Tag Archives: Export

June Trade Data

By: Fay For June 2012, the trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $42.9 billion from $48.0 billion (revised) in May, as imports decreased and exports increased. Exports increased to a record high of $185.0 billion, and imports decreased … Continue reading

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Featured Videos: Registering for and Filing A Shipment Using AESDirect

    These videos are taken from a series of Export Videos produced jointly by the US Census Bureau and International Trade Administration of the US Department of Commerce.  To view a complete list of all our videos, go to … Continue reading

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Understanding Basic Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) License Requirements

By Nidaal Only a small percentage of U.S. exports require a license from a licensing agency. One of these  agencies is the State Department, specifically the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, deals primarily with military items and weapons. If your … Continue reading

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Exporting Software: To file or not to file, Part 1

By Omari The Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) mandates the filing of Electronic Export Information (EEI) in the Automated Export System (AES) for shipments of physical goods. The key word here is “physical.” In order for an item or product to be … Continue reading

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Who is the USPPI Anyway?

By Sean Determining who the USPPI is in an export transaction can be challenging at times. There are five different parties that can be the USPPI. Those parties include: U.S. Seller U.S. Manufacturer U.S. Order Party U.S. Customs Broker Foreign … Continue reading

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How do I get a Schedule B?

By Justin How easy is it to purchase a car? There are so many kinds of cars and options available. First you have to decide whether you want a coupe, sedan, van, or SUV. Then you have to choose between … Continue reading

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April Trade Data Released

The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $40.3 billion in April from $40.0 billion (revised) in March, as exports decreased more than imports.
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Appendices A,D,F, and U: Get to know them better

By Kenny When the AES was created, the programmers wrote a technical but useful document called the AESTIR which stands for the Automated Export System Trade Interface Requirements. It helps us, AES Client Representatives, to assist the trade with technical … Continue reading

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March Trade Data Released

The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $40.4 billion in March from $39.4 billion (revised) in February, as imports increased more than exports. March 2010 exports are up $25.0 billion (20.4%) and imports are up $36.6 billion (24.2%) compared with March 2009.
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Penalties Part 1 – Mitigating Factors

By Omari Subpart H of the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) outlines the penalty provisions for export violations. Potential violations include, but are not limited to, failure to file Electronic Export Information (EEI) in the Automated Export System (AES), submission of … Continue reading

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