits
Gasifier Optimization Gas Separation Gas Separation Gasifier Optimization Gasifier Optimization Gas Cleaning Gasifier Optimization Gas Cleaning Gas Separation U.S. Economic Competitiveness Gas Separation Gasifier Optimization U.S. Economic Competitiveness Gasifier Optimization U.S. Economic Competitiveness Gas Cleaning Gasifier Optimization Gas Cleaning Gasifier Optimization Gas Separation U.S. Economic Competitiveness Gas Separation U.S. Economic Competitiveness U.S. Economic Competitiveness Gas Cleaning Gas Cleaning Gas Separation Gas Cleaning Gas Separation Global Environmental Benefits Gas Separation Global Environmental Benefits Global Environmental Benefits Gas Cleaning Gas Separation Systems Analyses Global Environmental Benefits Gas Separation Systems Analyses Global Environmental Benefits Systems Analyses Global Environmental Benefits Gas Cleaning Systems Analyses Gas Cleaning Gas Separation Systems Analyses Systems Analyses Gas Cleaning Systems Analyses Systems Analyses Systems Analyses Gasification is a process that can turn coal into power, chemicals, hydrogen and transportation fuels, and can be used to capture the carbon from the coal for sequestration or for enhanced oil recovery. The Gasification Systems Program is developing advanced technologies to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of producing syngas. Click on the Graphic for more information on key research and development areas, on how systems analysis supports the program, and for information on the benefits of gasification.
Gasification Systems Website Portal
The Gasification Systems website portal was designed to provide fast access to the most popular Gasification website pages, bookmark for easy access. Link to Portal Gasification Systems Website Portal
Advanced Energy Systems Peer Review
During April 23 - 27, 2012, a total of 16 projects from NETL's Advanced Energy Systems Program were peer reviewed. Provided is a list of the information associated with this review, i.e., Review Agenda, List of Reviewers, and the Meeting Summary and Recommendations Report. Read More! Advanced Energy Systems Peer Review
National Carbon Capture Center
The NCCC is a neutral test site focused on conducting research and development to advance emerging CO2 control technologies for effective integration into commercial coal-fired power plants. Read More! National Carbon Capture Center
A comprehensive online collection of resources to promote better understanding of gasification technology which is anticipated to be the technology of choice for future near-zero emissions, coal-based plants that produce/co-produce power, fuels, and/or chemicals. Read More! Gasification Systems
Development of Ion Transport Membranes (ITM) Oxygen Technology for Integration with Advanced Industrial Systems
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc is working to develop, scale-up, and demonstrate a novel air separation technology for large-scale production of oxygen at costs that are approximately one-third lower than conventional cryogenic plants. Read More! ARRA Logo
Scale-up of High Temperature Syngas Cleanup Technology
The goal of this American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) supported work is to design, build, and test RTI's High Temperature Desulfurization Process (HTDP) at pre-commercial scale. Read More! ARRA Logo

Other Gasification Systems Program Activities: Gasification Systems Program coordinates and works with other DOE programs, national laboratories, and private organizations to ensure that gasification R&D dovetails well with other R&D efforts, and to ensure efficient technology development with minimum cost to the taxpayer. Other program activities include; educating the public about gasification and ongoing contacts and discussions with the public and industry concerning what the future of gasification should be.

Your Comments: We hope the information provided in these Web pages proves of value. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions you might have. Click to contact us with Comments, Suggestions, or Questions.


Gasification Systems Website Portal - Bookmark for easy access.

Project Portfolio
Gasification Systems Project Portfolio Advanced Energy Systems - Gasification Systems Project Portfolio. Gasification Systems Project Portfolio
Systems Analyses Studies
Technology & Cost/Performance Studies Provide unbiased comparisons of competing technologies. Go to Technology & Cost/Performance Studies
Worldwide Gasification Database
Worldwide Gasification Database Describes the current world gasification industry and identifies near-term planned capacity additions. Go to Gasification Database
Gasifipedia A comprehensive online collection of resources to promote better understanding of gasification technology. Go to Gasifipedia
Multi-phase Flow with Interphase eXchange
MFIX Software for modeling the hydrodynamics, heat transfer and chemical reactions in fluid-solids systems. Go to MFIX
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