Intelligence Plans and Policy (IPP) serves as the Intelligence Department focal point for synchronizing Intelligence Department efforts for the Marine Corps Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Enterprise (MCISR-E) and supports tasking to Intelligence Department from Marine Corps entities, the Department of the Navy (DON) staff, Joint Staff, Combat Support Agencies, and the Director of National Intelligence.


Lead for MCISR-E Governance

  • Development, coordinates, and implements the MCISR-E Coordination Plan (MCP).
  • Develop Service-level plans, policies, and strategies for Persistent ISR(PISR), Distributed Common Ground System -- Marine Corps (DCGS-MC) Enterprise, and Intelligence Dissemination and Utilization (IDU).
  • Serve as lead for MCISR-E Roadmap and related documents.
  • Participate in PISR, DCGS-MC, IDU-related Working Groups.
  • Lead semi-annual MCISR-E Operational Advisory Group (OAG) sessions.
  • Assist IP as the Intelligence Proponent to Command Element Advocate Board (CEAB).
  • Support the USMC Intelligence Functional Area Manager (FAM), the DIRINT, and the FAM Lead in accomplishing MCISR-E IT Portfolio Management and Data Standardization efforts.
  • Management and Data Standardization efforts.
  • Coordinate with Marine Corps organizations, the DON staff, Services, Joint Staff, and national organizations for MCISR-E related issues.

Lead for IJ on Marine Corps, Joint Staff and Combat Support

  • Respond to MCATS, Joint Staff, and appropriate CSA tasking regarding Marine Corps Intelligence equities.
  • Provide appropriate Subject Matter Experts to Marine Corps, Joint Staff, and CSA forums, Communities of Interest, Working Groups, and other essential forums.

Intelligence DOTMLPF-P

  • Represent the Marine Corps on appropriate level boards in the Joint Capability Integration Development Systems (JCIDS) process.
  • Develop, coordinate, and review Intelligence-related Doctrine.
  • Oversee intelligence requirements-related validation and material solutions developing the JCIDS, EFDS and Urgent Universal Needs Statement (UUNS) processes.
  • Oversee development of intelligence-related DOTMLP-P Solutions for Ground, Air, and All-Source intelligence issues.
  • Coordinate with HQMC (PPO/POG-40) for reconnaissance and surveillance matters.
  • Coordinate with DC/AVN for Airborne ISR matters.
  • Coordinate FAM matters with HQMC (C4), EIMO, MARCORSYSCOM, DON CIO staff, and MCISR-E organizations.

USD-I, NRO, and DIA Interface

  • Conduct appropriate-level liaison with the USD-I, NRO, and DIA on Marine Corps Intelligence-related issues.
  • Conduct activities necessary to exploit current and planned national system capabilities.
  • Provide tactical impact statements for planned national systems and ensure national level intelligence support to the Marine Corps through participation in national intelligence activities.
Points of Contact

Branch Head, Intelligence Plans & Policy
COMM: 703.693.5424
DSN: 223

  • Deputy, Branch Head
    COMM: 703.614.4426
    DSN: 224
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • Geospatial Analyst
    COMM:  703.697.6563
    DSN:  227
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • Ground ISR Analyst
    COMM:  703.614.2713
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • Intel Officer
    COMM:  703.614.2628
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • TENCAP Support Leader
    COMM:  703.614.4369
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • Intel Specialist
    COMM:  703.693.5423
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • Intel System Architecture
    COMM:  703.693.5419
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • ISR Airborne Plans & Policy
    COMM:  703.614.2377
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • ISR Airborne Specialist
    COMM:  703.571.256.9238
    DSN:  260
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • Joint ISR Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.1208
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • MCISR-E Architecture
    COMM:  703.693.9233
    DSN:  223
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)
  • SharePoint SIte Manager/Webmaster
    COMM:  703.614.2380
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code: IP/IPP)