QC-1975 Harvested Black Spruce (HBS75)

Fluxnet Information
Site Name: QC-1975 Harvested Black Spruce (HBS75)
Description: Harvested in 1975, pre-commercial thinning in 1998
Status: Active, core measurements presently being made
Country: Canada
Fluxnet Site Code: CA-Qc2

Additional Information


Location Information
Country: Canada
(Lat, Long)
49.7598, -74.5711

PI Info

Investigator Information
Investigator: Hank Margolis (Website)

Laval University
Centre de recherche en biologie forestiere, Faculte de Foresterie et de Geomatique
Pavillon Abitbi-Price, 3173, Sainte-Foy
Quebec City, Canada G1K 7P4


Affiliation Information
Affiliation Name: Canadian Carbon Program (CCP)
Affiliation ID: fsmp_qc


FLUXNET Determined Variables

Site Information
IGBP Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
UMD Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
NPP Land Covermore info: Evergreen Needleleaf Vegetation
KGCCmore info: Dfc - Snow fully humid cool summer
LAI F/PAR Land Usemore info: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
Investigator Provided Vegetation Typemore info: Conifer overstory (black spruce with some jack pine), moss and ericaceous understory
Plant Functional Typemore info: Evergreen Needleleaf Trees


Data Repository Information
Data Collection Timeframe:2007-2011
Canadian Carbon Program (CCP): ftp://daac.ornl.gov/data/fluxnet/fluxnet_canada/data/index.html


Links to Additional Site Related Information
FTP Data Access: ftp://daac.ornl.gov/data/fluxnet/fluxnet_canada/data/QC-HarvestBS1975/
Daymet Data Download: http://daymet.ornl.gov/data/send/query?lat=49.75984&lon=-74.5711

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Investigator Information
Investigator: Hank Margolis (Website)

Laval University
Centre de recherche en biologie forestiere, Faculte de Foresterie et de Geomatique
Pavillon Abitbi-Price, 3173, Sainte-Foy
Quebec City, Canada G1K 7P4
Location Information
Country: Canada
(Lat, Long)
49.7598, -74.5711
Affiliation Information
Affiliation Name: Canadian Carbon Program (CCP)
Affiliation ID: fsmp_qc
Site Information
IGBP Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
UMD Land Usemore info: Mixed Forests
NPP Land Covermore info: Evergreen Needleleaf Vegetation
KGCCmore info: Dfc - Snow fully humid cool summer
LAI F/PAR Land Usemore info: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
Investigator Provided Vegetation Typemore info: Conifer overstory (black spruce with some jack pine), moss and ericaceous understory
Plant Functional Typemore info: Evergreen Needleleaf Trees
Data Repository Information
Data Collection Timeframe:2007-2011
Canadian Carbon Program (CCP): ftp://daac.ornl.gov/data/fluxnet/fluxnet_canada/data/index.html
Links to Additional Site Related Information
FTP Data Access: ftp://daac.ornl.gov/data/fluxnet/fluxnet_canada/data/QC-HarvestBS1975/
Daymet Data Download: http://daymet.ornl.gov/data/send/query?lat=49.75984&lon=-74.5711
Tower Site Information Disclaimer
Information displayed has been gathered from regional network websites and/or personal communication with investigators. If you have found an error, please send us an email with a description of the error.