Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)

SAND 2011-4994W

HeFl Flow Loop

On March 16, 2011, in

HeFl Flow Loop The EB-1200 and the EB-60 are equipped with a closed helium coolant loop that can operate at a maximum pressure of 4.1 MPa and temperatures as high as 300 °C. Helium mass flow rates as high as 100.0 g/s have been achieved for sample pressure drops near 7 kPa (~1.0 psi) and [...]

PMTF Flow Loop

On March 16, 2011, in

PMTF Flow Loop The PMTF is a Defense Programs DOE Designated User Facility.  This permits ease of access by both large and small businesses throughout the country who are engaged in HHF, heat exchanger and EB-PVD research and research areas such as thermal shock and thermal fatigue of materials, modeling and process control of large-area [...]

EB-1200 Facility

On March 16, 2011, in

EB-1200 Facility The Electron Beam-1200 kW System or EB-1200 is the largest steady-state high heat flux facility in the world fusion program, with 1.2 MW of beam power, can apply high heat fluxes to heated areas from 0.001 m2 to 0.28 m2, and is also a beryllium compatible test system. The EB-1200 has two EH [...]

Electron Beam 60 kW System

On March 16, 2011, in

Electron Beam 60 kW System The Electron Beam 60 kW System (EB-60)  is a multipurpose device for studying the surface modification, thermal response, and failure modes of high heat flux materials and components.  Targets of all shapes varying in size up to 30 cm by 60 cm can be tested.  A large variety of ports [...]

PMTF Research Capabilities

On March 16, 2011, in

PMTF Research Capabilities Research is conducted in the following areas: Modeling of plasma/material behavior and interaction. A fully equipped computer laboratory is housed at the PMTF for analytical and experimental support of high-heat flux experiments.  Thermal hydraulic and thermal stress modeling and fluid flow analysis of experiments are routinely performed using the ABAQUS, PATRAN, Star-CCM+, [...]

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