News / Middle East

Russia Calls for End to Syrian Crisis

Secretary-General of the Arab League Nabil Elaraby, (2R), speaks to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, (3L), as other Arab League diplomats look on during their news conference in Moscow, Russia, February 20, 2013.
Secretary-General of the Arab League Nabil Elaraby, (2R), speaks to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, (3L), as other Arab League diplomats look on during their news conference in Moscow, Russia, February 20, 2013.
VOA News
Russia is calling for an end to the nearly two-year crisis in Syria.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday after a meeting with Arab diplomats in Moscow that neither the Syrian government nor rebels can pursue a military solution, saying that is a path to mutual destruction.

Russia has used it veto power in the United Nations Security Council to block three rounds of resolutions against Syria, stressing the need for Syria to find an end to the fighting without foreign interference.

Lavrov's comments come a day after rebels fired mortar rounds at one of President Bashar al-Assad's palaces in Damascus. The strike was the first confirmed by the government close to a presidential building.

Activists also reported a missile strike Tuesday in the northern city of Aleppo that killed at least 31 people. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says approximately 140 people died in fighting across Syria Tuesday.

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by: Anonymous
February 20, 2013 7:00 PM
Come on International Criminal Court, file the charges immediately against Bashar al Assad for his murders.

This way when the Russian Government is trying to promote or pressure a peace plan, that Russia realises that they are trying to make civilians strike a deal with a war criminal terrorist.

Russia doesn't see anything wrong with what Bashar is doing (Killing thousands of innocent Syrians)... Russia is still promoting people deal with Bashar al Assad. There needs to be some charges laid against Bashar al Assad to put the record straight for Putin.

In the end Bashar al Assad will be served Justice and the Russians will be distanced with the other world powers, they are basically digging their own hole, they may as well go lay down in it while they can. the longer Russia tries and pressure the Syrians to deal with a Wanted Criminal the more stupid Putin and his government will look.

In Response

by: Anonymous
February 21, 2013 4:33 PM
Igor from Russia, Bashar al Assad is not a victim at all here, so quit trying to make him out to be a nice guy. He has killed more innocent civilians than Osama Bin Laden. He is only worried about himself and not the people of Syria. Take your propaganda crap elsewhere. The world can see destruction by aerial bombardments all over Syria, destroying cities, towns, and villages all over Syria. This is a crime against humanity and the Syrian Nation. He is a disgrace to the Syrian Nation, so quit trying to call Bashar al Assad a victim here. He has killed thousands of innocent civilians, displaced millions, and destroyed more than anyone in Syria. Also what kind of leader shoots scud missiles into civilian areas. This is a war crime in itself. If I tallied up the crimes bashar has commited it would be in the thousands. He deserves a murder charge for each and every civilian he and his henchmen has killed. Your comment is not valid and just plain stupid. Nice try though maybe you should be Bashar al Assads defense lawyer when the ICC goes after him for his crimes.

In Response

by: Igor from: Russia
February 20, 2013 10:41 PM
Those who are behind the scene and instigating ethnic hatred, riots and disorder within Syria must be put on International Criminal Court. They are the real culprits although they are always speaking out of "democracy, human right". Assad is only one of their victims.

by: Charlie Mankin from: United States
February 20, 2013 10:59 AM
Then let Russia send peace keeping troops and stop trying to take the moral "its an internal affair" high ground. Put there money where there big mouths are. Weak pathetic nation, holding onto old sabers as if they matter anymore.

by: Michael from: USA
February 20, 2013 9:59 AM
If the Russians solve the Syrian crises, any new government will be bound by Russian politic, and if new problems come about, the Syrian soul will divorce itself from the Russian soul, causing more problems

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