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Fire Program Analysis (FPA)

In 2002, Fire Program Analysis (FPA) was initiated in response to a Congressional request that together the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture develop a budget and allocation process for the wildland fire management programs. FPA is that process.  

At a national level, FPA provides:  

  • fire managers a common interagency process for strategic fire management program analysis, planning and budget formulation
  • opportunities to evaluate relative trade-offs in alternative fire management strategies
  • fire management objectives and performance measures for prevention, preparedness and hazardous fuels and suppression activities
  • a strategic trade-off analysis tool that allows decision makers to investigate the implications of different investment choices; and
  • an opportunity to examine tradeoffs and determines interagency (interdepartmental) program priorities.

This information will be used to exhibit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress the effects of the recommended changes on the national wildland fire management program.   

Under the FPA Charter updated in October 2010, the FPA Oversight Group (OG) is the interagency group designated to direct the future of FPA. The OG is responsible for further development and improvement of a sophisticated decision support system. FPA will be used as a tool at the national level by the DOI firefighting bureaus (BLM, BIA, FWS and NPS) and the USDA Forest Service when evaluating different alternatives to develop budgets and allocate funds (for example, by activity, Department, agency/bureau, fuel type, region, geographic area, etc.) and to show what the results and trade-offs or consequences might be.

FPA Points of Contact:FPA Logo

Jeff Whitney, Executive Director
Christie Wiley, Communication Specialist
Jaymee Fojtik, DOI/FPA Business Lead
Craig Thompson, GIS Specialist
Bill Johnson, FPA Fire Management Specialist/Bureau Liaison
Ryan Elliot, FPA Fire Management Specialist (Detail)