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Secretary Clinton To Hold Global Town Hall
Posted by DipNote Bloggers on Jan 27, 2013 - 03:32 PM

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to hold global town hall at the Newseum on January 29, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. EST. Watch live on [State Department image]

UPDATE: Watch video of the Secretary's Global Townterview on YouTube.

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will hold a Global Townterview at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. A "Townterview" is a mix of a town hall and a television interview. The concept was first introduced by the Secretary when she entered office as a way to broaden people-to-people engagement.

This will be her 59th town hall and an opportunity to engage with young people around the world in advance of her last day as Secretary of State on Friday, February 1.

In partnership with media outlets from every region around the world, the Secretary will take questions from youth in several countries live via satellite. The State Department has partnered with major media outlets in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and South America. Networks participating via satellite include the BBC in London, United Kingdom; Channels TV in Lagos, Nigeria; MBC in Beirut, Lebanon; NDTV in New Delhi, India; NHK in Tokyo, Japan; and NTN24 in Bogota, Colombia.

Secretary Clinton will also take questions via social media and other online platforms, using Twitter, Facebook, and Skype to interact with a global audience. Submit questions on Twitter using the hashtag #AskState.

The townterview will be moderated at the Newseum by Australian newscaster Leigh Sales of Australian Broadcasting Company. Leigh Sales last interviewed Secretary Clinton at a townterview in Melbourne on November 7, 2010.

The event at the Newseum will take place at 9:30 a.m. (EST) and will be open press and available via live-stream on and YouTube. The event will be streamed in partnership with YouTube.

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Susan C. in Florida writes:

@ Barb in Iowa -- Wow!! It is always amazing to me that powerful, successful men can wear anything, have their hair any which way, look neat or sloppy or "retro", and no one tells them to change their appearance. The double standard for women is showing in your comment. Women not only have to be smart and successful, but also "attractive" and "put together right" or they are coming up short! Come out of the 1960's and the "Mad Men" mentality, Barb. Secretary Clinton looks just fine and has the right to wear her hair anyway she wants. That is what we fought for in the '60s and '70s..the right to be equal with men in all areas, even our hairdos!

Posted on Thu Jan 31, 2013

Barb in Iowa writes:


Please update your current hair style. The one you are attempting to sport makes you look beyond your years.

Thank you!

Posted on Wed Jan 30, 2013

Tina in Washington, D.C. writes:

Secretary Clinton,

You have been a role model for all women! I referred to you often while my daughter was growing up and you continue to be an inspiration for all women and children.

I wear pantsuits all the time and you gave me fashion permission! You will be greatly missed as Secretary of State! Hope to see you back in 2016 and enjoy a well deserved break!

Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2013

Birgit in Germany writes:

Unfortunately no review for me. :(

Quote: Unfortunately, this UMG-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights.

Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2013

Maureen in Massachusetts writes:

I watched this Global Townterview this morning and Secretary Clinton was just so well received by folks. She touched on the issues that we know are dear to her and essential to the work of diplomacy. At the same time she, the global panel and the audience(s) all had fun. How many people are able to discuss serious,complicated issues on the global stage yet maintain the "savoir faire" in doing so?

The memoirs book will have to hold many blank pages at the end such as a passport book because Secretary Clinton has not yet finished her journey and cause to improve lives everywhere. In fact, I don't think she will ever stop except to re-group because that's what great leaders do.

It has been said that the difference between a genius and the rest of us is that a genius has talent for sure, great ability yes but the passion and love of the subject of expertise is what truly separates them from the rest..hmm reminds me of someone. Thank you Secretary Clinton for all that you do.

Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2013

Patrick in Maryland writes:

I enjoy having you as our Secretary of State.

I think you have improved the lives of many people over your years in office.

Looking forward to see what your going to do next. I think your going to take a brake, and spend some time working with your husband at the "Clinton Foundation". :)

Have A Great"Townterview"..Hillary !!!

Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2013

Susan C. in Florida writes:

Great town hall meeting. I am sorry to see Secretary Clinton leave but I am sure she needs a rest from the D.C. "conflicts". I hope she will take sometime for herself and her family and then come back strong in 2016! A special thank you for emphasizing human rights, especially those of women and children. What a different world this would be if women and children were valued and treated with respect and compassion. Wishing the very best for Secretary Clinton and hoping to see her again, on the national stage, in 2016!

Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2013

W.W. writes:

It is still up to the GODS .. a nice journey .. 4 terrific years holding the evil lobby as much as she could democrately standing for her beloved americans in the us and around the world.. she will be surely remembered as one of the most respected women in history and for some aspects for the way she served her nation even more important than queen elizabeth of england .. good luck mrs Secretary

america turning politics into tomato

Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2013

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Well Dipnote Bloggers, I just want to say thanks to Sec. Clinton for helping make my public engagement on Dipnote so interesting these past 4 years, and for doing such an outstanding job as Sec. of State.

I try to inspire the folks @ State to think (sometimes succesfully), and she inspires the whole world to think. So I'll miss my better half of the symbiotic virtual relationship...(chuckle).

It's ok though, Sen. Kerry's had an earfull or two from me in the past, and no doubt will hear from me in the future and I sure hope he reads this blog regularly now, as I told his staff that as a leading Sen. on the Foreign Relations Committee it's a darn good way to keep tabs on the goings on @ State and the staff thought it a good idea and good reading.

So here's wishing Hillary Clinton well on her next adventure, and good luck to Sen. Kerry on becoming Sec. of State!

I hope both will post their thoughts here;

One to let us all know what she's up to and that she's doing well.

And second, that the new Sec. let us all know what he plans to do to up the level of public private engagement between folks @ State and the public on this blog, among other things...

And would he take "going green" @ State seriously enough to get rid of the red carpet and roll out the sod so visiting dignitaries can get a little wiggle room for their tootsies on the way into high stakes bi-lateral meetings?

I recall someone @ State liking that idea some time ago, so...(chuckle), I figured a little reminder would be in order.



Posted on Mon Jan 28, 2013

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