02xx/26xx MOS Descriptions
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CI/HUMINT specialist are created by lateral move from any MOS. They are involved in all facets of planning and conducting CI and human intelligence operations and activities. CI activities are concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat of friendly forces posed by hostile intelligence organizations, or by persons engaged in espionage, sabotage, subversion or terrorism. HUMINT activities are designed to obtain intelligence information using human beings as both sources and collectors, where the human being is the primary collection instrument. CI/HUMINT specialist are expected to possess a working knowledge of the organization, operations, and techniques employed by foreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations. They conduct human intelligence operations to collect information of intelligence value for the commander. They collect information/intelligence by means of interrogation, debriefing, and screening. A specific percentage of 0211s will undergo language training. Qualified CI/HUMINT specialist use foreign language skills or interpreters to conduct CI/HUMINT activities and exploit foreign language documents and recordings. In addition to knowing a foreign country's language, they are familiar with the area, the customs and traditions of its people, and the infrastructure of a foreign force. In support of these functions, CI/HUMINT specialists utilize automated databases, interview/interrogation techniques, liaison, specialized CI techniques, technical support measures, intelligence/investigative photography, reporting-writing techniques and other capabilities as required to accomplish the mission. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM).  This is applicable to the Reserves.
Intelligence specialists are familiar with the phases and facets of intelligence operations. Typical duties of intelligence specialists involve the collection, recording, analysis, processing, and dissemination of information/intelligence. The intelligence specialist, depending on his/her rank, may supervise intelligence sections of commands up to and including MEF. Intelligence specialist who have a DLAB of 100 may be eligible to attend language training at the Defense Language Institute of Monterey, CA. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the CMC (MM).
MOS 0241, Imagery Analysis Specialist are accessed by Lateral move from any MOS. They process and anlayze imagery gathered by various sensor platforms to derive intelligence. They use photogrammetric skills to assist the commander in accurate target acquisition and perform reconnaissance intelligence derived by the imagery analyst is used in updating military intelligence databases at national, theater, and organic level. Imagery analysis products include Battle Damage Assessment (BDA). Order of Battle (OOB), Lines of Communication (LOC) surveys. Helicopter Landing Zone  (HLZ, coastal landing beaches, Expeditionary Airfields, Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) studies and target identificaiton.
MOS 0261, Geographic Intelligence Specialist is an entry level primary MOS. Geographic intelligence specialist collect, anlayze, and process geophysical data. They p erform precision ground control survey operations to provide the positional data required for various weapons delivery and C3 systems, construct and revise military maps and charts, conduct geogetic, toptographic, and hydrogaphic survey operations, and analyze terrain and hydrography as a functional aspect of military intelligence. Equipment utilized includes survey and mapping instrumentation such as the theoodolites, electric and satellite positioning equipment, and microcomputer based mapping equipment.
Special Communications Signals Collection Operator/Analyst exploit every phase of communications to include the intercept and analysis of electronic communications signals along with digital network systems. Additional skills include planning, coordinating and determing logistical requirements for setting up operational antenna fields; and the installation, operation, and preventive maintenance of associated equipment/facilities. Operators must perform communications electronic signals search missions, record the intercept of signals  using electronic means, measure, classify, and evaluate the signals. Operators must be familiar with communications intercept receivers, specialized computer hardware and software programs, and wideband converters in the process of collecting, recording, anlayzing, support computerized network operations missions, and reporting on a wide variety of intercepted communications signals. Secondary duties and tasks involve aspects of transmission security (TRANSEC), communications security (COMSEC), and direction-finding (DF) operations. Additionally, Marines assigned MOS 2621 will receive training in such MOS related requirements as power supply operations, equipment prime mover operations, and vehicle maintenance procedures. Prior to, or in conjunction with being promoted to sergeant, Marines will receive formal schooling in signals/traffic analysis and reporting procedures. The duties and task for MOS 2621 increase at the rank of sergeant and above to encompass communications intelligence analysis and product reporting along with supervisory tasks and functions. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM).
Intelligence Chiefs assist and advise the AC/S, G-2 concerning the operation of the intelligence sections. Their responsibilities are to ensure efficient operation of the intelligence section of supervising, instructing, and assisting section personnel in the performance of their duties. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM).
ELINT intercept operators/analysis duties encompass all facets of ELINT transmissions intercept and analysis including installation, operation, and preventive maintenance of associsted equipment Operators must perform electronic signals search missions, record the intercept of signals using electronic means, and measure, classify, and evaluate the signal. Operators perform signals analysis, prepare electronic order of battle appraisals, and map overlays as required. They may also operate the Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing and Evaluation Systems (TERPES), to include systems setup, operations reporting, computer processing of tape recordings, issuing necessary EW reports, assisting in air crew training/briefings, and performing routine preventive maintenance as required. Operators are trained in the use of the Integrated Broadcast Receiver/Systems and GALE-Lite. Prior to advancement to master sergeant (MOS 2691) opportunties are provided for ELINT operators/analyst to attend supervisory-level courses in preparation for management/leadership assignments. This MOS will be assigned and voided on by authority of the CMC (MM).
Special intelligence communicators' duties encompass all aspects of special intelligence communications including the utilization of equipment. Special intelligence communications duties include support to: special compartment intelligence computerized network transmissions, network adminstration, cryptologic security, computer network defense, conducting preventive maintenance of assigned area network equipment and circuit connectivity, the transmission and receiving of special intelligence via the Defense Special Security Communications (DSSCS), and the Defense Messaging System (DMS). Communicators also maintain files, log special intelligence communications related publications and perform other operational and administrative tasks. Additionally, Marines assigned this MOS will receive training in MOS related requirements including unit unique computer security systems, the operation of power supply, equipment prime mover (truck), and operator vehicle maintenance procedures. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM).
Cryptologic linguists monitor, transcribe, and translate intercepted target communications; perform analysis and exploitation of designated foreign communications; and install, operate, and perform preventative  maintenance of intercept equipment. Following basic qualification as a Linguist (MOS 2711-2728). Marines attend a specialized course of instruction and upon completion are assigned the appropriate MOS. Secondary duties and tasks include aspects of EW/COMSEC and direction-finding operations. In addition, Marines assigned MOS 2671 receive MOJT in such MOS related requirements as power supply operation, equipment prime mover (truck) operation, and vehicle maintenance procedures. Intermediate and advanced language training is available. Prior to, or in conjunction with being promoted to staff sergeant, Marines will receive Traffic Analysis training (formal school or MOJT). DoD has stated a career goal for  professional linguist of achieving interagency Language Roundtable "General Professional Proficiency" (Level-3) in those modalities (listening, reading and/or speaking required to perform his or her p rimary function. Cryptologic Linguists are encouraged to take advantage of language training events in order to achieve this goal. Prior to advancement to master sergeant (2691), opportunities are provided for linguists to attend supervisory-level courses in preparation for management/leadership assignments. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM).
Cryptologic linguists monitor, transcribe, and translate intercepted target communications; perform analysis and exploitation of designed foreign communications; and install, operate, and perform preventive maintenance of intercept equipment. Following basic qualification as a linguist (MOS 2754-2769), Marines attend a specialized course of instruction and upon completion are assigned to appropriate MOS. Secondary duties and tasks include aspects of EW/COMSEC and direction-fiding operations. In addition, Marines assigned MOS 2674 receive MOJT in such MOS-related requirements as power supply operation, equipment prime mover (truck) operation, and vehicle maintenance procedures. Intermediate and advanced language training is available. Prior to, or in conjunction with being promoted to staff sergeant, Marines will receive Traffic Analysis training (formal school or MOJT). DoD has stated a career goal for professional linguist of achieving interagency Language Roundtable "General Processional proficiency" (Level-3) in those modalities (listening, reading and or speaking required to perform his or her primary function. Cryptologic Linguists are encouraged to take advantage of language training events in order to achieve this goal. Prior to advancement to master sergeant (2691), opportunities are provided for linguists to attend supervisory-level courses in preparation for management / leadership assignments. This MOS will be assigned and vioded only by the authority of the CMC (MM).
Cryptologic linguists monitor, transcribe, and translate intercepted target communications; perform analysis and exploitation of designed foreign communications; and install, operate, and perform preventive maintenance of intercept equipment. Following basic qualification as a linguist (2776-2794). Marines attend a specialized course of instruction and upon completion are assigned the appropriate MOS. Secondary duties and tasks include aspects of EW/COMSEC and direction-finding operations. In addition, Marines assigned MOS 2676 receive MOJT in such MOS-related requirements as power supply operaiton, equipment prime mover (truck) operation, and vehicle maintenance procedures. Intermediate and advanced language training is available. Prior to, or in conjunction with being promoted to staff sergeant, Marines will receive Traffic Analysis training (formal school or MOJT) has stated a career goal for professional linguist of achieving interagency Language Roundtable "General professional Proficiency" (Leve -3) in those modalities (listening, reading and/or speaking required to perform his or her primary function. Cryptologic Linguists are encouraged to take advantage of language training events in order to achieve this goal. Prior to advancement ot master sergeant (2691), opportunities are provided for linguists to attend a national level supervisory course in preparation for management/leadership assignments. This MOS will be assigned and voided only buy the authority of the CMC (MM).
Duties of the SIGINT/EW chiefs emcompass management and supervision of collection management, the management/deployment of SIGINT/EW assets, and planning for operations/exercises. SIGINT/EW chiefs also supervise the activities of personnel engaged in performing communications intercept, electronic reconnaissance, radio direction finding, analysis and reporting functions, COMSEC, and other EW roles. They may also be assigned to the intelligence staff of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force, division, or aircraft wing supervising special security and special intelligence support functions. Additionally, they serve in staff billets as operational advisors designed by the commander or cognizant staff officer. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM).
Points of Contact

Intelligence Manpower & Training Branch
Branch Head, Ops & Personnel Branch
02/26 OccField Sponsor
COMM:  703.614.4022 
DSN:  224

  • Deputy, Branch Head
    COMM:  703.614.4005 
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Asst OccField Sponsor
    Company Grade Officers/
    Warrant Officers 0205, 0210
    COMM:  703.614.3489
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Foreign Language Officer
    COMM:  703.614.3938
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • SIGINT OccField Manager/
    Warrant Officers 2602
    COMM:  703-614-3763
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Intelligence Chiefs/
    0291 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  571.256.1994
    DSN:  260
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0211 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0231 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0241, 0261 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 26xx OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.3981
    DSN: 224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 267x OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.6561
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Training Chief
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSNL  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Reserves
    HQMC IMA Detachment Sponsor
    COMM:  703.614.7631
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Intelligence Operations Personnel
    COMM:  703.614.3657
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)