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How to Build a FLYING SAUCER

by ncarmichael on September 20, 2012

Aero Sys Div, 1969 (RG 342 UD-UP 138; NND 63253; Boxes 35 and 58)

By Michael Rhodes

Recently declassified records from the Aeronautical Systems Division, USAF (RG 342 – Records of United States Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations) reveal some surprising, perhaps never-before-seen images:


USAF Project 1794

The above illustration was discovered in the pages of a document titled “Project 1794, Final Development Summary Report” (d.1956) The caption reads “USAF Project 1794”. However, the Air Force had contracted the work out to a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Limited in Ontario, to construct the disk-shaped craft. According to the same report, it was designed to be a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) plane designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4, with a ceiling of over 100,000 feet, and a range of over 1,000 nautical miles.



Fig 1 Cutaway of Aircraft Structure

Fig 2 Cutaway of Aircraft Structure

Curiously, these pictures bear a strong resemblance to ‘flying saucers’ in popular science fiction films made during the years these reports were created: 1956 and 1957.


“Some good thoughts come from solitude” | NixoNARA September 21, 2012 at 1:08 pm

[...] and at the National Declassification Center’s blog.  (Speaking of the latter, I enjoyed the latest post by Michael [...]

Karen Finnegan September 28, 2012 at 3:37 pm

Interesting post! It’s great that these documents are now available to the public. This may show that life is stranger than fiction.

Linda September 28, 2012 at 4:14 pm

That was quite a price tag back then. Was this project ever started?

Don Hague Reply:

The Avro flying saucer was constructed and tested at Malton Ontario. It was a subsonic saucer although there were plans to build a supersonic one that were never followed through on. During testing it was found to be underpowered and unstable. I witnessed the Avro test pilot, who also flew Avro’s supersonic Arrow CF-105, trying to control it in tethered flight. It was like a dropped plate trying to spin on its edge, almost completely out of control. Later in free flight it could only fly a few feet off the ground and had trouble flying across ditches. The saucer was stored in the military museum at Ft Eustass last time I saw it. Desspite aall thiss the saaucer was a Top Secret project for many years

MJB Reply:

The instability would most likely not be a problem in a modern fly-by-wire implementation.

Don Hague Reply:

Quite probably so. The Avro Arrow used a fly by wire system to reduce gust loads in high speed flight in the late fifties by actively controlling pitch. The long pitot tube in its nose sent signals back to the elevators to ameliorate gust loadings. Very advanced for its time but not appreciated by the Diefenbaker government. They preffered Bomarcs with sand war-heads

Tom Reply:

My dad worked as an mechanical engineer on this design until the project was cancelled by the USAF. Before he passed away recently he said ‘the guys’ also built a mach 2+ aircraft during the same time period. I tend to believe this was why they kept this program and the guys who worked on it tight lipped for so long. This was being built during the mid to late 50′s at what folks call the height of the cold war which would account for the USAF wanting to keep a mach 2 capability ‘off the radar screen’.

Don Hague Reply:

Correct that aircraft was the Avro Arrow twin jet two man intercepter carrying 8 submerged misssiles in its weapons bay. Seven flew, 27 were in various stages of construction, several almost complete, when it was cancelled. All jigs, aircraft and models were chopped up within weeks except for a display model and a stainless steel supersonic drag model which I managed to rescue.

Chuck Reply:

The project was started but a catastrophic engin failure in testing forced the project to be scaled back. It resulted in a much smaller craft known as the “Avro Car”. The Avro Car did fly buy was under powered and could never get out of ground effect (just a foot or two off the ground) The project was canceled.

John Peterson Reply:

It was also dog *** slow and couldn’t maneuver worth it’s salt.

ncarmichael October 2, 2012 at 7:29 am

That was quite a price tag back then. Was this project ever started?

Thank you for sending your comment and question. “Air Force Project 1794″, from what the records in this series (AERO SYS DIV, 1969: RG 342, UD-UP 138) document, was at least in the initial phases of research and development. That much we know.

However, the images here are from selected reports in just two boxes of this collection. The entire series is available for historians to research.

Eestorblog October 5, 2012 at 11:18 pm

This is fairly astonishing information given all of the controversy surrounding sightings of objects described by these documents.

Why has our govt not leveled with us on such an innocuous topic as a failed 60yr old science project?

The twilight zone theme should be echoing in your head.

Don’t worry though, no one will ask any interesting questions. The weaklings at Wired certainly won’t. Look how anxious they were to post this article with apparently no attempt at a govt comment.

I don’t believe in conspiracies. I believe people are too lazy to inquire.

Matej October 6, 2012 at 5:28 am

I wish it is scanned online… In fact this is very interesting aircraft called Silver Bug or project Y2.

US Gov Declassifies Flying Saucer Plans | Whales In Space October 6, 2012 at 2:59 pm

[...] a September 20th post on the Nation Archive Blog, entitled How to Build a FLYING SAUCER, by Michael Rhodes, reveals details of the US Air Forces plans to build a flying saucer from [...]

Declassified: Air Force plans for a flying saucer » Any Problem? in Any News? October 6, 2012 at 3:16 pm

[...] National Archives blog post presents images from the Avro report, as seen in the gallery below. The company stated that Project [...]

Declassified: Air Force plans for a flying saucer [] | . October 6, 2012 at 3:22 pm

[...] National Archives blog post presents images from the Avro report, as seen in the gallery below. The company stated that Project [...]

Declassified: Air Force plans for a flying saucer | Hi-Tech Centre October 6, 2012 at 4:20 pm

[...] National Archives blog post presents images from the Avro report, as seen in the gallery below. The company stated that Project [...]

Desclasifican finalmente planes de la fuerza aérea de EUA de producir platillos voladores October 6, 2012 at 4:43 pm

[...] Los National Archives hicieron públicos hace poco una serie de dibujos de naves que la Fuerza Aérea de EUA quería diseñar en la década de los 50. [...]

Business Smart Mobile October 6, 2012 at 4:46 pm

[...] a supersonic fighter aircraft whose production was abruptly halted in 1959. A National Archives blog post presents images from the Avro report, as seen in the gallery below. The company stated that Project [...]

Declassified: Air Force plans for a flying saucer | DVD IPAD October 6, 2012 at 5:42 pm

[...] Inhabitant Archives blog post presents images from the Avro report, as seen [...]

Techno Vision – Declassified: Air Force plans for a flying saucer October 6, 2012 at 6:03 pm

[...] National Archives blog post presents images from the Avro report, as seen in the gallery below. The company stated that Project [...]

The NEW Hollow Earth Insider » Declassified at Last: Air Force’s Supersonic Flying Saucer Schematics & More October 6, 2012 at 7:23 pm

[...] aliens have never existed but flying saucers very nearly did. The National Archives has recentlypublished never-before-seen schematics and details of a 1950s military venture, called Project 1794, which [...]

This Is the Supersonic Flying Saucer the US Air Force Tried to Build [Past Perfect] | Efinditnow October 6, 2012 at 10:58 pm

[...] with pictures of USAF-branded flying saucers on them. Surely that’s worth something, right? [National Archive Blogs via [...]

Ron F October 6, 2012 at 11:11 pm

Look up the Avro aerocar project. It was too heavy and underpowered to get up out of ground effect.

There was a secret follow on project at Avro which cancelled when the Avrocar failed.

It was an another extraordinary leap by Canadian industry but the reach exceeded the grasp.

Larry October 7, 2012 at 2:13 am

How does one get access to the records?? Are they available on DVD??

ncarmichael Reply:

You can find the inforamtion here. and search under 6920770 (the ARC ID number) to locate the Item-level ARC description. Click to download the report. No, the documents are not on DVD.

Ryan October 7, 2012 at 2:20 am

How does one obtain access to “the entire series”?

ncarmichael Reply:

You can find the information here… and search under 6920770 (the ARC ID number) to locate the Item-level ARC description. Click to download the report.

Project Blue Book October 7, 2012 at 2:05 pm

This is a wonderful example of disinfo.

This is fanciful balderdash pseudo-science aka Popular Mechanics circa 1955. If in fact it was ever created at that time. I cannot imagine ANY air force pilot or General thinking this was remotely worth our time given the Russians were actively working on a space program. That’s where you would’ve put your energy – in U2 and SR 71s and strategic bombers, nuke submarines and ICBMs around the Iron Curtain, not childish cartoons like this.

This ‘scam-matic’ could never actually fly. There’s absolutely nothing here that is remotely logical. However, if during the 1950s you wanted to provide “evidence” that the govt was working on new fangled craft to explain to a population scared about increasing UFO sightings, this is the type of nonsense you’d foist on the public. Just look at the rivets on this thing. Mach 4 and ceiling of 100,000′ and above? Really? Nonsense. This thing would’ve overheated and turned the cockpit into a pressure cooker. Take a look at the SR 71. Notice how FAR the cockpit is from the engines? The pilots would’ve been incinerated if they sat directly atop them. Also, it took 2 16 cylinder Buick car engines just to start its jet engines. And the Blackbird had to be refueled mid flight b/c it burned so much fuel getting off the ground. This lunatic machine would’ve not been able to take off on its own. It would’ve had to have been dropped from a B52 bomber from an already high altitude. But given its size and weight that would’ve been impossible in those days.

At >Mach 4 this thing would’ve melted and/or ripped the aluminum panels completely off the fuselage. Moreover, what protection would the pilots have at that altitude? How long could it survive there? What was it’s range? Gasoline capacity? How did it insure that it’s fuel didn’t combust? And btw, once it was airborne what was it’s mission? What function did this stupid thing serve relative to the resources it would’ve siphoned off the space program or air force. During the 1950s a lot of the space program was run out of the air force so that must’ve been a question.

Also, I love those stupid porthole windows. how did they know that those were the optimal sizes? Why 3 windows? Why circles? Why so big? Everything about this contraption screams imbecilic lie.

Paul Roberts Reply:

While it might seem so wild as to infer a conpsiracy of some sort, the AVRO CAnada work int eh 50s and 60s on lenticular aircraft was quite real and was taken to a realtively advanced pre-prototype phase (for the supersonic aircraft) or prototype phase (for the Avrocar) before cancellation.

There were real hopes that this would work and there was enough engineering and science that indicated it might work for both countries to be interestind in funding the work.

The pure saucer design was the initial starting point and as you say, it would have had problems. It was developed quite a bit further.

Take a look at:


Zelong Reply:

I second your graceful statement, “This is a wonderful example of disinfo.” I started reading this thinking great some answers….
There is just noway this could of flown It’s all mixed up like it was pot luck after a hurricane sucked up a parts yard. My first thought was this would inhale itself and choke. The physics of the craft would suit more as a Sea-Craft(not the engine) to stabilize. It looks like the engine thrust used around the edge ‘Flight Control Shutters’ is just wrong. The surface of an object traveling at Mach-5 can reach 1000°C add about 1800 °C from the thrust outlets and you see a blub. These facts are from 2009, not known back in 1957(me neither). I’m no rocket scientist so simply I say the designers knew the massive forces involved with those engines as children did playing with fireworks it would go round and round alright.
This does look very convenient for the time but there’s No Similarity’s we can not compare the sightings of UFOs back in 1950′s as this prototype/diagram couldn’t fly.

Robert Hughey October 7, 2012 at 3:56 pm

This is incredibly interesting, so I take it that we’re saying this is an actual record of a vehicle that wasn’t ever produced? Or was it produced?

My blog on the Latest UFO Sightings>/a>

Robert Hughey October 7, 2012 at 3:57 pm

This is incredibly interesting, so I take it that we’re saying this is an actual record of a vehicle that wasn’t ever produced? Or was it produced?

My blog on the Latest UFO Sightings

Harry Eckel October 7, 2012 at 8:22 pm

I was stationed at Edwards AFB, Ca and did some work on a flying saucer. A local farmer and inventor who lived between the Air Force base and Landcaster was working on the outer body/fuslage which I helped in the construction. I never did see any propulsion unit. I was transferred to Germany in early 1957 and never knew if the project was ever completed or if the Air Force was backing the construction.

US Air Force's flying saucer plans declassified – October 8, 2012 at 1:49 am

[...] Recently declassified documents reveal that the US Air Force was working on a flying saucer-like craft in 1956. “Project 1794″ was in research and development at the USAF’s Aeronautical Systems Division, and was contracted out to Canadian company Avro Aircraft Limited. The craft was designed to be a vertical take-off and landing plane that used propulsion jets to steer, and could reach a top speed between Mach 3 and Mach 4, with a ceiling of over 100,000 feet and a range of about 1,000 nautical miles. The Project 1794, Final Development Summary Report reveals that the project was going well, and would “provide a much superior performance to that estimated at the start of contract negotiations.” [...]

Darcy October 8, 2012 at 2:12 am

Why don’t you provide the document you reference? I can’t seem to find it anywhere and people are now referencing this article as fact. Without being able to fact check or read this document itself, I have a hard time taking your remarks as in this article as fact.

The US Air Force Releases Cold War Schematics On How To Build A Flying Saucer October 8, 2012 at 8:51 am

[...] reportedly never accomplished its goals, languished for a few years and was scrapped in 1960. National Archives Declassified at Last: Air Force's Supersonic Flying Saucer Schematics | Danger Room | [...]

Von wegen außerirdisch: USA baute Ufo October 8, 2012 at 9:43 am

[...] blieb das Projekt 1794 wie auch das Avrocar hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Statt der 30 Kilometer schafften diese [...]

Flying Saucers, Flying Data, Lasers and More—BitList « Great Ideas in Science and Technology (GIST) October 8, 2012 at 10:39 am

[...] National Archives released information this week about the Air Force’s 1950s work on a flying saucer. It was born out of Cold War fears and would have been built by a Canadian [...]

Mark October 8, 2012 at 11:03 am

So how does one get a copy of these reports?

ncarmichael Reply:

You can visit the following and request the documents.

Eugene Summers October 8, 2012 at 12:13 pm

Great find! Avro did end up making a similar saucer craft, the Avrocar; Google it and you’ll see numerous images and video.

Messy Nessy Chic Declassified! US Airforce's 1950s Flying Saucers October 8, 2012 at 12:52 pm

[...] went and plagiarized their quirky style of air travel in the 1950s (not very successfully).Recently declassified records from the Aeronautical Systems Division of the US Air Force reveal the details of “Project [...]

The US Air Force’s Plan To Build a Flying Saucer – Military News | Military News October 8, 2012 at 12:52 pm

[...] a September blog post, the United States National Archives recently released schematic drawings of the nearly-flying saucer. The new drawings join other existing schemata, including a tear-down [...]

Life On Line: 7 October 2012 | STARpod US October 8, 2012 at 12:53 pm

[...] A U.S. Government National Archives blogpost reveals a document titled “Project 1794, Final Development Summary Report” (d.1956) The caption reads “USAF Project 1794”. However, the Air Force had contracted the work out to a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Limited in Ontario, to construct the disk-shaped craft. According to the same report, it was designed to be a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) plane designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4, with a ceiling of over 100,000 feet, and a range of over 1,000 nautical miles. [...]

Messy Nessy Chic Declassified! US Airforce's 1950s Flying Saucers October 8, 2012 at 12:58 pm

[...] went and plagiarized their quirky style of air travel in the 1950s (not very successfully).Recently declassified records dated June 1956 from the Aeronautical Systems Division of the US Air Force reveal the details of [...]

Declassified Documents Show Air Force Was Working On UFOs | O-I Newswire October 8, 2012 at 1:00 pm

[...] flying saucer as recently declassified documents show the Air Force was working on their own UFOs. The National Archives has the scoop on Project 1794. The project was spearheaded by the US Air Force to create a flying [...]

David October 8, 2012 at 1:58 pm

looks very similar in design philosophy to the ‘avrocar’ that was designed and built by the same company. Unfortunately that program was cancelled as the vehicle could not even break out of ground effect, just a few in height. Google avrocar for pics and video.

USAF Declassifies Bizarre Flying Saucer Schematics – Strike Fighter Consulting Inc. – Experimental Aircraft Pose Piloting Challenges October 8, 2012 at 2:14 pm

[...] USAF recently declassified Cold War-era documents detailing their plan to construct an actual flying saucer. And it’s not just a normal plane [...]


[...] United States government recently declassified files regarding a project in the 1950s to build a working, supersonic flying saucer that could have potentially reached speeds [...]

US military’s plans for flying saucers explained in declassified documents – Rise of the Right October 8, 2012 at 3:21 pm

[...] published by a US National Archives give new information about a qualification consecrated by a US atmosphere force, that if successfully grown would have achieved speeds of 2,600mph and flown during around [...]

Douglas October 8, 2012 at 4:16 pm

How does one go about researching the collection?

ncarmichael Reply:

You may go to or

cite the above records information.

Declassified: US Air Force's Flying Saucer Schematics – Andys Roms October 8, 2012 at 5:58 pm

[...] to build flying saucers. As in UFOs. A collection of recently declassified files discovered at the National Archives, including schematic diagrams and project development documents, show a disc-shaped aircraft [...]

Lee Roy Sanders Jr October 9, 2012 at 6:19 am

In what year was this explained? It is old and not complete. In that is the truth. There was no money involved and no nation made it. Jets exist and no need to build it. No greater purpose for it even though it could be built no one wanted to.

dmitryko October 9, 2012 at 6:37 am

Rodney October 9, 2012 at 12:02 pm

At Ft Eustess Va. in 1968, there was a saucer shaped aircraft on display. A book in the library had details on the craft stating it had flown limited missions. When pointed out that the book was marked confidential, it was immediately removed and the book rebound with the pages missing concerning the saucer craft. The following day the saucer craft was removed from the public display.

Don Hague Reply:

I saw the Avro flying saucer in the Ft Eustass military museum during the seventies, at the time I was studying helicopter air-to-air combat capabilites with the US Army. It brought back a lot of memories of Avro Aircraft in the late fifties. Sorry to here they have removed it from display

Elmer Frombach October 9, 2012 at 12:40 pm

What I find interesting about the release of Project 1794 and it’s alleged abandonment as a viable project are the two following items: If you do your research and locate a book by Benning from 1954 called: “The Handbook of the Planets.” you will notice that the back page contains that same picture of a “Planned Aircraft of the Boeing Corporation”. On April 15th, 1952 a similar craft exploded over a Seattle City Light substation on 4th and Spokane Street. Later, in the 1960′s, a full sized craft was seen flying over Tierra Del Fuego that looked like both the 1794 aircraft and the proposed design from the book I quoted. Failed Project?

Cold War ‘flying saucer’ was clumsy Air Force hover vehicle – Military News | Military News October 9, 2012 at 12:58 pm

[...] 1794, Final Development Summary Report” — a 1956 document recently uncovered by the National Archives that describes a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft capable of hovering at ground level [...]

Kevin October 9, 2012 at 2:06 pm

Michael Rhodes: I could tell when this document was declassified and where could watch it online? Thanks.

Dean Palmer October 9, 2012 at 2:48 pm

Probably in an effort to debunk UFO “sightings” during the Project Bluebook days, the Air Force needed something for people to actually see. Since the military always would know where the vehicle was (intentionally) flying, they could then make observers in the area out to be incompetent by hiding the aircraft shortly after a sighting was made. All part of debunking UFOs by ‘planting’ misinformation. Even credible witnesses could be made out to look like fools.

Flying Saucers Almost Happened « News « Esoterica Etc. October 9, 2012 at 2:59 pm

[...] venture, named Project 1794, was funded by the U.S Air Force, and a Canadian company which is now no more. Perhaps this [...]

Rick James October 9, 2012 at 3:51 pm

It’s just funny that 1000 of people see this exact craft every year……

Toda la verdad sobre el “platillo estrellado” en Canadá | Diario NEA – Noticias Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones y Formosa October 9, 2012 at 4:35 pm

[...] semana la modorra de la ufología se ha vuelto a sacudir con el hallazgo de unos planos liberados por el Archivo Nacional de los EE.UU. sobre el llamado Proyecto 1794, también conocido como Proyecto “Y”, Silver Bug o [...]

Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans October 9, 2012 at 5:00 pm

[...] the memo that’s dated from 1956, it reveals that they wanted to have the saucer reach speeds between Mach 3 and Mach 4, have a [...]

Cold War ‘Flying Saucer’ Was a Clumsy Air Force Hover Vehicle | incomestarters October 9, 2012 at 5:12 pm

[...] 1794, Final Development Summary Report” — a 1956 request recently unclosed by a National Archives that describes a straight takeoff and alighting (VTOL) aircraft able of hovering during belligerent [...]

Wil October 9, 2012 at 5:21 pm

Check out There is one example and it gives some history. I know it’s there as I saw it today.

Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans | October 9, 2012 at 5:36 pm

[...] the memo that’s dated from 1956, it reveals that they wanted to have the saucer reach speeds between Mach 3 and Mach 4, have a [...]

Declassified Plans For The Air Force To Build A Flying Saucer | Giant Freakin Robot October 9, 2012 at 5:40 pm

[...] military project “Project 1794,” and its specifications were made known by the National Declassification Center. According to the files: It is concluded that the stabilization and control of the aircraft in the [...]

Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans | Kicker 102.5 October 9, 2012 at 6:41 pm

[...] the memo that’s dated from 1956, it reveals that they wanted to have the saucer reach speeds between Mach 3 and Mach 4, have a [...]

Declassified Documents Show Air Force Was Working On UFOs – | October 9, 2012 at 9:48 pm

[...] flying saucer as recently declassified documents show the Air Force was working on their own UFOs. The National Archives has the scoop on Project 1794. The project was spearheaded by the US Air Force to create a flying [...]

Gunnar Solvang October 9, 2012 at 11:03 pm

SUPER INFO:Those UFO many people has seen and the goverments around the world who closes the facts about the UFO:s,is because the UFO are not UFO,they are IFO for a long time ago:Identified Flying Objekts and they are ours relatives from the futures.I am an inventor and its why I found out why the goverments wants to hold the people uniformed about the IFO:s.10 of Okt.2012.

Speedy October 9, 2012 at 11:14 pm

From memory, the avro aircar worked once they put a skirt on it, and called it a hovercraft.

Also, the Germans had designs for similar looking craft in the later stages of the war. The disc was spinning blades, powered by vectored thrust from jet/rocket engines. Spinning blades provided lift, vectored thrust provided drive etc.

Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans October 10, 2012 at 8:00 am

[...] the memo that’s dated from 1956, it reveals that they wanted to have the saucer reach speeds between Mach 3 and Mach 4, have a [...]

Futureness » USAF Project 1794 October 10, 2012 at 8:19 am

[...] recently declassified Air Force project from 1956. Via the National Archives. By [...] | EEUU desclasifica los diseños de un platillo volante desarrollados hace 50 años October 10, 2012 at 10:34 am

[...] Fuerza Aérea de EEUU (USAF) ha desclasificado el ‘Project 1794′. En los documentos ahora públicos se muestra el diseño de un OVNI diseñado hace 50 años. De [...]

How Canada almost built a supersonic flying saucer | Sync™ Blog October 10, 2012 at 10:53 am

[...] Systems Division of the United States Air Force shows the schematics for a saucer-shaped aircraft. According to the documents, the saucer had a potential speed of Mach 3 or 4, or between 3,675 and 4,900 km/h. It was to have a [...]

Архивите на САЩ разкриха проект за "бойно НЛО" October 10, 2012 at 11:06 am

[...] дума за публикуван от Националните архиви на САЩ доклад от 1956 г., представящ накратко изводите за нещо, наречено [...]

Declassified: US Air Force’s Flying Saucer Schematics | Alien UFO Sightings October 10, 2012 at 11:16 am

[...] to build flying saucers. As in UFOs. A collection of recently declassified files discovered at the National Archives, including schematic diagrams and project development documents, show a disc-shaped aircraft [...]

Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans – 100.7 KOOL FM October 10, 2012 at 1:06 pm

[...] the memo that’s dated from 1956, it reveals that they wanted to have the saucer reach speeds between Mach 3 and Mach 4, have a [...]

Slideshow: Air Force flying saucer project – Military News | Military News October 10, 2012 at 7:02 pm

[...] declassified documents highlighted in the National Archives blog show that the United States Air Force had a secret project to build a flying [...]

Air Force planned for a flying saucer – Military News | Military News October 10, 2012 at 7:05 pm

[...] to the National Archives blog, the Air Force had contracted the work out to a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Ltd. in Ontario, to [...]

walter adams October 10, 2012 at 10:50 pm

This is the same junk that has been hashed-rehashed-re-re-re-re-hashed for the last fifty years. It looked impresive when I first saw it in 1959, but its getting pretty old now.
Theres nothing and no one out there boys, they would have been here by now.
If we had our hands on a genuine saucer in 1947, why did we spend billions of dollars putting man into space on chemical fueled rockets?
I wasted god knows how much time and energy on this garbage for years and years, don’t do the same.

Mark October 10, 2012 at 10:51 pm

In the late fifties (1958/59), the USAF in conjunction with AVRO Canada, contracted Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical for the metallurgy on classified projects that included both AVRO cars. The Buffalo, NY office was the contact point and a Kaiser metallugist traveled back & forth to Canada for assembly & testing. The AVRO cars were inherently unstable and “bounced off the sides of the hangars” when tested. According to the metallurgist, an improved version was under construction when the contract with Kaiser was cancelled. The following spring/summer, there was an increase in UFO sightings in the western parts of the US. My father, Marshall C. Brown, was that metallurgist, and he often wondered if there was a connection.

Don Hague Reply:

I doubt any connection. The Avro saucer was so badly underpowered it was strictly a low speed ground effect machine unfortunately.

Disco voador? Os EUA tentaram construir um, mas não deu muito certo | Mundo Nerd October 11, 2012 at 2:19 am

[...] Na verdade, de acordo com o pessoal do site WIRED, os EUA inclusive tentaram desenvolver um disco voador supersônico nos anos 50 — batizado de “Project 1794” —, e o projeto detalhado dessa aeronave foi divulgado pelo próprio governo no site National Archives. [...]

【宇宙】最高速度マッハ4! 60年前の「米軍の空飛ぶ円盤」計画、ついに解禁 | 2chまとめアンテナ:ぐるみちゃんねる October 11, 2012 at 6:20 am

[...] 異星人は存在していないかもしれないが、空飛ぶ円盤はほとんど存在していた。 米国の国立公文書記録管理局は最近、米空軍が1950年代に進めていた超音速の 空飛ぶ円盤建造プロジェクト「Project 1794」に関する概略図と詳細を公開した。 [...]

Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans – Classic Country 1280 KSLI October 11, 2012 at 10:15 am

[...] the memo that’s dated from 1956, it reveals that they wanted to have the saucer reach speeds between Mach 3 and Mach 4, have a [...]

DESCLASIFICACION OVNI (USA) | Xeriel October 11, 2012 at 10:49 am

[...] una noticia tremendamente interesante para Ud. estimado lector amante de los OVNI´s. Uno de los Blogs del NDC, utilizados para priorizar y anunciar las recientes publicaciones oficiales en los US [...]

Daniel Wolfskin October 11, 2012 at 2:10 pm

Pure disinformation ***. There’s no new science in that design. Conventional fuel-burning engines pushing air downward with some fans or propellers, inbedded in a disc-like airframe, with a bunch of flaps and orientable noozles to control direction, attitude and orientation. The Harrier and the F-35 does that though they look like jet fighters. Awake me when someone has understood the intimate nature of space-time continuum and found a way to deflect it around an object, thus making it weightless and capable of travelling faster than the speed of light without any relativistic effects.

Proyecto 1794: el platillo volante 'made in USA' que nunca llegó a volar | magonia – Blog October 11, 2012 at 2:38 pm

[...] la fabricación de una aeronave supersónica unipersonal con forma de platillo volante, según una entrada en el blog del Centro Nacional de Desclasificación de los Archivos Nacionales de EE UU. En el resumen del documento titulado Project 1794, final development summary report (Proyecto [...]

Disco voador? Os EUA tentaram construir um, mas não deu muito certo « Ferramentas para Blog October 11, 2012 at 3:54 pm

[...] Na verdade, de acordo com o pessoal do site WIRED, os EUA inclusive tentaram desenvolver um disco voador supersônico nos anos 50 — batizado de “Project 1794” —, e o projeto detalhado dessa aeronave foi divulgado pelo próprio governo no site National Archives. [...]

Jean-Claude Chagnon October 11, 2012 at 5:30 pm

I read the engineering brief on the Avrocar when I was employed in the Service department library at Canadair back in the early 60′s. To put it simply, this tghing never got off the ground. The prpulsion system was two turbojet engiines whose exhaust was used to drive a centrally mounted impeller. The impeller being a gyroscope, a mechanical linkage transmitted axial deviations between the body of the craft and the impeller. This was used to adjust impeller pitch ti increase or decrease thrust in order to compensate the tilt. Obviously, no mechanical system could react fast enough and oscillation ensued and the craft would flip over. The project was scrapped long before it reach the Flying Saucer stage.

Ray Rubi October 11, 2012 at 6:50 pm

This proves that the whole Roswell “flying saucer” business was infact a classified USAF project being conducted at the now decommissioned air base there. The USAF were the first to suggest to the local news paper that the crashed saucer may be of extraterrestrial origin as an attempt at misinformation during the Cold War.

Share » US Air Force’s 1950s supersonic flying saucer declassified October 12, 2012 at 8:49 pm

[...] images (two more at the end of the story) come from the US National Archives, which is tasked with preserving important records and documents — including declassified [...]

Jesus San Agustin October 14, 2012 at 1:46 pm

Interesting ! Good job ! ;-)

Image of the Day: How to not build a flying saucer | Electronic News October 14, 2012 at 3:26 pm

[...] and story via [...]

National Archives: USAF Had Plans for Flying Saucer In the 50's? October 18, 2012 at 7:48 pm

[...] it turns out UFOs might not be so far-fetched after all — according to a recent article published by the National Archives, the US Air Force and the now defunct Canadian company, Arvo Aircraft Limited, were developing [...]

cheap bookmarking service October 18, 2012 at 10:28 pm

AlR8nH Thanks again for the article.Much thanks again. Want more.

US Air Force Flying Saucer Dreams Dashed — Air Cache October 18, 2012 at 10:41 pm

[...] Rhodes recently blogged “How to Build a FLYING SAUCER“, about how the United States Air Force had the top-secret Project 1794 back in 1956, to [...]

The Military’s Declassified “Mach 4″ UFO – from 1950! « CYBER ARMS – Computer Security October 20, 2012 at 4:28 pm

[...] De-classified document titled “Project 1794, Final Development Summary Report” on the National Archives Website and some from the Public [...]

EXCLUSIVO: EEUU. Desclasifica desde sus Archivos Nacionales los Planos para Construir un OVNI: Proyecto 1794 « "SOLO QUIEN NO DA LA ESPALDA A LA VERDAD PUEDE ENCONTRARLA" October 22, 2012 at 6:16 pm

[...] de los Blogs del NDC, utilizados para priorizar y anunciar las recientes publicaciones oficiales en los US [...]

Declassified Schematics Reveal The Air Force’s Top-Secret Flying Saucers | FF3300 – Blog November 6, 2012 at 6:05 pm

[...] set of recently declassified schematics from the 1950s, published by the National Archives, remind us that there is some truth to claims that the government has, at one time or another, hid [...]

Dr.Harris Shapiro November 7, 2012 at 11:09 pm

I designed a critical part of the fuel system for the USAF Project 1794 while working for the Aerotec Corp. in Greenwich, Conn. I made several visits to Avro in Toronto during the design and construction phases. It really was a top secret project.




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