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Guide to Geologic Field Trip Between Lewiston, Idaho, and Kimberly, Oregon, Emphasizing the Columbia River Basalt Group

-- Swanson, D.A., and Wright, T.L., 1981,
Guide to Geologic Field Trip Between Lewiston, Idaho, and Kimberly, Oregon, Emphasizing the Columbia River Basalt Group: IN: Johnston, D.A., and Donnelly-Nolan, J., (eds.), 1981, Guides to Some Volcanic Terranes in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Northern California: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 838, 189p.


The Columbia River Basalt Group comprises a tholeiitic flood-basalt province of moderate size, covering an area of about 2x10^5 square kilometers, with an estimated volume of about 2x10^5 cubic kilometers (Waters, 1962). The group is the youngest assemblage of flood basalt known, with an age range from about 17 to 6 million years ago; most eruptions took place between about 17 and 14 million years ago (Watkins and Baksi, 1974; McKee and others, 1977). It is the only flood basalt province of Phanerozoic age in North America.

Wide-ranging regional studies of the basalt, underway for the last 10 years, have been devoted primarily to defining stratigraphic and chemical relations for use in unraveling the history of the province and comparing the Columbia River Basalt Group with flood basalt elsewhere. Recently, these studies have been accelerated because of the need to know more about the stratigraphy and structure of the basalt as related to potential storage of nuclear waste within the basalt pile. A geologic map of the entire province is under preparation. Reconnaissance geologic maps of the basalt in most of Washington and northern Idaho have been completed (Swanson and others, 1979a) and eventually will be published in color (for example, Swanson and others, 1980). Studies in 1978 and 1979 were conducted by full-time and temporary personnel of the U.S. Geological survey under Interagency Agreement No. EW-78-I-06-1978 with the U.S. Department of Energy in support of the Basalt Waste Isolation Program, administered by Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington. Personnel involved in this mapping project have been: J.L. Anderson, R.D. Bentley, G.R. Byerly, V.E. Camp, J.N. Gardner, P.R. Hooper, D.A. Swanson, W.H. Taubeneck, and T.L. Wright.

General Aspects

The Columbia River Basalt Group is characterized by most features considered typical of flood-basalt provinces. Flows are voluminous, typically 10-30 cubic kilometers with a maximum volume of 700 cubic kilometers, and many cover large areas, as much as 40,000 square kilometers. They generally advanced as sheetfloods, rather than as channelized or tube-fed flows, and form thick cooling units composed of one or more flows. Eruptions took place from fissure systems tens of kilometers long. Eruption rates were high, generally greater by 2-3 orders of magnitude than those of other Cenozoic basalt provinces, as determined by 1) theoretical considerations based on the relations among eruption volumes, dimensions of linear vent systems, and distance traveled without appreciable crystallization or cooling breaks, and 2) the absence of constructional shields even though viscosities calculated at constant temperature from dry-weight chemical analyses are equal to or higher than those for oceanic tholeiites containing similar amounts of MgO. Small spatter ramparts formed along fissures but are poorly preserved owing to bulldozing and rafting by flows and to later erosion. Cinder cones are very rare. In these and other features, basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group contrasts with that produced by basaltic plains or oceanic volcanism (Greeley, 1977), as in the Snake River Plain, Iceland, and Hawaii.

The flows cover a diverse assemblage of rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to Miocene. The pre-basalt topography had considerable local relief, 1000 meters or more in places, near the margin of the Columbia Plateau. some of the pre-basalt hills today stand high above the plateau surface, especially in the Spokane area. Little is known about the nature of the rocks or pre-basalt surface beneath the central part of the plateau. sparse evidence from a drill hole 3.2 kilometers deep just west of the Pasco Basin suggests that a thick weathered or altered zone caps a sequence of lower Tertiary volcanic rocks of mafic and intermediate composition at least 1,970 meters thick (Raymond and Tillson, 1968; Newman, 1970; Jackson, 1975; Swanson and others, 1979b).


Formal stratigraphic subdivision of the Columbia River Basalt Group has recently been made (Swanson and others, 1979b). Considerable effort was expended in doing this, in order to provide a strong framework for topical studies. Some additional distinctive units have been found in Idaho and Oregon since the nomenclature for the Columbia River Basalt Group was established, but they can easily be given member rank and assigned to one of the three formations in the Yakima Basalt Subgroup.

The criteria used to recognize specific stratigraphic units include megascopic and less commonly microscopic petrography, magnetic polarity, and chemical composition. Megascopic petrography and magnetic polarity can be determined in the field and, taken together in over-all stratigraphic context, are generally sufficient to identify a particular unit. Ambiguities commonly arise, however, and chemical analyses provide an invaluable and independent guide for checking and correcting field identifications. In fact, use of chemical analyses for correlation purposes is so rewarding that no study of the basalt requiring identification of flows should be undertaken without provision for chemistry. Physical characteristics such as weathering color, size and shape of vesicles, thickness, and type of columnar jointing have been used by some past workers as correlation criteria, but we have found them unreliable because of lateral variability except in some local areas.

Map, click to enlarge [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
Figure 1:
Index map showing approximate outcrop extent of the Columbia River Basalt Group (from Waters, 1961) and locations mentioned in the text. -- Modified from: Swanson and Wright, 1981, IN: USGS Circular 838

The formal stratigraphic units of the Columbia River Basalt Group (figure 2) have been described in detail by Mackin (1961), Bingham and Grolier (1966), Schmincke (1967b), Swanson and others (1979b), Swanson and Wright (1978), and Camp and others (1979); only general statements are made here.

Table, click to enlarge [Table]
Figure 2:
Stratigraphic nomenclature, age, and magnetic polarity for units in the Columbia River Basalt Group. -- Modified from: Swanson and Wright, 1981, IN: USGS Circular 838

Imnaha Basalt

Outcrops of the Imnaha Basalt, the oldest formation in the group, are confined to extreme southeast Washington, northeast Oregon, and adjacent parts of Idaho, where feeder dikes are known. Whether the Imnaha occurs farther west beneath younger rocks is conjectural. It covers a surface of rugged local relief and has an aggregate thickness of more than 500 m. Most flows in the formation are coarse grained and plagioclase phyric (Hooper, 1974). Five chemical types have been distinguished (Holden and Hooper, 1976; Kleck, 1976; Vallier and Hooper, 1976; Reidel, 1978). ... Most of the Imnaha has normal magnetic polarity, but the oldest and youngest flows known have reversed polarity, based on measurements with a portable fluxgate magnetometer. ...

Picture Gorge Basalt

Much of the Picture Gorge Basalt is apparently coeval with the middle part of the Grande Ronde Basalt, as judged by the interfingering of the two formations (Cockerham and Bentley, 1973; Nathan and Fruchter, 1974) and reconnaissance magnetostratigraphic work (Bentley and Swanson, 1977) ... The Picture Gorge crops out only in and surrounding the John Day Basin in north-central Oregon, ... Possibly the ancestral Blue Mountains uplift kept most flows from spreading northward out of the basin. The formation is at least 800 m thick; ... The Picture Gorge contains aphyric to highly plagioclase-phyric flows with compositions falling into a broad field known as Picture Gorge chemical type (Wright and others, 1973). ... The formation can be subdivided into three informal units based on field characteristics and magnetic polarity, according to R.D.Bentley (Swanson and others, 1979a). ...

Grande Ronde Basalt

The Grande Ronde Basalt is the oldest formation of the Yakima Basalt Subgroup and the most voluminous and areally extensive formation in the entire Columbia River Basalt Group, underlying most of the Columbia Plateau with an estimated volume of more than 150,000 cubic kilometers. Its thickness varies widely depending on underlying topography; the thickest preserved section exceeds 1000 meters in drill holes in the Pasco Basin, and sections 500-700 m thick occur in the Blue Mountains and other uplifted or deeply incised areas. Most flows in the formation are very sparsely plagioclase-phyric to essentially aphyric, although a few of the oldest flows in and near the Lewiston Basin contain abundant large plagioclase phenocrysts. Major element compositions fall in a broad range termed Grande Ronde chemical type. Flows having different compositions within this range are interleaved throughout the section, although flows of high-Mg type rather consistently overlie flows of low-Mg type in the western part of the plateau. The Grande Ronde Basalt is subdivided into four magnetostratigraphic units on the basis of magnetic polarity (Swanson and Wright, 1976b; Swanson and others, 1979b); these units provide the only useful subdivisions of the formation on a plateau-wide basis. Feeder dikes occur throughout the eastern half of the plateau and are apparently not confined to distinct swarms as formerly thought (Waters, 1961). The Grande Ronde conformably overlies the Imnaha Basalt, intertongues with the Picture Gorge Basalt, and conformably underlies and locally interfingers with the Wanapum Basalt. Commonly a thick soil and, locally, weakly lithified clastic sediments occur on top of the Grande Ronde; they indicate a significant time break, although probably no longer than a few tens of thousands of years judging from the local interbedded relations between the Grande Ronde and Wanapum Basalts in southeast Washington. ...

Wanapum Basalt

The Wanapum Basalt is the most extensive formation exposed at the surface of the Columbia Plateau but is much less voluminous than the Grande Ronde, probably having a volume of less than 10,000 cubic kilometers. On a local scale, the Wanapum conformably overlies the Grande Ronde, except for minor erosional unconformities or interbedded relations. On a regional scale, however, the Wanapum overlies progressively older basalt from the center toward the eastern margin of the plateau. Such onlap is not apparent along the northern and western margins, however. These relations suggest that the plateau had tilted westward before Wanapum time.

The oldest member of the Wanapum Basalt, the Eckler Mountain Member, occurs in the Blue Mountains and adjoining foothills of southeast Washington and northeast Oregon (Swanson and others, 1979b, 1980). ...

The Frenchman Springs Member overlies and locally interfingers with the Eckler Mountain Member and crops out widely in the central and western parts of the plateau. Its volume is probably 3000 to 5000 cubic kilometers. Generally three to six flows, in places as many as ten, occur in any one section. Flows were erupted from north-northwest-trending dikes extending through the Walla Walla area of southwest Washington (Swanson and Wright 1978; Swanson and others, 1979b, 1980). Highly porphyritic flows near Soap Lake at the southern end of Grande Coulee may have erupted along the northward extension of the known feeder system. Most flows of the Frenchman Springs Member contain rare to abundant glomerocrysts of plagioclase, although some are aphyric and indistinguishable in the field from some flows of Grande Ronde Basalt. The member has a high FeO and TiO2 composition known as Frenchman Springs chemical type. ... The Frenchman Springs is overlain by the Roza Member.

The Roza Member, a highly plagioclase-phyric unit with a volume of about 1500 cubic kilometers, is well known ... The member was erupted from a linear vent system more than 165 m long in the eastern part of the plateau. The Roza consists principally of two cooling units, although more thin units occur near the vent system. The composition of the Roza is similar to that of the Frenchman Springs Member although on the average slightly richer in MgO. ...

The Priest Rapids Member overlies the Roza Member and is the youngest basalt throughout most of the northern part of the Columbia Plateau. The member occurs as far soutwest as the Columbia Gorge. All known feeder dikes are confined to the far eastern end of the province. Several dikes occur near Orofino, Idaho and along Slate Creek about 16 kilometers east of Freedom, Idaho (Taubeneck and others, 1977; Camp, 1979) and probably vents are located near Emida, Idaho, and in Palouse, Washington. Other vents presumably exist in northern Idaho, as intracanyon flows of the member occur far up the ancestral St. Joe River valley. The estimated volume of the Priest Rapids is 2000-3000 cubic kilometers. In and near Spokane, flows of the Priest Rapids Member fill valleys as much as 100 m deep ... The Priest Rapids Member contains magnetically reversed flows of two distinctly different compositions, a very high FeO and TiO2 type (Rosalia chemical type) and a high MgO type (Lolo chemical type). The flows of Rosalia chemical type are found throughout most of the extent of the member and are consistently older than those of Lolo chemical type, which are confined to the southern two-thirds of the member's outcrop area. A few thin flows of different compositions occur near vent areas in northern Idaho and adjacent Washington. ...

Saddle Mountains Basalt

This formation, the youngest in the Columbia River Basalt Group, is about 13.5 to 6 million years old and contains flows erupted sporadically during a period of waning volcanism, deformation, canyon cutting, and development of thick but local sedimentary deposits between flows. The Saddle Mountains Basalt has a volume of only about 3000 cubic kilometers, less than one percent of the total volume of basalt, yet contains by far the greatest chemical and isotopic diversity of any formation in the group.

The Umatilla Member is the oldest and one of the most extensive members in the formation. It occurs in extreme southeast Washington and northwest Oregon (The Troy and Lewiston basins and Uniontown Plateau) (Price, 1977; Ross, 1978; Swanson and others, 1980); vent areas and a feeder dike occur in the Puffer Butte area (Price, 1977). Remnants of the Umatilla fill a broad shallow paleovalley leading from the Troy basin across the present-day Blue Mountains in northern Oregon to the Milton-Freewater area, where the flow spread out of the paleovalley as a sheet flood covering much of south-central Washington (Swanson and Wright, 1978; Swanson and others, 1979a). Lava was channelled along some canyons eroded during post-Wanapum time in the western part of the Columbia Plateau, as along the Yakima Ridge (Bentley in Swanson and others, 1979a). The distribution of the Umatilla provides the earliest evidence for extensive erosion and canyon-cutting of the Columbia River Basalt Group on the Columbia Plateau, although erosion of basalt was substantial in the Columbia Gorge before Priest Rapids time (Beeson and Moran, 1979). The Umatilla has an unusual chemical composition characterized by lower contents of CaO and MgO and higher contents of Na2O, K2O, and incompatible trace elements than most other flows in the group. The content of Ba is 2000 ppm or more, sufficient alone to identify the member. ...

The Wilbur Creek Member and the overlying Asotin Member, distinctly different flows but possibly chemically related, were apparently erupted in the Clearwater embayment of Idaho. From there, the flows advanced down valleys and gorges leading from the Uniontown Plateau to the central part of the Columbia Plateau; remnants of the valley-filling flows occur east and west of lower Cow Creek, near Warden and Othello, and elsewhere (Swanson and others, 1980). The flows crossed the northern part of the Pasco Basin (Myers and Price, 1979) and moved down a canyon along Yakima Ridge possibly as far west as Yakima (Bentley, 1979a). The flows overlie quartzitic gravel of extra-plateau derivation along Yakima Ridge and trace a westward course of the ancestral Columbia River from the Pasco Basin to Yakima. The Wilbur Creek has a major element composition similar to that of the intermediate-Mg Grande Ronde chemical type, and the Asotin is similar to the basalt of Robinette Mountain (Wanapum Basalt/Eckler Mountain Member); however, trace element compositions easily discriminate the flows.

The Weissenfels Ridge Member overlies the Asotin Member and contains several flows confined mainly to the Lewiston Basin and presumably erupted there. ...

The Esquatzel Member occurs as isolated remnants of an intercanyon flow along an just north of the modern Snake River upstream from Devils Canyon (Swanson and others, 1980). It apparently was erupted within the ancestral Snake drainage, flowed downcanyon, and entered the ancestral Columbia River valley in the central part of the plateau. The Esquatzel then flowed along Yakima Ridge in a course similar to that of the Wilbur Creek and Asotin Members. The Esquatzel is distinguished petrographically by irregularly distributed phenocrysts and clots of strongly zoned plagioclase and clinopyroxene. It major element composition can be confused with some low-TiO2 flows of the Frenchman Springs Member of the Wanapum Basalt, but its trace element composition is distinctive ...

The Pomona Member ... occurs across the province from the Clearwater embayment in Idaho to southwest Washington near the coastline ... a distance of about 500 kilometers. The member, probably consisting of only one flow, was apparently erupted about 12 million years ago in the Clearwater embayment; V.E.Camp (1979a) located feeder dikes northeast of Orofino, Idaho, for a flow probably correlative with the Pomona. It flowed out of the embayment down an ancestral Snake River canyon, virtually coincident with the modern canyon, the to central plateau, where it spread out as a broad sheet covering much of south-central Washington and extreme north-central Oregon. The member advanced along the ancestral Columbia River westward along Yakima Ridge to the site of Yakima. It can readily be traced as far west as Mosier, Oregon, in the Columbia Gorge. From there, its pathway to soutwest Washington is unclear, but it presumably followed an ancestral Columbia drainage system much as earlier flows did. Peperite and invasive flows formed along the margin of the flow where it plowed into sediments, and a fused vitric tuff underlies the flow in many other places (Schmincke, 1967c). The Pomona, with a volume of more than 600 cubic kilometers, is one of the most voluminous single flows in the group. It has a distinctive chemical composition and petrography (Schmincke, 1967b) and represents one of the best markers on the Columbia Plateau. ...

The Elephant Mountain Member was probably erupted in part from a dike mapped by Ross (1978) in the Troy basin of northeast Oregon, where it is known as the Wenaha flow of Walker (1973b). Flows of the member advanced down the ancestral Snake River canyon as the Pomona Member had done about 1.5 million years earlier. The flows spread outward from the mouth of the canyon near Mesa, Washington, and covered much of south-central Washington, in many places capping volcaniclastic debris that had been erupted in the Cascades, carried eastward by rivers, lahars, and winds, and deposited on the Pomona Member. Recent mapping has defined the west and southwest margin of the member along a line extending approximately southward from Yakima to the Horse Heaven Plateau (Swanson and others, 1979a). The Elephant Mountain consists of several flows, all chemically similar, of normal and transitional magnetic polarity. Its major element composition is similar to that of Rosalia chemical types except for lower P2O5, but its trace element content is distinct. ...

The Buford Member, a single magnetically reversed flow 20-30 meters thick, is the youngest known basalt on the plateau surface of extreme southeast Washington and northeast Oregon, where it is confined and presumably was erupted. Its major-element composition shows distinctly higher light REE contents.

The Ice Harbor Member, dated as about 8.5 million years old (McKee and others, 1977), was erupted from the central part of the Columbia Plateau, where dikes and remnants of vent areas have been recognized. The last previous eruptions from the central part of the plateau were those of the Frenchman Springs Member, about 6 million years before the Ice Harbor volcanism. Most flows are confined to the area of venting, but at least one flow spread westward to the Richland area and southwestward to Wallula Gap. The Ice Harbor Member can be subdivided into three readily mappable units of different compositions. ... The Ice Harbor vent system is about 90 kilometers long and has strong aeromagnetic expression (Swanson and others, 1979c).

The Lower Monumental Member, about 6 million years old, is the youngest member in the Saddle Mountains Basalt. It is confined to the modern Snake River Canyon between Devils Canyon and Asotin, Washington, a distance of about 150 kilometers. Its source was presumably near Asotin or farther east ... Its chemical composition is similar to Lolo chemical type, although slightly higher in alkalies and markedly higher in light REE. ...

Physical Characteristics of Flows

Flows within the Grande Ronde, Wanapum, and Saddle Mountains Basalts range from a few tens of centimeters to more than 100 m thick, averaging 30-40 m. The thick flows generally record ponding in pre-basalt valleys, in structurally controlled basins that developed during volcanism, or in narrow canyons eroded into older flows; such intracanyon flows are common only in the Saddle Mountains Basalt. Even the thinner flows generally show evidence of having ponded. This evidence consists of the columnar-jointed nature of the basalt. Such columns can apparently form only under static cooling conditions; their development therefore implies that the lava had ponded. What impounded the lava can rarely be determined. Natural levees several meters high have been observed in places and probably account for most of the ponding. Elsewhere, flows could have pinched out agains opposed topographic slopes. ...

The upper surface of a flow is rarely exposed in plan view. Where seen, the surface is rather flat, smooth, filamented, and locally ropy -- surface features characteristic of lava ponds at Kilauea. The surface of a flow with a rubbly upper zone is rough, has a relief of as much as 6 m, and otherwise appears unlike typical surfaces of ponded flows.

Many flows entered water and formed pillows. Recent studies (Jones, 1968; Moore, 1975) have demonstrated conclusively that pillows are nothing more than the subaqueous equivalent of pahoehoe toes. Many of the pillowed flows occur near the margin of the plateau as it existed at the time of eruption, apparently because lakes were formed as flows ponded rivers draining from marginal highlands. Other pillowed flows are much more extensive, perhaps signifying entry into shallow lakes standing on the plateau surface. One such extensive flow, in the Priest Rapids Member, is pillowed throughout an area of tens of square kilometers in the Cheney-Palouse scabland southwest of Spokane.

In places, lava deltas (Fuller, 1931; Moore and others, 1973) formed as lava poured into shallow lakes and ponded streams. The direction of dip of foreset "bedding" defined by elongate pillows and thin sheet flows in the lava deltas indicates the local flow direction of the lava. Particularly good examples of lava deltas can be seen near Malden south of Spokane (Griggs, 1976), near the mouth of Moses Coulee (Fuller, 1931), and at the mouth of Sand Hollow south of Vantage. ...

Feeder Dikes, Vent Systems, and Eruption

One of the major results of recent mapping has been identification of sources for most stratigraphic units and even single flows. ... The feeder dikes average about 8 m wide but vary from a few centimeters to more than 60 m. They may tend to thin upward but this is far from certain. The dikes generally trend north to north-northwest. They cannot be traced far along strike, in part because of exposure problems. Obviously related dike segments, offset a few meters to form an en echelon pattern, form systems extending tens of kilometers. Compound or multiple dikes, consisting of two or more pulses of magma related to the same intrusive event, are common, but composite dikes, containing two or more phases of contrasting compositions, have not been reported. In other words, each fissure was used just once, not repeatedly.

The chance of finding a dike connecting with a flow it fed is small, owing to problems of exposure. Nonetheless, several dikes have been found displaying such a connection. The top of most such dikes is rubbly, apparently consisting of slabs of crust once floating on a flow before it poured back into the fissure. ...

Many other dikes can be inferred to correlate with particular flows, or at least sequences of flows, on the basis of chemical composition and magnetic polarity. In this way, feeders have been identified for most of the named stratigraphic units.

The shape and extent of vent systems for specific flows or related sequences of flows can be reconstructed from the locations of feeder dikes, thick piles of degassed flows (presumably near their vent), abundant collapsed pahoehoe (Swanson, 1973), and accumulations of basaltic tephra (in places occurring in still recognizable spatter cones and ramparts). Such reconstructions show that eruptions of single flows or related flows took place from fissures concentrated in long, narrow vent systems on the order of tens of kilometers long and several kilometers wide (Swanson and others, 1975, and later work).

Vent systems for the Grande Ronde Basalt are distributed across the eastern half to two-thirds of the Columbia Plateau, but those for other units are more restricted (Swanson and Wright, 1979). For example, feeder dikes for the Picture Gorge Basalt are confined within the John Day Basin and neighboring areas, those for the Frenchman Springs Member within a zone 60 kilometers wide and probably more than 200 kilometers long, and those for the Ice Harbor Member within a zone 15 kilometers wide and about 90 kilometers long. On a still finer scale, vent systems for specific flows are nearly linear, as they occur along single dikes or closely spaced related dikes. Examples are the vent system for the Roza Member (probably less than 5 kilometers wide and now known to be more than 165 kilometers long (Swanson and others, 1975; Hooper, 1978)), the basalt of Robinette Mountain in the Eckler Mountain Member (a single dike extending at least 25 kilometers across the Blue Mountains), the basalt of Basin City in the Ice Harbor Member (possibly a single dike at least 50 kilometers long), and several chemically distinct flows in the Grande Ronde Basalt (Wright and Swanson, 1978). ...

Chemical Petrology of the Yakima Basalt Subgroup

Invasive Flows

References Cited

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