Disability Research Consortium

The Disability Research Consortium (DRC) consists of two cooperatively funded research centers: Mathematica Policy Research's Center for Studying Disability Policy and the National Bureau of Economic Research's Disability Research Center. The centers are funded by SSA through five-year cooperative agreements running from FY2012 through FY2017.

The DRC's main goals are to:

  • Research and evaluate a wide array of topics related to Social Security's Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs and other federal disability policies;
  • Disseminate information on disability issues relevant to policymakers, researchers, stakeholder organizations, and the general public;
  • Better understand the intersection and interaction between SSA and other federal disability-related programs to address the broader social and economic contexts of their administration and operation; and
  • Provide training, education, and opportunities to scholars and practitioners in research areas relevant to Social Security and disability issues.

SSA's DRC will conduct a variety of activities, including outreach to internal and external stakeholders regarding various federal disability programs. Based on the disability research agenda SSA develops, the centers will conduct research, prepare policy briefs and working papers, hold an annual conference, and provide training support and education for young scholars. As research is completed, the findings will be available on the centers' websites and linked to from this website. For further information about DRC activities, please e-mail us.