Who Imported and Who Exported in 2010?

By: Ryan

It’s that time of the year again, the time to release of the Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies! This year’s release is for 2009-2010. It includes information on importers as well as exporters and it features a new exhibit on small and medium-sized exporting companies (SMEs).

So what’s in the Profile?

Our Profile is built around seven exhibits with multiple data tables on importers, exporters, or both.

If you want to know how many companies export from Maine, the Profile has that.

If you wanted to know how many small sized companies (99 employees or less) are importing from China, as opposed to large or medium sized companies, the Profile has that.

Say that you want to know how much value was exported to only related parties by companies employing between fifty and ninety-nine employees, the Profile has that too!

This report has much more to offer than just the three examples above, so feel free to take a look at the 2009-2010 release.

What’s this new exhibit all about?

Well, if you want to know about small and medium-sized exporters (and who doesn’t these days?), then Exhibit 7 is right up your alley. The new exhibit features exports from SMEs by 3-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. This exhibit is based on each company’s NAICS code, rather than NAICS product codes. For our data, a company’s NAICS code is assigned to the company by the Census Bureau, based on the primary economic activity of that company. On the other hand, product NAICS codes are assigned to each export or import record based on what is reported by the company, and are not determined by the company’s individual NAICS code.

With the addition of Exhibit 7, if you want to know how much value was exported in 2010 by small and medium-sized companies with NAICS 312 (Beverage & Tobacco Product Manufacturing), the Profile now has that.

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11 Responses to Who Imported and Who Exported in 2010?

  1. sayali pol says:

    Thank you . I will visit website USA trade online . interesting that China -USA trade . I will try to write on that , at least study little bit.

  2. Heidi Sheppard says:

    Looks very interesting! I would like to speak with you about it. How can I reach you?

    • Ryan Coleman says:

      Thanks for reading! If you would like to speak with a member of the Profile team, please give us a call at (301) 763-3629.

  3. Debbie Sheffield says:

    Very interesting and great work too! would like to know of those small size companies exporting and importing for South America.
    Thank you.

  4. Samantha Paxton says:

    Interesting information. Questions RE Exhibit 6b: 2009 Exports by State of Origin of Movement.

    -Does this data include service exports, or just merchandise?
    -Does this data include aerospace exports for WA State?
    -Does this data distinguish pass-through commodities (items that originate in one state but are exported from another, and thus are counted as an export for the shipping state)?

    Thank you.

    • Ryan Coleman says:

      Good questions, here’s what I’ve got for you…

      Q: Does this data include service exports, or just merchandise?
      A: The Profile does not include services, just merchandise trade data.

      Q: Does this data include aerospace exports for WA State?
      A: Yes, any merchandise export transaction over the low-value exemption limit of $2,500 is included in the Profile data.

      Q: Does this data distinguish pass-through commodities?
      A: We do not make this distinction because we are at the mercy of the exporter to report the true origin of movement location. We stress to exporters the importance of reporting the location from which the commodity actually began its journey. I actually wrote a blog post in the past on this exact subject, feel free to take a look for more detail: http://globalreach.blogs.census.gov/2010/10/21/where-are-your-goods-from-originally/

  5. Nan says:

    I am browsing this site trying to find iron ore exporters from the U.S. There are magnetite iron ore shipped to China and I want to find the seller of it.

    anyways good website, thanks.


    • Global Reach Daniel says:

      Hi Nan,

      Thank you for your comment. I suggest contacting the International Trade Administration (ITA) for more information on matching sellers with buyers for certain commodities. ITA’s phone number is 1-800-872-8723 or you can visit their website at http://www.ita.doc.gov

  6. Harry Yamsuan says:

    I am doing a study in export commodity, particulary the U.S. Export to the Philippines.
    Is there any site that I can go to check what U.S. product was exported to the Philippines, including the company name?

    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

    • Global Reach Daniel says:

      Hello Harry,

      I would suggest using USA Trade Online which is the official source for U.S. export and import trade statistics, updated monthly the day of release. USA Trade Online gives you access to detailed statistics on the type of commodities exported from the U.S. to the Philippines. If you have questions navigating the site, please contact the Data Dissemination Office at 1-800-549-0595, option 4. Good luck!

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