Federal Aviation Administration

DOT Secretary's 44th Annual Awards Ceremony

Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood (L) presents former Acting FAA Runway Safety Director Scott Guetzko with the Secretary's Transportation Safety Award at the DOT Secretary's 44th Annual Awards Ceremony held at DOT headquarters in Washington, DC. The FAA's Runway Safety Team was honored for its "successful leadership, dedication, and professionalism in reducing the number and severity of runway incursions." Serious runway incursions on the nation's runways have decreased by more than 90 percent since fiscal year 2000.

Runway Safety Team Members receiving the Secretary's Award included Albert Atkins, Linda Berkowitz, Vincent Cimino, Anna Cohen, Chris Diggons, Paul Erway, Joe Foresto, Tom Frakes, Ray German, Al Gorthy, Scott Guetzko, Ryan Heeralall, Dave Kurner, John Lott, Mike Meigs, Roger Motzko, Rebecca Plentl, Chris Pokorski, Joe Ponte, Ingrid Rinker, Pradip Som, Fred Stein, Cheri Walter and Harry West.

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