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Publications Crisis Intervention Crisis Intervention ADM86-1070R
Psychosocial Issues for Children and Adolescents in Disasters

Psychosocial Issues for Children and Adolescents in Disasters

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Guidelines or Manual - ELECTRONIC ONLY

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Offers resources for those working with children in the wake of disaster. Discusses theories of child development as applied to a youth experiencing the fear, anxiety, and trauma of disaster. Offers practical suggestions, case studies, and a resource guide.

Pub id: ADM86-1070R
Publication Date: 1/2000
Popularity: 471
Format: Guidelines or Manual
Audience: Disaster Response Workers, Educators, Professional Care Providers, Public Health Professionals, Parents & Caregivers, Child Care Providers
Population Group: Adolescents as Population Group, Trauma Survivors, Children as Population Group

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Comment by:

09/12/2012 12:00 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

I am a college professor, teaching a course directly related to this topic

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09/20/2012 4:09 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

i am a dual diagnosis specialist working for the dept. of mental health (youth)