Monthly Archives: May 2010

Importer Database

By Ryan For those of you who have taken advantage of our Profile of U.S. Exporting Companies, you may have wondered if a Profile of U.S. Importing Companies is available. The answer to that is no, a Profile of U.S. … Continue reading

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A Basket of Cheer

By David N.E.S.O.I.: If you file import or export documentation long enough, you are bound to come across this slightly intimidating acronym in the description of some commodities. It stands for Not Elsewhere Specified or Included. You are probably saying … Continue reading

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What Difference Does a Couple of Cents Make?

By Josephine When reporting the US dollar value of your commodity in the Automated Electronic System (AES) make sure  that you do not report the cents. AES doesn’t accept cents. Foreign Trade Regulation 30.6 (a) 17 states “Report the value … Continue reading

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Help! Who Should I Call?

By Eric You know that feeling when using new software for your computer that you don’t understand or it suddenly freezes: you wait a while, get frustrated, the problem is still there and you just want to throw away the … Continue reading

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March Trade Data Released

The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $40.4 billion in March from $39.4 billion (revised) in February, as imports increased more than exports. March 2010 exports are up $25.0 billion (20.4%) and imports are up $36.6 billion (24.2%) compared with March 2009.
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