U.S. Department of Commerce

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I purchase the Schedule B?

The CD-ROM, U.S. Exports Commodity Classification: 2006 can be ordered through the Census Bureau Catalog.  The product ID is C1-F06-SCHB-12-US1. This will be the last CD-ROM to be released; however, try our online version (below).

The print version, Schedule B: Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported From the United States, 2002 Edition, can be purchased from the Government Printing Office (GPO) Bookstore. The stock number of the publication is 903-009-00000-4. This item includes the full publication that was printed in 2002, as well as every Public Bulletin, or annual update, through the length of the subscription.

The online version of the Schedule B is always available free of charge at http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/schedules/b/.


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