Training and Outreach


ALCF conducts workshops and tutorials to train new users, help scale existing projects, and introduce new techniques to experienced users. ALCF conducts informal surveys throughout the year at these workshops, and also during user and welcome calls and through e-mail queries, to establish interest and determine specific agenda items. ALCF workshops and tutorials are effective and generally well-attended, with attendees giving positive feedback.

2013 Workshop Schedule

Outreach at ALCF

A key part of the LCF outreach mission is to promote our user community’s research activities and scientific breakthroughs, and the unique resources and capabilities of the facility itself. For the general public, LCF staff produces interesting science summaries and program descriptions, conducts facility tours, and participates in Laboratory open houses. For our users, we organize and host expert-guided hands-on workshops on the latest tools, computational resources, and services we provide in support of scientific discovery.

An equally important outreach effort is our leadership and participation in events aimed at promoting diversity at the ALCF. We advertise a wide range of professional opportunities—from summer internships to computational scientist positions—to underrepresented minority colleges and organizations, participate in ‘Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day,’ and attend the annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference series.