Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package Data Recovery

Chairs: Lynn Lewis and Gregory Schmidt

The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) experiments on the Moon’s surface returned a wide variety of scientific data that is essential to further exploration and characterization of the lunar surface. This focus group has found data that are being brought to light for the first time in 4 decades, and which will greatly enhance the scientific archives for all lunar scientists.

Lunar Space Biology/Astrobiology

Chairs: Cary Mitchell and Brad Bailey

The Moon’s surface allows us to examine the impact history of the inner Solar System and the solar radiation flux over time, both of which are important to the understanding of evolution on Earth. Additionally, studies of the biological interaction with the lunar surface is crucial to designing long-duration, sustainable habitats.

Lunar Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma

Chairs: Mihaly Horanyi and William Farrell

Understanding the dust and plasma environment on and near the surface of the Moon will allow us to better define requirements for surface operations, dust mitigation and radiation protection.

South Pole-Aitken Basin

Chair: Noah Petro

The South Pole-Aitken (SPA) Basin is the largest known impact basin in the Solar System. With a diameter of 2500 km, SPA provides great scientific potential for extracting native lunar mantle material and determining bulk lunar composition.

Lunar Bombardment

Chair: William Bottke

The Moon’s surface has recorded and preserved the impact history of the inner Solar System since the Moon’s formation. Studies of the impact record can give valuable insights into the ultimate evolution of the Solar System.

Lunar Commerce

Chair: Bruce Pittman

Continued exploration and scientific research produces emerging markets and new opportunities to expand human commerce to the Moon. Efforts spawned from the Google Lunar X-Prize offer significant new opportunities for the lunar science community.

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Did you know?

Water ice and other frozen volatiles are to be found in many shadowed craters near the lunar poles.

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