Annual Statistical Supplement, 2012


Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits Withheld

Table 6.E1 Number and percentage distribution of retired workers with benefits withheld, with and without reduction for early retirement, by sex and monthly benefit, December 2011
Sex and monthly benefit (dollars) Total With reduction for early retirement Without reduction for early retirement
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All retired workers 226,580 100.0 172,304 100.0 54,276 100.0
Less than 350.00 55,194 24.4 40,228 23.4 14,966 27.6
350.00–399.90 4,069 1.8 3,196 1.9 873 1.6
400.00–449.90 6,187 2.7 2,817 1.6 3,370 6.2
450.00–499.90 4,112 1.8 2,706 1.6 1,406 2.6
500.00–549.90 4,817 2.1 3,462 2.0 1,355 2.5
550.00–599.90 6,046 2.7 4,592 2.7 1,454 2.7
600.00–649.90 6,894 3.0 4,912 2.9 1,982 3.7
650.00–699.90 6,796 3.0 5,025 2.9 1,771 3.3
700.00–749.90 7,334 3.2 5,377 3.1 1,957 3.6
750.00–799.90 7,064 3.1 5,459 3.2 1,605 3.0
800.00–849.90 7,135 3.2 5,499 3.2 1,636 3.0
850.00–899.90 6,808 3.0 5,399 3.1 1,409 2.6
900.00–949.90 6,424 2.8 5,076 3.0 1,348 2.5
950.00–999.90 6,180 2.7 4,908 2.9 1,272 2.3
1,000.00–1,049.90 5,933 2.6 4,718 2.7 1,215 2.2
1,050.00–1,099.90 5,710 2.5 4,584 2.7 1,126 2.1
1,100.00–1,149.90 5,534 2.4 4,454 2.6 1,080 2.0
1,150.00–1,199.90 5,193 2.3 4,218 2.5 975 1.8
1,200.00–1,249.90 4,837 2.1 4,029 2.3 808 1.5
1,250.00–1,299.90 4,694 2.1 3,904 2.3 790 1.5
1,300.00–1,349.90 4,189 1.9 3,492 2.0 697 1.3
1,350.00–1,399.90 3,933 1.7 3,332 1.9 601 1.1
1,400.00–1,449.90 3,645 1.6 3,100 1.8 545 1.0
1,450.00–1,499.90 4,328 1.9 3,805 2.2 523 1.0
1,500.00 or more 43,524 19.2 34,012 19.7 9,512 17.5
Men 132,610 100.0 97,154 100.0 35,456 100.0
Less than 350.00 24,012 18.1 17,602 18.1 6,410 18.1
350.00–399.90 2,332 1.8 1,844 1.9 488 1.4
400.00–449.90 4,050 3.1 1,610 1.7 2,440 6.9
450.00–499.90 2,604 2.0 1,574 1.6 1,030 2.9
500.00–549.90 2,971 2.2 1,960 2.0 1,011 2.9
550.00–599.90 3,559 2.7 2,507 2.6 1,052 3.0
600.00–649.90 3,915 3.0 2,521 2.6 1,394 3.9
650.00–699.90 3,630 2.7 2,382 2.5 1,248 3.5
700.00–749.90 3,874 2.9 2,474 2.6 1,400 4.0
750.00–799.90 3,405 2.6 2,272 2.3 1,133 3.2
800.00–849.90 3,365 2.5 2,267 2.3 1,098 3.1
850.00–899.90 3,251 2.5 2,246 2.3 1,005 2.8
900.00–949.90 3,093 2.3 2,167 2.2 926 2.6
950.00–999.90 3,264 2.5 2,355 2.4 909 2.6
1,000.00–1,049.90 3,163 2.4 2,305 2.4 858 2.4
1,050.00–1,099.90 3,113 2.4 2,328 2.4 785 2.2
1,100.00–1,149.90 3,190 2.4 2,446 2.5 744 2.1
1,150.00–1,199.90 3,150 2.4 2,484 2.6 666 1.9
1,200.00–1,249.90 3,037 2.3 2,462 2.5 575 1.6
1,250.00–1,299.90 2,976 2.2 2,423 2.5 553 1.6
1,300.00–1,349.90 2,738 2.1 2,265 2.3 473 1.3
1,350.00–1,399.90 2,595 2.0 2,178 2.2 417 1.2
1,400.00–1,449.90 2,498 1.9 2,106 2.2 392 1.1
1,450.00–1,499.90 3,080 2.3 2,702 2.8 378 1.1
1,500.00 or more 35,745 27.0 27,674 28.5 8,071 22.8
Women 93,970 100.0 75,150 100.0 18,820 100.0
Less than 350.00 31,182 33.2 22,626 30.1 8,556 45.5
350.00–399.90 1,737 1.9 1,352 1.8 385 2.1
400.00–449.90 2,137 2.3 1,207 1.6 930 4.9
450.00–499.90 1,508 1.6 1,132 1.5 376 2.0
500.00–549.90 1,846 2.0 1,502 2.0 344 1.8
550.00–599.90 2,487 2.7 2,085 2.8 402 2.1
600.00–649.90 2,979 3.2 2,391 3.2 588 3.1
650.00–699.90 3,166 3.4 2,643 3.5 523 2.8
700.00–749.90 3,460 3.7 2,903 3.9 557 3.0
750.00–799.90 3,659 3.9 3,187 4.2 472 2.5
800.00–849.90 3,770 4.0 3,232 4.3 538 2.9
850.00–899.90 3,557 3.8 3,153 4.2 404 2.2
900.00–949.90 3,331 3.5 2,909 3.9 422 2.2
950.00–999.90 2,916 3.1 2,553 3.4 363 1.9
1,000.00–1,049.90 2,770 3.0 2,413 3.2 357 1.9
1,050.00–1,099.90 2,597 2.8 2,256 3.0 341 1.8
1,100.00–1,149.90 2,344 2.5 2,008 2.7 336 1.8
1,150.00–1,199.90 2,043 2.2 1,734 2.3 309 1.6
1,200.00–1,249.90 1,800 1.9 1,567 2.1 233 1.2
1,250.00–1,299.90 1,718 1.8 1,481 2.0 237 1.3
1,300.00–1,349.90 1,451 1.5 1,227 1.6 224 1.2
1,350.00–1,399.90 1,338 1.4 1,154 1.5 184 1.0
1,400.00–1,449.90 1,147 1.2 994 1.3 153 0.8
1,450.00–1,499.90 1,248 1.3 1,103 1.5 145 0.8
1,500.00 or more 7,779 8.3 6,338 8.4 1,441 7.7
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of rounded components.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 6.E4 Number of beneficiaries with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2011
Reason payment withheld Total, all beneficiaries Retired workers Disabled workers Wives and husbands Children Widowed mothers and fathers Widow(er)s Parents
Subtotal Wives Husbands
Subtotal Men Women Without children a With children b
Total 2,362,075 226,580 132,610 93,970 128,243 374,347 256,119 39,561 78,667 704,677 45,795 881,820 613
Earnings of—  
Retired workers 88,003 82,813 46,970 35,843 . . . 3,086 2,705 221 160 2,104 . . . . . . . . .
Disabled beneficiaries (substantial gainful activity) 39,907 . . . . . . . . . 27,962 577 47 508 22 11,252 . . . 116 . . .
Other beneficiaries 61,724 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,137 1,128 19,890 2,119 61 24,778 13,748 . . .
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 23,558 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,522 . . . 9,865 657 . . . 13,036 . . . . . .
Payee not determined 8,883 689 351 338 1,580 48 42 4 2 6,213 2 350 1
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 35,774 10,003 5,032 4,971 7,444 2,095 1,240 762 93 12,170 1,041 3,021 . . .
Address unknown 86,301 29,507 17,673 11,834 14,440 2,619 1,851 395 373 26,924 342 12,414 55
Determination of continuing disability pending 5,789 . . . . . . . . . 3,672 56 . . . 53 3 2,042 . . . 19 . . .
Imprisoned or confined 68,679 12,400 11,930 470 44,204 438 56 207 175 10,715 279 643 . . .
Workers' compensation offset 10,011 . . . . . . . . . 3,491 504 98 393 13 6,016 . . . . . . . . .
Government pension offset 421,752 . . . . . . . . . . . . 267,627 198,376 67 69,184 . . . 87 154,038 . . .
Technical entitlement 1,301,791 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,060 24,878 5,056 3,126 595,287 1,956 671,381 107
Other reasons 209,903 91,168 50,654 40,514 25,450 30,578 25,698 2,140 2,740 31,893 4,274 26,090 450
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Aged 62 or older.
b. Under age 65 with entitled children in their care.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 6.E5 Number of wives, husbands, and children with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2011
Reason payment withheld Wives and husbands of— Children under age 18 of— Disabled adult children of— Students aged 18–19 of—
Retired workers Disabled workers Retired workers Deceased workers Disabled workers Retired workers Deceased workers Disabled workers Retired workers Deceased workers Disabled workers
Total 328,705 45,642 29,106 44,657 340,672 120,557 110,587 49,093 1,471 2,441 6,093
Earnings of—  
Retired workers 3,086 . . . 1,597 . . . . . . 417 . . . . . . 90 . . . . . .
Disabled beneficiaries (substantial gainful activity) . . . 577 . . . . . . 9,732 284 515 655 . . . . . . 66
Other beneficiaries 5,214 17,923 21 17 17 . . . . . . . . . 3 1 2
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 1,544 8,978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Payee not determined 44 4 288 2,226 2,513 179 855 117 3 14 18
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 1,288 807 501 2,494 7,830 359 550 135 22 114 165
Address unknown 2,219 400 1,398 5,446 14,605 790 3,413 774 51 227 220
Determination of continuing disability pending . . . 56 . . . . . . 1,218 134 466 213 . . . . . . 11
Imprisoned or confined 186 252 38 173 177 1,407 7,010 1,865 3 17 25
Workers' compensation offset . . . 504 . . . . . . 5,700 . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . 140
Government pension offset 262,705 4,922 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technical entitlement 23,447 9,613 21,723 25,998 286,767 115,497 94,322 42,759 1,239 1,855 5,127
Other reasons 28,972 1,606 3,540 8,303 12,113 1,490 3,456 2,399 60 213 319
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or