Last modified on: Monday, August 29, 2011 14:29



In recent years, there has been a major increase in the number and complexity of all hazard incidents resulting in unprecedented demands on Forest Service employees and our partners in emergency response.  Our contributions have been recognized as critical in responding to all types of emergencies and disasters, and our employees have proven their perseverance and capabilities through trying circumstances.

All hazard response presents some of the most difficult and complex management challenges that our agency faces. Potential incidents include hurricanes, floods, animal disease outbreaks, terrorist attacks, and search and rescue operations. Examples of assigned tasks for agency personnel may include management of logistical distribution centers, staging areas, base camps for emergency responders, clearing roadways, law enforcement and security duties and support for wildfire or structural fire suppression.

Policy and procedures are being developed at the national level to guide decision-making and our agency’s overall role and responsibility as a partner in support of the National Response Framework (NRF). (See Chief’s Memo of 05/31/06 tab above.) 

This website contains a library of historical information and processes developed from all hazard incidents, and reflects lessons learned and best practices based on actual experiences.

Purpose and Need: 

  • Provide Leaders’ Intent and clarify roles, responsibilities and delegated authorities for all hazard response.
  • Consolidate program direction and procedural information to guide all pertinent areas for all hazard responses.
  • Inform incoming resources, and local resources including line officers and their employees, to the overall organization and operating procedures.

Target Audience:

  • Primary:  Personnel supporting an AHR effort who need to understand the procedures, protocols and organization.  Examples:  Incident Management Teams (IMTs), Area Command Teams (ACTs), Emergency Support Function Number 4 (ESF4) staff, Buying Teams, Safety Teams, and coordination and mobilization center staff.
  • Secondary:  Cooperating entities nationally or in other Geographic Areas.

This website, the “All Hazard Response Guide”, applies to situations where Forest Service and its cooperators are activated in response to a Mission Assignment (MA) from FEMA and or other National Response Framework partners.  The Forest Service is the lead agency representing fire management agencies in coordinating and staffing to fulfill Emergency Support Function number 4 (ESF4) responsibilities at National, Regional, and/or local locations, except in Alaska. 

This website is organized into sections (listed on the right side), beginning with an overview of Concept of Operations, Organization and Coordination, followed by sections specific to functional areas which support all hazard responses.  Each section has tabs at the top of each page for an overview, reference documents, and common questions and answers.