• Welcome to Dexter Elementary School
  • Where we learn from the past to create our own future. 
  • Our Continuous School Improvement Goals are: 
  1. Goal 1:  All students will improve their ability to communicate mathematical ideas across the curriculum. 
  2. Goal 2:  All students will improve reading comprehension across the curriculum. 


Home of the Dexter Eagles

  • Mailing Address
  • 99 Yeager Avenue
  • Fort Benning, GA 31905
  • Principal: Dr. Ronald Knight
  • Phone: (706) 545-3424
  • Fax: (706) 545-9106

School Improvement

At Dexter Elementary all stakeholders are committed to the continuous school improvement process.  Continuous School Improvement or CSI is a dynamic effort constantly requiring attention and revision. It is a continued evolution toward accreditation and a powerful tool we use to drive effective practices in support of student learning.  It is standards based with comprehensive quality statements that describe conditions that are necessary for schools to achieve quality student performance and organizational effectiveness.  It characterizes how schools should operate to promote a culture of continuous learning with engaged leaders, staff and students.
These are the five CSI Standards and their quality statements:

  1.  Vision and Purpose:  The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
  2. Governance and Leadership:  The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. 
  3. Teaching and Assessing for Learning:  The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.
  4. Resources and Support Systems:  The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students.
  5. Using Results for Continuous Improvement:  The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement. 


Dexter Vision Statement:

Dexter School – where we learn from the past to create our own future

Dexter Mission Statement:
Dexter School provides a safe and supportive learning environment enabling military children to develop to their fullest potential. We offer all students the opportunity to achieve the skills and confidence necessary to develop into independent thinkers – capable of creating a vision for their future.  

DoDEA Mission Statement:
To provide an Exemplary Education that Inspires and Prepares All DoDEA Students for Success in a Dynamic, Global Environment.

This We Believe

  • We believe in a shared vision.
  • We believe that children should be active participants in their own learning.
  • We believe that critical thinkers work cooperatively and independently in society.
  • We believe that parental and community support is critical to student achievement.
  • We believe in a safe and orderly school environment.
  • We believe in supporting an environment that is both appreciative and tolerant of diversity in a rapidly changing society.

School Improvement Goals:

Goal Statement #1: Math Communication
All students at Dexter Elementary School will improve in mathematical communication, the ability to use mathematical vocabulary, models, diagrams and pictures to communicate mathematical thinking as measured by Terra Nova 3rd Edition NCE and NPR, and Problem Solving Pre and Post test.

Math Communication Essence:

Students will be able to use mathematical vocabulary, models, diagrams and pictures to communicate mathematical thinking.

Goal Statement #2: Reading Comprehension
All students at Dexter Elementary School will improve reading comprehension, the ability to extend meaning by making connections between text and self, text and other texts, and text and the environment as measured by Terra Nova 3rd Edition, Multiple Assessments NCE, Reading Multiple Assessments with open ended resonses, BAS, and SRI.

Reading Comprehension Essence:

At Dexter School reading comprehension is extending meaning by making connections between text and self, text and other texts, and text and the environment.

Read the complete Dexter School Improvement Plan for Math and for Reading

Read the Dexter SAR 2010 (Standards Assessment Report)

Learn about DoDEA's Community Strategic Plan

Learn about AdvancED and the Accreditation Process

Dexter Elementary Accreditation Standards

Standard Two Newsletter




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