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U. S. Coast Guard Mariner Credentialing Program
Your Opinion Matters!
The U. S. Coast Guard National Maritime Center (NMC) is committed to providing you with excellent service. Please help us improve our processes by commenting on the services you received. Your feedback will be used to guide our efforts to improve our services and processes. All information will be kept confidential. Please click the 'Submit' button in the lower right-hand corner when you have completed the form.

(*) Denotes required information.

Please describe the nature of your business with the NMC (Please check all that apply):
(*) Denotes required categories.
Application Submission Method (*)
In Person
By Mail
By Electronic Means
Credential Application Type (*)
Officer Endorsement
Rating Endorsement
STCW Endorsement
Staff Officer Endorsement
  Transaction Type Requested (*)
Raise of Grade
Modification or Increase of Scope
Document of Continuity

Please indicate your level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the statements below:
(If the statement is "NOT APPLICABLE", please select "NA".)
I feel that the overall service received fully satisfied my needs.
The NMC website provided accurate information and was easy to navigate.
The information and forms received provided sufficient guidance and were easy to use.
Based on information available to me, I was able to submit a complete application package.
The NMC customer service center staff were professional and able to address my questions promptly.
The correspondence, e-mails, and telephone calls that I received were accurate regarding my application and professional in nature.
The Regional Examination Center (REC) staff were professional and able to assist with my application processing questions.
The REC examination facilities were suitable for testing and the appropriate materials were available.
The examinations were appropriate to the credential for which I applied.
I was kept sufficiently informed as to the processing status of my application using the Coast Guard's Homeport website and/or receipt of system generated e-mail notifications.
The time to process my application and issue my credential met my expectations.
The credential I received was accurate and in good physical condition.

If you would like to provide additional comments regarding your experience, please email: IASKNMC@USCG.MIL

The Coast Guard estimates that the average burden for this report is 7.5 minutes. You may submit any comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate or any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Commanding Officer, United States Coast Guard, National Maritime Center, 100 Forbes Drive, Martinsburg, WV 25404 or Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1625-0080), Washington, DC 20503.
Thank You!
For the latest information on mariner credentialing visit our web site at http://www.uscg.mil/nmc.
The National Maritime Center is an ISO 9001:2008 Compliant Organization.

OMB: 1625-0080 / Expires: 06/30/2014