Liberty/Clairton area
Data and Forecasts courtesy of:

AQI: Good (0 - 50) AQI: Good (0 - 50)
Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
AQI: Moderate (51 - 100) AQI: Moderate (51 - 100)
Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there may be a moderate health concern for a very small number of people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
AQI: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101 - 150) AQI: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101 - 150)
Although general public is not likely to be affected at this AQI range, people with lung disease, older adults and children are at a greater risk from exposure to ozone, whereas persons with heart and lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from the presence of particles in the air.
AQI: Unhealthy (151 - 200) AQI: Unhealthy (151 - 200)
Everyone may begin to experience health effects members of sensitive groups may experience more serious health effects.
 AQI:Very Unhealthy (201 - 300) AQI: Very Unhealthy (201 - 300)
Health alert: everyone may experience more serious health effects.
AQI: Hazardous(301 - 500) AQI: Hazardous (301 - 500)
Health warnings of emergency conditions. The entire population is more likely to be affected.
Action DayAction Day
Local Air Quality Resources
Current Air Quality Index | Forecast
State Air Quality Resources
Air Quality Partnership of Lehigh Valley - Berks
Air Quality Partnership of the Delaware Valley
Air Quality Partnership of the Susquehanna Valley
American Lung Association (ALA) of Pennsylvania
PA Allergy & Asthma Association
Pennsylvania DEP - BAQ - Contacts
Pennsylvania DEP - BAQ - Current Air Quality Index (AQI) by Area
Pennsylvania DEP - Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ)
Pennsylvania DEP – Air Quality Forecast Home Page
Pennsylvania DEP – Home Page
Southwest PA Air Quality Partnership
Data and Forecasts courtesy of:
Air Quality Forecast
Today's High Tomorrow's High
Air Quality Index (AQI)
Health Message: None
Air Quality Index (AQI)
Health Message: None
AQI - Pollutant Details
Particles (PM2.5)
Particles (PM2.5)
Forecast Discussion: Current conditions: After a mild morning, a cold front has swept through the area and brought in chillier air this Tuesday afternoon. Strong mixing from the west and northwest has resulted in lowered levels in fine particulate. Partly to mostly cloudy overnight with PM increasing, but remaining within the good range. *** Wednesday's forecast: An area of high pressure building into the Tennessee valley on Wednesday will bring a little afternoon sunshine as temperatures move close to 40 degrees. Fine particulate matter will remain at the top end of the good range with lighter winds and dry air in place. Turning mostly cloudy Wednesday night with a bit of snow developing. *** Extended forecast: A cold front moving across the area on Thursday brings rain and snow showers early, with increasing winds by afternoon. Particulate matter concentrations will quickly drop to the good range by afternoon. Good air quality continues on Friday with plenty of clouds along with a couple of snow showers. High temperatures will only go just past 30 degrees. Our progressive weather pattern will continue as we move on into 2017 with another front bringing snow showers early New Year's Day, then a wave of low pressure along a stalled front across the Tennessee valley brings sleet turning to rain Monday. PM2.5 levels during this period will range from upper good to lower moderate.---McAuliffe

Current Conditions
Air Quality Index (AQI)
observed at 20:00 EST
Health Message: None
Note: Values above 500 are considered Beyond the AQI. Follow recommendations for the Hazardous category. Additional information on reducing exposure to extremely high levels of particle pollution is available here.
AQI - Pollutant Details
Ozone 20 Good
Particles (PM2.5) 16 Good

Past Air Quality Maps and Data
Yesterday's Maps and Data
Air Quality Maps Archives (by region)

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